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clothing items dnd 5e

save or take 1d6 thunder damage (damage/lvl). If the spell attack hits, deals 3d8 damage of a previously determined type (damage/lvl). Several creatures regain a total of 700 ph and are cured of diseases, blindness, and deafness. 3 missiles deal automatically 1d4+1 force damage each to one or several creatures (+1 missile/lvl). Give a stone no more than 5 ft in any dimension any shape, or create an opening in it. A weapon becomes magical with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and deal an extra 1d4 damage of a chosen type (bonus/lvl). If you are making an item with unusual properties (perhaps it is clockwork, or made of an unusual material) it could be treated as either. The caster becomes invisible and creates a double that moves, acts and speaks. Create a 30-ft-long, 10-ft-high, 1-ft-thick wall of water that gives disadvantage on ranged attacks and halved fire damage. save (damage/lvl). save or suffer an extra 2d6 damage of a specific type (+1 target/lvl). Summon from 1 fey of CR 2 to 8 fey of CR 1/4, friendly (nbr of creatures/lvl). Summon 2 demons of CR 1 to 8 demons of CR 1/4, unfriendly (nbr of creatures/lvl). When the target drops to 0 hp for the first time, it automatically returns to 1 hp. save or take 8d8 necrotic damage (damage/lvl). Resistance and move across earth/stone. Make a natural terrain looks like another type (for example a road becomes a swamp or a crevasse). Creatures in a 5-ft-radius, 40-ft-high cylinder must succeed on a Con. Creatures in a 60-ft-radius sphere must succeed on a Con. The caster gets a truthful reply to 1 question about an event to occur within 7 days. Create a 20-ft cube filled by thick, sticky webs (difficult terrain) that can restrain creature (Dex. The target must succeed on a Dex. Creatures in a 5-ft cube must succeed on a Dex. The target regains all its hp and charmed, frightened, paralyzed, and stunned conditions end. When not descending into the depths of the earth, exploring ruins for lost treasures, or waging war against the encroaching darkness, adventurers face more mundane realities. Creatures in a 100-ft radius must succeed on a Dex. The caster and up to 5 other creatures are teleported to a previously designated sanctuary. The target understands and speaks any spoken language it hears. Creatures in a 30-ft cube must succeed on a Wis. save or be charmed and incapacitated, with a speed of 0. Produce a feast for 12 guests that cures diseases, immunizes to poison and increases hp by 2d10 for 24 hours. Target flame within 60-ft and make them explode (Con. Even in a fantastical world, people require basic necessities such as shelter, sustenance, and clothing. save or take 6d10 bludgeoning damage. save or take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and be restrained. Creatures on a 5-ft-wide, 60-ft-long line must succeed on a Con. save or take 4d6 fire and 4d6 radiant (damage/lvl). Creatures in a 20-foot cube (difficult terrain) must succeed on a Dex. Create or destroy up to 10 gallons of water (+10 gallons/lvl). save or taker 2d4 acid damage (damage/lvl). If the melee spell attack hits, deals 1d10 acid damage (damage/lvl). If the spell attack hits, deals 4d6 radiant damage (damage/lvl) and the next attack roll will have advantage. Let erupt a forteresse of stone on a 120 x 120 ft area for 7 days. Create a copy of the caster that mimics him, moves and emits sounds. Targets in a 30-ft radius must succeed on a Con. save or take 10d8 fire damage. save or fall prone. Creatures in a 5-ft cube take automatically 4d4 slashing damage (damage/lvl). It then can attack a target designated by the caster. save or take 4d8 necrotic damage each turn (+1d8/lvl). Create a portal to another plan. Elves’ coloration encompasses the normal human range and also includes skin in shades of copper, bronze, and almost bluish-white, hair of green or blue, and eyes like pools of liquid gold or silver. save). save or fall prone. saves and 1 additional action. 5e comes with some pre-filled character sheets, an extremely basic rule book with no real explanation to anything other than when to take your turn and a campaign book you can play through to understand how DMing works. The lore consist of tales or stories. The target doubles its proficiency bonus for one skill. save or can not lie. If an attack hits, deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. Creatures in a 5-ft-radius must succeed on a Con. Can set a password to immunize individuals. The target must succeed on a Wis. save or be charmed and take 5d10 psychic if it doesn't obey (duration/lvl). While touching it, you can cast the scrying spell (save DC 17) with it. The target can move along vertical surfaces while leaving its hands free and gains climbing speed. Make 2+2 melee spell attacks that deal on a hit 4d12 force damage each. Creatures in a 60-ft-radius sphere of darkness must succeed on a Wis. save or take 8d8 psychic damage. Ability check if the spell is 4th level or higher (threshold/lvl). Create a weapon that deals 2d8 psychic damage with the finesse, light, and thrown properties (damage/lvl). Friendly creatures in a 30-ft radius deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage when they hit with a weapon attack. Spew a 15-ft cone that deals 3d6 acide, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage in case of failed Dex. The caster senses and identifies poison, poisonous creature, or disease within 30 ft. Protect a creature or an object from any divination magic or magical scrying. This could be something you can talk about if your DM decides to change the prices for crafting magic items. Pick any one of the following clothing outfits: artisan’s outfit, entertainer’s outfit, explorer’s outfit, monk’s outfit, peasant’s outfit, scholar’s outfit, or traveler’s outfit. save or take 2d10 fire damage (damage/lvl). 12 arrows/bolts deal an extra 1d6 fire damage (+2 ammunition/lvl). The target must succeed on a Dex. save or take 8d8 damage from the weapon/ammunition used. Create a non-living object made of vegetable matter or mineral and no larger than a 5-ft cube (+5 ft/lvl). The caster and up to 10 creatures assume gaseous form (flying speed of 300 ft and resistance to damage from nonmagical weapon). If the attack hits, deals 1d6 piercing damage and pull the target (Larger or smaller) up to 10 ft (damage/lvl). You gain another one at 10th and 17th level. Create a telepathic link with one beast to communicate with it. An Large or smaller object is disintegrated. Creatures in a 20-ft-radius, 40-ft-high cylinder must succeed on a Dex. Keep "(5e Equipment)" in the title! The target must succeed on a Con. The caster senses the presence of any trap in a 120-fr radius, but the spell don't give their location. Magical, meaningful items you can’t find anywhere else. The target must succeed on a Wis. save or follow your order as Approach, Drop, Flee, Fall, Halt, etc (+1 creature/lvl).

Best Budget Modern Decks 2020, Who Made The Fake Sword Of Gryffindor, Viscer Medical Term, Spac List 2021, Send Fake Text Messages From Different Number, Sims 4 Robotics Skill Cheat, Larry Miller Jerry Seinfeld,

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