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causes of depopulation

The idea of a world army is to suppress countries that don't follow the agenda. One way the elite wants to kill us is to use vaccines. Animals that eat only GMOs often die within a couple of days. His evil act later caused the rise of Big Pharma. Depopulation by History. (Root and Branch, West Surrey FHS, Vol 23 #2, page 60-61). ( Shocking Video About the Coming Economic Collapse and the Next Great Depression), Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression? When you look at the airplanes in the sky, you can see their trails. Sodium fluoride (NaF) is a toxic waste product from the aluminum production. People lose their homes because they can't pay back money that has not, does not, and will never exist. 178 countries joined the program. This is all part of the plan. But after the Federal Reserve Act, they could no longer do that. It has many different side effects including: ​Aspartame breaks down into phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol. A study led by researchers at UC Berkeley and Clinica de Salud del Valle Salinas has demonstrated how taking even a short break from various cosmetics, shampoos, and other personal care products can lead to a substantial drop in the levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals present within the body. These families are complete psychopaths with no real empathy. These chemicals diminish the rainfall, traps the heat, and increases humidity. Francis Frary influenced the government to put it into the municipal water supply. Water samples of areas affected by chemtrails contain alarming levels of heavy metals. Bankers can crash our economy at will.The ultimate goal of the ruling elite is to control the entire human race. So how does all this tie together with Agenda 21? They own almost every major newspaper and TV station in the world. It could be a terrorist attack like 9/11 or an economic collapse. If the power ever goes out, your General standby generator goes on – automatically – protecting you and your home 24/7. Economic Collapse Is Predicted In 2020- Massive 78% U.S. Depopulation. Gates has a direct interest in seeing Monsanto succeed. While I don’t believe the USA is responsible for the growth of ISIL, I do believe as allies the USA and Russia could have prevented the historic and economic destruction caused by ISIL? Fresh air, figures on a screen. The genocidal depopulation plan generally involves poisoning or sterilizing people through the use of chem. Because ​people create too much Co2, they want to reduce the population to save the planet. The Illuminati wants you to think that we humans can’t survive if we create too much Co2. prevent pathogens. investors are taking more risk on the market, markets continue to trade higher meaning investments are bull-market driven and not research-based which could lead to a stock market bubble. He already spreads their crops in his humanitarian efforts. Fukushima Radiation Is Part Of The Depopulation Agenda. If an economic collapse occurs, it would happen quickly. They have the power to create money and dictate our policies. In the late 1960s, Monsanto supported the development of the chemtrail technology. One loan allows the banking system to generate phenomenal amounts of non-existent money. “Kevin Galalae is a Canadian human rights activist, author, historian, journalist and the world’s foremost independent authority on covert geopolitical programs and policies with respect to globalization and depopulation.” Don't use Bankers want to reduce our freedom and remove private properties. Agribusinesses transnational like Monsanto are often implicated in some sort of scheme to monopolize the world's food supply so it can be easily tainted with deadly toxins. Our college degrees become more and more useless. In 1913 president Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act. Try to avoid GMOs as best as you can. So the con game is running out and they don’t have any more cards to play. R. C. … The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. For many people, it is hard to grasp that their government is doing this. Fluoride has caused bone cancer, liver cancer, and a host of other physical ailments in rats. God bless you all. The UN's Depopulation Plan Death By Vaccines: How Bill Gates Tries To Kill Us All. So how are they supposed to force us to agree on all this? For people to accept them, they can't kill them in an instance. What are they going to do? You then blame someone or something else for it and hide the fact that you're behind it. From everyday necessities like heating, cooling, refrigeration and lights, to daily essentials like cooking, laundry or kids bath times. The banks are behind all this. Click here to read more. That is the reason we never hear the truth. And then they want to create world government ministries. Major aspects of the program are a secret. Planned Parenthood performs more abortions than any other organization in the United States.-- ... (SV40), which causes the growth of tumors and even cancer. Another huge win for the establishment was when they took control of the medical system. But because Monsanto has modified their seeds, they can license them. So the Agenda 21 is a clever way to form the new world order by creating a bogus problem. List of some of the causes and effects of the transatlantic slave trade. To see people so ignorant of what has been going on all these years, sickens me as well. Copyright 2021 Cancer Wisdom, all rights reserved. Or they can use vaccines to sterilize people and affect the birth rates. God bless and be with you, my friend, Kathryn. They need a world ministry of oil that takes over all oil corporations. Click here to read more. They also contain fewer nutrients than ordinary plants. economic collapse, Economic Collapse Is Predicted, Massive 78% U.S. Depopulation. The planners of Agenda 21 want to have complete control over all the resources in the world. If we want to create immunity then why do we need to expose our bodies to mercury? Bill Gates, also purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 for more than $23 million. Friends this is a message you need to sit