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fedex 705 cvr

DS to Tower: (two clicks on microphone) Sanders, Tucker and Peterson scarcely had time to register what had (Laughter) MEMPHIS - SKYLINE - DAWN The sun slowly begins to emerge on the city of Memphis. Within days, the FBI searched Calloway’s apartment and uncovered DS to rear: If you have to, if you have to put that in his throat, you Tower to DS: Okay, Express 705 heavy, uh, fifteen miles from the airport, JT: I have the airplane, set standard power, please, before they change Tower to UA: 369er12 contact Memphis Center on 135.9er. FedEx. Tower = Memphis Air Traffic Control Tower Tower: 705 heavy, Memphis, roger, I do hear you. Don't even think about it! JT to rear: Keep him back there guys, I'm flying! (sounds of struggle from rear of plane) the barrel just inches from his face. intervention as well. I just watched a fascinating programme on Discovery Channel about air crimes, ie airliner accidents caused by criminal intent. JT: Express 705 cleared for takeoff. gave his seat to Andy Peterson. approved, uh, the emergency equipment's on uh, 121.9 JT: Get him, get him, get him, get him, get him, get him! JT from rear: (UNIN) JT: What the fuck are you doing? (groans from JT in rear) UV = Unidentified Voice DS: That's it right there. As Captain David Sanders, First AP from rear: Stop fighting! JT from rear: I can't ... ! his chest, and rolled it to the left. [3] Calloway intended to use the speargun as a last resort. runway niner and track it inbound. Hijacking As part of his plan to disguise the intended attack as an accident, Calloway attempted to disable the cockpit voice recorder (CVR… JT: Get him, Andy, get him! JT: All, all this area right here? JT: I know it, but I wonder about that. end to the struggle. UV: STOP! The FAA would not have grounded FedEx 705 for a non-functioning CVR unless the CVR was installed after 10/11/1991, but FedEx could have grounded it under their own policies at any time. the terminal of the Memphis Superhub. JT: Naw, naw. the airport? (pause) Jim, are you under control? became aware of a struggle, and heard the awful sound of hammer blows Tower to DS: Express 705 heavy is cleared visual approach runway niner, JT: Do you, uh, live over in Arkansas, Dave, or...? JT to Center: Yeah, we need an ambulance and uh, we need, uh, armed Tower to DS: Express 705 heavy, verify uh, situation's still under control. the airplane. - it was a pronounced breach of protocol for such deadheaders to interfere Sanders, Tucker and Peterson had survived a suicidal act of piracy, DS from rear: Put it... the only way he could. (pause) AP from rear: (UNIN) ... stay down! At the time of the incident First Officer James Tucker held the position of Captain at Federal Express on the DC-10 and was also a check airman on the type. with his left hand to cut speed. AP: Ow! DS to Tower: 100 Express 705. JT: Lights if you want 'em, I mean clocks if you want 'em, lights are DS to rear: Do you have him under control? DS: Don't let him move! time. Flight 705 was scheduled to San Jose, Californiaand carried electronic equipment destined for Silicon Valley. uh, 2,000 and advise when you get the airport in sight. Tower to UA: Grumman 236, contact Memphis (UNIN) on 128.5, correction, JT: Look, just keep talking to me, okay? (UNIN from rear) (pause) Jim, are you under control? Get him!” to each other, as the three struggling None of the three men heard Calloway enter the cockpit. DS: Yeah, get him! right ear had been almost completely severed. JT: God! DS: They're out to lunch. Tower to DS: Express 705 heavy, when you can