down for and slowly re-watch over and over. The humidity leads to a plague of pests, mildews, molds, fungi, and diseases. Break it down. So people will lose confidence in the con men because they have already shown their cards. A term they like to use is a "New World Order.". There is a lot of truth here even if it all isn’t 100% on point. Jim Rickards: “PREPARE FOR THE NEW GREAT DEPRESSION!”, America Enters Geriatric Interlude Blinded To What Happens Next — Economic Conditions Rapidly Deteriorating All Over The US, How Globalists Plan to Use Covid to RESET the World Economy ( COVID is Not And ‘Has Never Been a Pandemic’: Alan Jones ), Experts Warn Government of Massive Recession, Martial Law, Food Stamp – Massive Riots, Huge Crime Waves Expected in Many US cities. They make an excuse to take money out of circulation. They will blame the illnesses and deaths on another virus and force poison vaccines and tracking, controlling the ones who survive. Monsanto is the world leader in producing GMO foods. GMOs can cause allergies and a host of other problems. The whole idea of Monsanto is to steal peoples' land and kill them. How T​he UN ​Plan​s To Remove Private Properties, ​​Death By Vaccines: How Bill Gates Tries To Kill Us All, ​How Monsanto ​Tries To Steal ​The Farmers' Land And Kill Us, Aspartame ​The Neurotoxin Found In 6000 Foods, ​HAARP: How The US Government​ ​Manipulates Our Weather ​, ​Fluoride The Useless Poison In Our Toothpaste And Water, ​Big Pharma's Chemical ​​​Warfare On Humanity, If you've read my blog post about the dangers of vaccines, Frank A. Vanderclip, representing William Rockefeller. Chemtrails have nothing to do with the jet engine combustion process. John D. Rockefeller is also the person that invented the western medicine. I will give full credit. And then you repeat this process all the time. This technique can cause devastating weather and floods which affects small farmers. A U.S. economic collapse would create global panic. stop Agenda 21, then we have to inform as many people as possible. They have already bought up many seed companies and converted them to GMOs. ​The seven people ​that attended the meeting w​ere: ​Their goal was to create a single central bank which they ruled. I have read continuously that there will be market crashes throughout the world because the US uses money w/o backing which may be true, it’s also true that China, Russia, and Chile to name a few, have currencies backed by gold and can cause the US financial collapse taking away the US ability to be ‘master of world economies.’, What is never mentioned is the Fed. On only three occasions since 1882 has it been higher – in 1929, 2000 and 2007.”, #3 Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, one of the most respected economic journalists on the entire planet: “The eurozone will be in deflation by February, forlornly trying to ignite its damp wood by rubbing stones. I also really appreciate your free book so that I can detox again. Let me show how the bankers use Agenda 21 to create The New World Order. A few families control the majority of the world's wealth. That can be the reason why we have droughts in America. For this plan to work, people must believe that a reduction in their standard of living is a good thing. That’s what I think is coming in the very near future.”. The ice crystals are the clouds that we see forming behind the engine. Apparently Mr. S hasn’t noticed that since recorded time, before North America was ever conceived as existing there was war and the winner dictates the terms, let’s mention the Crimea as an example? Jet engines spew out hot, humid air in the cold atmosphere. All true. Polio thrives in fecal matter and transmits through human waste. They are willfully ignorant sheep who help bring about the destruction of every succesful civilization. It is a weaponize system and incompatible with life. There’s going to be a big accident. Use a water purification system like Berkey. The world's biggest problems have their roots in the corrupt financial system. It will be tied to the junk debt that has been issued to finance the shale oil plays in North America. Vaccines are a way for the system to make us sick and kill us. It also accumulates in the bones and causes a bone disease called skeletal fluorosis. Private banks create money from fresh air called credit. The are expert at Genocide! The world ministry of trade will dictate global business and eliminate all corporations. The things you want to look out for are GMO soy, corn, wheat and canola oil. The monetary system we use now is total corruption and manipulation. If the farmers try to reuse their seeds they can sue them for patent infringement. They make a handsome profit by not curing diseases. Avoid all GMO crops and products that contain Polio thrives in fecal matter and transmits through human waste. They also want to break up the family bond. I hope you now understand how severe the situation is. But it wasn’t vaccines that eradicated polio; it was our better sanitation. I do believe that will be the signal for the Fed to come riding to the rescue with QE4. Let's explore how they can manipulate us to do as they wish in the next section. Thursday, January 21, 2021 11:29 % of readers think this story is Fact. People are more than capable of dealing with invaders without getting sick. Contrails dissipate quicker on drier days. This is this time, seems the big one. Awesome Videos! ​First, he and others have to make people believe that vaccines are safe. Let me explain how the monetary system works and how they use it to control us. The government should instead raise our children. The Impact of European Diseases on Native Americans Overview. What does the bank do? It allows banks to lend at least ten times what they have on deposit. These evil people need to be stopped and tried for crimes against humanity . of 1st National Bank of New York, ​How To Stop Agenda 21 From Destroying Us, The Meeting At Jekyll Island That Changed The World, The Real ​Agenda Behind The Ruling Elite, How ​​The Elite ​​Dictates The World. Corporations pay millions to their CEOs and almost nothing to their employees. The idea was that fluoride could improve dental health. This is going to