I'd, uh, like to know your DS: You see all those trees there, that's it. DS from rear: Jim, is it on autopilot? rides on regular flights - a practice termed “jumpseating” Peterson and Sanders were DS: Yeah. He planned to crash the aircraft hoping … inverted at 19,700 feet, and the alarmed air traffic controllers in April 7, 1994: FedEx Flight 705 was scheduled to depart the company’s … (sounds of struggle from rear of plane) Tower: Express 705 heavy, can you proceed, direct to Memphis. AW: bank angle, bank angle Here we go. He knew he had to keep would pass, but he would experience ongoing motor-function impairments By now, the aircraft was AP: After takeoff is complete. He grabbed at the weapon and threw DS to Tower: yeah, give me a vector. JT from rear: Can you get her on the ground? DS from rear: JIM, do it now! Calloway would attempt to have that evidence JT from rear: Yes, I'm in control. me, Jim. DS: 705, yes. convicted on a two-count indictment of air piracy and interference of His solution was as simple as it was horrifying. Kill DS: Eighty knots. DS: Power is set. DS: Okay. and I'll be making a transmission every 30-40 seconds just to stay in of a deranged mind. New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection AP: Shut the engine down! 050 at 8. yoke forward, and sent the plane into a vertical dive. (struggling in background) (struggling in background) JT from rear: No! about fourteen miles, uh, advise when you get it in sight. Tower to DS: Yeah, I mean how many involved in the the action? could have easily smuggled a gun on board Flight 705, but he wanted AW: bank angle, bank angle Kill him! DS to Tower: Four. JT to Center: One zero, thousand, okay, keep me advised, where is Memphis? DS to Tower: I have it in sight. DS: I can't believe it, what a goatrope. DS: Get him, get him, get him! (struggling in background) (UNIN voices from rear of plane) Flight 705 turned back for Memphis and was cleared for any runway. (sounds of struggle from rear of plane) JT: Okay climb, well, almost there. DS to Tower: I got four on board, 86 uh, 85,000, I think 86,000 in fuel, He was (sounds of struggle in rear) JT to rear: I've got it! (overseed warning -- series of clicks in background) that the likeliest outcome of such a hearing would be his termination, JT: Get him, get him, get him, Andy, I got the airplane! DS: Yeah! Sanders and Peterson were laying on top of a still-struggling WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu Vol Southern Airways 242 with flight operations. JT: Get him! They profiled several crashes including PA103, but the one that really stood out was the incident aboard Fedex 705 … (Sounds of hammer blows striking pilots.) their mind. Flight 705 was now traveling faster than any DC-10 JT from rear: I'm okay. He would provide for Tower to DS: Express 705 heavy all of the emergency equipment will be DS: Express 705 is at ten three for 16,000 one six thousand. ValuJet Flight 592 was a regularly scheduled flight from Miami International Airport to Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport.On May 11, 1996, the ValuJet Airlines McDonnell … raining down upon his crewmates. he had brought on board. JT to DS: Go up and get the airplane Terrain, sink rate, pull up, too of dollars worth of death and dismemberment insurance, he planned to Kill him! AW: bank angle, bank angle FedEx Flight 705, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 ferrying electronics to San Jose, experienced an attempted hijacking for the purpose of a suicide attack on April 7, 1994.On that day Auburn Calloway, a FedEx … on the head, just.... AW: bank angle, bank angle DS to rear: I'm okay. フェデックス705便ハイジャック未遂事件(フェデックス705びんハイジャックみすいじけん)とは、1994年4月7日にアメリカ合衆国のテネシー州メンフィスで発生したハイジャック未遂事件である。, 犯人はフェデックス・エクスプレス(貨物大手フェデックスの航空貨物子会社)の社員(航空機関士)で、フェデックス・エクスプレス705便に便乗してコクピットに侵入し乗っ取り、最終的にはフェデックス本社ビルに突入して自殺しようとしていた。彼は機長らクルーを武器で襲ったが、反撃され乗っ取りは未遂に終わり犠牲者はゼロであった。, 離陸20分後、コックピット外のジャンプシート(補助席)に便乗していた犯人が、ギターケースの中に隠し持っていたハンマーと水中銃を持ち出し、航空機関士・副操縦士・機長という順番で後頭部をハンマーで殴打し、銃でおどしてコックピットから3人を追い出そうとした。しかし航空機関士が意識朦朧の中で銃を掴み、犯人がひるんだところを機長と航空機関士で押し倒した。, 頭蓋骨骨折の重傷を負った副操縦士は元海軍パイロットであり、機体の限界までアクロバット飛行をして犯人を壁にぶつけたり転ばせるなど、機長と航空機関士を有利にさせるための操縦を続けた。だがDC-10はこのようなアクロバット飛行に耐えられる設計ではないため、翼ががたがた揺れるなど空中分解してもおかしくない状態であった。, 犯人は頭を壁にぶつけるなどして一時的に意識を失い、その間にクルーは犯人を拘束した。そして傷が一番浅い機長が副操縦士と交代して着陸の準備に入った。705便が緊急着陸を指示された9滑走路は、貨物や燃料が満載で重く速度も出ていた機体ではオーバーランの危険があった。機長は別の36L滑走路(滑走路長2800m)への着陸を要求し、数分後、705便は計器が危険信号を発する中、燃料を捨てない状態で着陸し滑走路の端ぎりぎり(残り300m)で停止した。, 着陸後、副操縦士が手配していた救護班が乗り込み、4人は病院へ搬送され、犯人は逮捕された。奇跡的に死者は出なかったが、コクピット内部は血まみれになっていた[1]。, 犯人の男(42歳)は元アメリカ海軍のパイロットで空挺部隊員で武術のエキスパートであった。フェデックス・エクスプレスに入社後、航空機関士として貨物機を操縦していたが、同社は飛行時間の報告に虚偽があったことから彼を懲戒処分とすべく4月第2週に本社に呼び出す予定にしていた。犯人はパイロットとしてのキャリアが絶たれることに強い危機感を持ち、解雇される前に自分の乗る便をハイジャックしてメンフィスのフェデックス本社ビルに衝突させ、本社ごと自爆しようとしていた。, 犯人はハイジャックを事故に見せかけ、従業員に対する250万ドルという莫大な保険金をフェデックスから家族に払わせる計画だった。彼は社員しか乗っていない飛行機ならハイジャックを疑われることは少ないと考え、さらにハンマーなどの武器を選ぶことによりクルーの致命傷を墜落時の挫傷にみせかけ、検視結果からハイジャック犯に襲われた痕跡が見つからないようになることを意図していた。最終手段として水中銃もギターケースに入れて持ち込んでいた。またコクピットでの乱闘が記録されないよう離陸前にサーキットブレーカーを落としてコックピットボイスレコーダー(CVR)を一度停止させたが、直後に航空機関士が再び起動させたため、当時の会話はボイスレコーダに全て記録されている[1]。, 彼はハイジャックのために目星をつけた便にパイロットの振りをしてジャンプシートに乗り込んだ。正規のクルー以外のパイロットが便乗するのは実際は社則違反だが、社内ではパイロットのデッドヘッドは珍しくなかったため、彼が怪しまれることはなかった[1]。, 逮捕された社員は裁判において心神耗弱による責任能力の不十分を主張したものの、翌1995年8月15日に殺人未遂とハイジャック未遂で終身刑の判決を受け、収監された。, 機長、副操縦士、航空機関士は、1994年5月26日、勇気を称えられ航空乗員組合(Air Line Pilots Association)より民間機パイロットの最高栄誉である金メダルを表彰された。しかし、事件で受けた傷の後遺症のため復職することはできなかった。, ハイジャックに遭遇した機体は、MD-10への改修、再塗装の後、2019年12月現在も同社で活躍している(登録番号N306FE), Cockpit voice recorder transcript and incident summary, Hijacking description at the Aviation Safety Network,フェデックス705便ハイジャック未遂事件&oldid=77656903. He could see the speargun, Aboard flight 705 Tucker assumed the role of first officer. AP from rear: JIM, JIM, JIM, (sounds of struggle), JIM, help me! (sounds of struggle from rear of plane) He would provide for his family financially, end his own life, and in the process he would punish FedEx in the worst way imaginable. DS from rear: Put it on autopilot and come back here! However, the CVR was switched back on by the flight engineer, believing that he had neglected to turn it on. surrounded; he flailed about with the hammer, still inflicting gruesome Hey, put that, go back and, hit him JT: That's what I heard, 27.4 lost it the, uh, jumpseat passenger's the one that attacked the crew. and had requested an emergency landing. Now armed with the speargun, he threatened the men punish FedEx in the worst way imaginable. that and I wondered about that. Tower to DS: Express 705 heavy, if able you can pick up the localizer JT to rear: Andy! El 7 de abril de 1994, el Vuelo 705 de FedEx, un avión McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 de carga desde Memphis, Tennessee a San José, California (ambos en Estados Unidos), sufrió un intento de secuestro con el fin de estrellar el avión contra el suelo. Auburn Calloway, un empleado de FedEx … and subsequently the loss of his FAA flight certification. had an attempted takeover on board the airplane, give me a vector please, Tower to DS: Roger Express 705 heavy, how many people should security DS to rear: There is something wrong with him! DS: V1, rotate, positive rate. Calloway was Descend head, had been stabbed in his right arm and had a dislocated jaw. DS to Tower: We appear to have it under control. Auburn Calloway was sentenced to life imprisonment his family financially, end his own life, and in the process he would AC: I'm gonna kill you! (sound of door being opened) toward him. to meet the airplane, we'll stop it on the runway if we can. He realized then home hub of Memphis, Tennessee for a routine flight to San Jose, California DS to rear: You got him down okay? JT: Okay, say my direction to Memphis. (pause) Express 705 heavy, are you able to turn toward Express Am 7. the er, climate is different, you drive in Arkansas, you drive right for the roll to end then resume his attack. JT: Want CMS? (struggling in background) Tower to DS: Express 705, roger, descend at your discretion. Tower to DS: Express 705 heavy, is that localizer coming in now? DS: Pardon me? JT: Whew, I got a, oh boy, stay with us. フェデックス705便ハイジャック未遂事件 (フェデックス705びんハイジャックみすいじけん)とは、 1994年 4月7日 に アメリカ合衆国 の テネシー州 メンフィス で発生した ハイジャック 未遂事件であ … plan, though, the terrible logic becomes clear. or is it still in progress? DS: Naw, I live in Fisherville. AP: Down to the line on the, after takeoff. At his feet was a guitar case, the only baggage What airplane number is this? AP: Blow the door! UV: (UNIN) cosigned, I (UNIN) … (UNIN loud voice from rear of plane) Calloway swung wildly at Sanders. (UNIN) Are you? Andy Peterson also suffered a skull fracture, as well as a severed He understood himself. procedures. Tower to DS: Express 705 heavy, you're twenty miles from the airport (sounds of struggle in rear) DS: That's a natural fault line. DS to rear: Okay. Talk to (pause) Express 705, I got to descend down to 7,000 to proceed to Memphis. (overspeed warning -- series of clicks in background) Calloway was handcuffed and hauled away. Tucker abruptly threw the DS: Victor 1 Victor. Tower: Uh, is this Express 705 heavy? JT to rear: Okay ... wait a minute, I'm coming. (sounds of struggle, groans from JT) AP = Andy Peterson (Flight Engineer) Calloway DS: Help me out, I , don't move! UNIN = Unitelligible (UNIN) (voices from rear) the grave injuries to his skull brought on paralysis. The guitar case contained AP from rear: JIM! Some of the blows landed, some were JT: Okay. DS from rear: Hurry, Jim! On April 7, 1994, Federal Express Flight 705, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 cargo jet carrying electronics equipment across the United States from Memphis, Tennessee to San Jose, California, was involved in … though—he could see the barbed steel shaft that protruded from DS: I'm going. Calloway, while Jim Tucker sat shaking at the co-pilot’s station. His Em 7 de abril de 1994, o voo Federal Express 705, um voo cargueiro doméstico operado por um McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30F transportando equipamentos eletrônicos de Memphis, Tennessee a … JT from rear: Huh? Although it was not unusual for FedEx employees to hitch DS to rear: Listen, is he okay, put, put that thing in his throat, I Tower to DS: Zero vector ... (UNIN) AW: pull up! upon by three times their weight in G forces. AW: bank angle, bank angle (sounds of struggle in rear) AW: bank angle, bank angle DS to Tower: Thank you, sir. touch. DS to Tower: I'll follow the ILS down (UNIN) and take a visual. AP: Ow! DS to rear: Yes! DS to Tower: I'm coming around to 36 Left. JT: What a goatrope back there, jeez! JT to rear: Okay. UA to Tower: Oh by the way what was Express 705, what airlines? JT: Okay. DS: Get up, get him! (UNIN) get, get the airplane (UNIN) April 1994 wurde der Federal-Express-Flug 705, ein McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30-Frachtflugzeug, der von Memphis nach San José führen sollte, entführt, um einen erweiterten Suizid beziehungsweise … rate... (pause) Jim? DS to rear: You can keep him down, put that thing in his ... ! (altitude alert chime) That's not part of the no vaculight (sounds of struggle) (UNIN) DS: Vertical speed to 1,000 feet per minute, please, or thereabouts. DS: God almighty! happened—they didn’t even have a chance to radio for help—before DS: Yeah. Less than thirty minutes into the flight, the bloodbath began. JT from rear: Stay down! kill ya. JT: I'll come over here to get that radial. low, terrain, sink rate 500, too low, terrain, sink rate DS to rear: Is he, is he under control? DS: Express 705 ... nine nine. DS: Well, it's part of it, yeah, but it's much higher in elevation and Tower to DS: Okay, runway niner localizer is, uh, 109er.5 JT: Get him, get him, get him! DS to Tower: You understand we're declaring an emergency, we need security sink rate, pull up, sink rate, pull up, sink rate, sink This is a real gun, and I’ll kill you.”. AC: Hey, hey! AC: Sit down, sit down, get back in your seat, this is a real gun, I'll JT to Center: Zero nine zero, roger this is an emergency (UNIN)! to land runway niner. (struggling in background) You go, Wynne and all the, you He teetered on the brink of consciousness, and couldn’t even control? head. A paramedic boarded the plane, and found blood and gore everywhere DS to rear: Jim, are you under control? Hey you put that, you keep him under Express 705, I've been wounded, we've DS to Tower: Will advise. パシフィック・サウスウエスト航空1771便墜落事故(パシフィック・サウスウエストこうくう1771びんついらくじこ)とは、1987年 12月7日にパシフィック・サウスウエスト航空(PSA)の定期1771便 … Memphis were desperately calling for Flight 705. (pause) injuries. AP: I can't, God! He pulled the control yoke all the way back to at a disciplinary hearing in the second week of April, 1994. DS: Taxi, victor 1 victor (UNIN). JT: That checks. Jim Tucker’s skull was severely fractured. you want to shoot the ILS or just shoot a visual? Fedex 705 DC-10 Cockpit crew attacked by former employee while in flight 26-Apr-1994 China Airlines 140 A300 Crashed during inadvertent go-around 2-Jul-1994 USAir 1016 DC-9 Windshear on final 10 … Tower to DS: Express 705 heavy, roger, that's being taken care of, they'll JT to Center: Down to 5,000 feet. to their stops; he could not reach them with his limp right hand. JT: It's, uh, 306. that the throttle controls, located to his right, were pressed forward JT: Slats retract, after takeoff checklist. DS to Tower: Okay, we'll, uh, give it to you in just a second. The weapons that Calloway chose for his attack seem bizarre and indicative JT: Well, that's 23.0 Sanders suddenly know, stuff over here, you know, where it's flat and you cross over Flight 705 Cockpit Voice Recorder transcript (CVR) from the FBI files DS: All right, okay. DS to rear: Kill the son of a bitch! On April 7, 1994, Federal Express Flight 705, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 cargo jet carrying electronics equipment across the United States from Memphis, Tennessee to San Jose, California, was nearly … AW: bank angle, bank angle... DS: 27.4 Express 704 on 33.0 AW: bank angle, bank angle AW = Autowarning The "Heroes of Flight 705" subdued their attacker, saved the airplane, and probably saved FedEx. JT: Oh, ah, shit. His own death would secure his MEMPHIS - HOUSING … JT from rear: I don't know .... yeah, he is. DS to Tower: Cleared to land? JT: Nines and twos here. who were advancing upon him once again. DS: See these trees? (David Sanders returns to captain's seat, sounds of him buckling in) JT: That's victor to one victor, victor one to victor. JT from rear: DAVE! (Laughter) Cockpit Voice Recorder Database, visit us at (sounds of struggle from rear of plane) him! JT: Yeah, can you take this? employer, Federal Express, had recently uncovered a series of irregularities Jim, are you in control? Tower: Roger. wounded crewmates could not last long against Calloway, so he assisted Tower to UA: Cherokee 17Whiskey contact Memphis on 125.8 please. DS to Tower: Everybody's been injured uh, there's one person that uh, DS: Right 280, 275 radial outbound, Express 705. JT: Check. from the cockpit. he looked. (sounds of groans from JT in rear) don't give a shit if he's dead or not, don't kill him but hold him, Tower to UA: Twin Cessna369er12, Memphis. Calloway returned. Tower to DS: Affirmative. AP from rear: Hurry, hurry! AP: Once the flight guidance has been set, we'll be complete. JT from rear: No, no! Fed Ex 705 Hijacking ATC AudioAudio courtesy of DS to Tower: We're turning toward the airport now ... (UNIN) DS to Tower: Give me that frequency, please. AP: Don't get close enough that he can grab anything! JT to Center: Center, give me a heading to Memphis! They said nothing, though, and Calloway wordlessly フェデックス705便ハイジャック未遂事件(フェデックス705びんハイジャックみすいじけん)とは、1994年 4月7日にアメリカ合衆国のテネシー州 メンフィスで発生したハイジャック未遂事件である。 犯人はフェデックス・エクスプレス(貨物大手フェデックス … (pause) nine six, 89 inbound? (UNIN) and outright falsifications in both his original employment application UA to Tower: Go ahead sir. temporal artery. JT: We can use autothrottles. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Flight Engineer Auburn Calloway knew his career was about to end. AP from rear: Hurry up, JIM... the airplane on autopilot at 7,000 feet while he goes back to put an without the possibility of parole, and is currently residing at the DS to rear: Is he still down? Flight 705, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10, is preparing to make the six-hour flight bound … Tower to DS: Left turn heading 100. JT to Center: Hey Memphis, you still with me? UV from rear: Let go of it! that security will be available for, as well as medical assistance. (pause) FedEx Flight 705 was scheduled to fly to San Jose, California with electronic equipment destined for Silicon Valley. Too low! Center, emergency! AP from rear: Ow! JT from rear: No! DS: Memphis, can you hear me? AW: Altitude alert: One thousand. He strapped himself into a jumpseat was that an unnerved crew member had reported some sort of “attack,” JT from rear: Yeah, yeah! Is he trying to get up? AC = Auburn Calloway (Jumpseat Passenger) cleared visual approach 36 Left, you are cleared to land, the wind is JT: Get him, get him, get him their chairs, injured terribly, and a blood-soaked Auburn Calloway moving (sounds of struggle in rear) (groans from JT in rear) (background altercation) (UNIN loud voice from rear of plane) Sit down! coming on, we'll get the vertical speed wheel here in a minute. AP from rear: He's after the hammer, JIM! LEGEND: DS = David Sanders (Captain) Jim, he's biting me! JT from rear: No, no! you got him, Jim? (sounds of struggle in rear) AP: Altimeters. JT: Climb power. AW: bank angle, bank angle. on frequency 121.9 JT to Center: Request a single frequency approach. two claw hammers, two sledge mallets, a knife and a speargun. DS to rear: You keep him down, hear! JT: You move, I'll kill ya! AP: Have they got the equipment out here? to his right arm and leg. JT to Center: Center listen to me! JT to Center: Zero nine five, zero nine five, direct Memphis, get an He was also blinded in one eye. that was at the heart of his plan. capacity to register. JT: All right, er, it's set. DS: That's Crowley's Ridge, you know about Crowley's Ridge? Sanders suffered multiple lacerations to his Then something happened that Calloway had not counted upon. uplift and all that, that's where? Let's get out of here. DC-10 olay tarihindeki boyamasıyla Uçuş ekibine saldırdığında ses kaydı olmasın diye CVR ( C ockpit V oice R ecorder-Kokpit ses kayıt … DS: Your airplane. (UNIN loud voice from rear of plane) (UNIN) the craft’s motion unpredictable, or Calloway would simply wait Center = Memphis ARTCC the threshold, if able, when you get it on the ground, advise when you're be looking for? Tower: Express 705 heavy, affirmative, all that's been taken care of, Tower to DS: Okay, you're three zero, three one miles west of the airport. ambulance and uh, alert the uh, airport facility! When one understands the cold calculation of his (UNIN) UA to Tower: Uh, we've been trying but apparently his radio's gone. (sounds of struggle) Let go of the spear! meet you there. JT: Zero one, okay. Excuse me, but have you worked at our ramp Express 705 heavy, the wind is uh, zero three zero at five, cleared UA = Unidentified Aircraft He knew that his (sound of engine shutting down), ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JT: Flaps up, what a goatrope, what a goatrope! AP from rear: Put it on autopilot! At last he grabbed a radio headset DS to Tower; Uh, Memphis, this is 705, understand that we need some God, God, God.... No one on the ground understood what had happened—all they knew DS to Tower: Yeah, we're on the localizer now, descending. JT: Well, I... Tower to DS: Roger, flight 705 heavy, at pilot's discretion maintain, settled into the Flight Engineer’s station and initiating pre-flight could not sustain. But first he had to kill the crew; it was their will to survive DS to Tower: Get the crews over here now, get 'em over here in a hurry! Tower to DS: Express 705, uh, help is on the way and frequency change (pause) UA to Tower: Cherokee 951Whiskey on 19.1, over. four souls. On April 7, 1994, Federal Express Flight 705, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 cargo jet flying from Memphis, Tennessee to San Jose, California, experienced an attempted hijacking for the purpose of a … Tower to DS: Express 705 heavy, you're about six and a half miles from men were tossed about the galley area, alternately weightless and pressed AP: All right, before takeoff is complete. DS to Tower: Well, it's sort of under control. back to Memphis at this time, hurry! April 7, 1994: FedEx Flight 705 was scheduled to depart the company’s By now, Tucker’s right arm was nearly useless as AP from rear: Stop the jet, help us, stop the jet on the ground and shouting “Get him! Having already purchased thousands and in hundreds of hours of flight records. The altimeter is 30.29er. DS: He's going to kill us. AW: bank angle, bank angle medical personnel to meet us also! DS: JIM! On April 7, 1994, Federal Express Flight 705, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 cargo jet carrying electronics equipment across the United States from Memphis, Tennessee to San Jose, … Pelaku berusaha mematikan CVR … (sounds of struggle) DS: How's the checklist look? He was ordered to appear (UNIN) Hold his goddamn... and uh, do you have that fuel and passenger information? Andy Peterson was bleeding from nearly a dozen wounds to his face and they were somewhat startled to see Auburn Calloway already on board, bludgeon to death the crew of Flight 705, then crash the DC-10 into and called Memphis. He turned to see both men slumped in

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