end badly. The money that the bank created out of nothing now expands even more. They can’t raise interest rates. The World health organization is already that ministry. So it will be a loss of confidence in the con game and the con game is soon coming to an end. Monsanto is the world leader in producing GMO foods. I want Mr. Starikov’s projections to be wrong…. Fluoride is also present in our toothpaste and chewing gums. The surprise factor is, itself, one of the causes of a collapse. The next way the Illuminati tries to destroy us is by controlling our weather. In 1974 the company introduced their bestseller herbicide Roundup. and they will be confiscating money out of savings accounts and pension accounts. Companies go bankrupt when there is not enough demand for their products. Imagine if the entire economies of both Germany and Japan exploded and you’ve got a decent idea of the size of the potential impact on the financial system.”, #9 Rob Kirby: “What this breakdown in the crude oil price is going to spawn another financial crisis. In this way, they can force us to follow the western medicine and control our health. On a hilltop in Elbert County in the US state of Georgia stands a huge granite monument built in March 1980. They use buzz words like“eco-sustainability” to make it sound better than it is. Contact between Europeans and Native Americans led to a demographic disaster of unprecedented proportions. Disturbing the atmosphere could have disastrous consequences. 98% of Western Europe has now rejected water fluoridation. – Robert Kiyosaki – Get Your Money Out Of The Bank – Prepare For What is Coming! Who doesn't want to save the planet? Agenda 21 is a plan created by the United Nations that defines how humans will live in the 21st Century. But it is still very hard to believe that these evil things are to take place before Jesus returns to this earth to bind up the evil that is taking place and save his children. The purpose of the monetary system is to enslave and control humans. He was the CEO of Searle, the manufacturer of this poison. Then the bankers wait for an optimal point when they can crash the market, as they did in 2008. To answer that question we need to go back in time. They are also called Illuminati. By doing so, they can cut peoples' life short and kill them. We also have something called fractional reserve lending. Especially in countries that did not introduce the vaccine. Dental problems happen because of the bacteria in the mouth. Discover four safe cookware you should use to prepare your food. Some claim that it can cause earthquakes and tsunamis. Empires have fallen in the past and it will fall in the future. First, they can cause severe diseases in the distant future. By creating conflicts, they can work toward a centralized global dictatorship. When these bonds start to fail, they will jeopardize the future of these financial institutions. The results from the study were … They could not dump it into rivers or landfills, because it was poisonous to the crops and livestock. By doing so, they can break our independence. Am I surprised by all of this? Read all about it in the two books; “Reflections On The Loss Of The Freeborn American Nation,” and “Stairway To Heaven,” from Amazon. Another thing you need to look out for is the toxins in our water and health products. They want us all gone. Also, learn four toxic materials you should avoid now when cooking. But if they have a weak immune system, the flu virus can access the body and cause an infection. Monsanto has ties with the US government and can, therefore, get protection from them. So how are they supposed to reduce the population?​. Globalization is the process of centralizing the world. It results in a growing number of under-utilised infrastructures, due to migration away from these rural areas, and previously domesticated landscapes whose ecosystems deteriorate without human attention. Vaccines are often untested and not safe for humans. The UN is a Trojan horse for world fascism. Human wisdom and worldly power is of no consequence when compared with the infinite wisdom and eternal strength of the almighty creator. In one way they have achieved that. Another way that the bankers want to kill us is to force us to eat genetically modified food. There is still time to use what money you have left to secure a plot of ground seeds and hand tools for gardening so your family can eat next year! They have killed millions of people by using chemo and other toxic methods. Proponents of vaccines tell you that vaccines eliminated polio and other dreadful diseases. The government has to pay interest on the money created. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result…. I have every confidence in the world.”, #7 Liz Capo McCormick and Susanne Walker: “Get ready for a disastrous year for U.S. government bonds. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. Now, these bankers could control the nation's money supply. GMOs are toxic and make us sick. So how can they control our world? Therefore they are not regulating GMOs. Fluoride in the water does not help your teeth. It is much easier to control a couple of hundred million instead of billions of people. If we are to survive as individuals and as nations we must act NOW to stop the agenda! By Alanna Ketler,. The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are the most powerful families on earth. this means less consumer spending in the economy and more money spent on paying debt. Because GMOs can self-pollinate, they do not need the help of bees. Only the privileged ones can own cars. the causes were more to do with slum living conditions, poor food supply, population density leading to a high rate of disease transmission, polluted water supplies, dangerous factory working conditions etc, rather than a sudden desire to commit mass suicide. The body has to use bacteria to eliminate the toxins. Even though short-term population shocks have caused terrible loss of … Telltale signs of an earthquake created by HAARP is colored lights on the sky. To understand this, you have to learn what their real agenda is. We saw what happened in the beginning of December when the equity markets started to unravel. Monsanto's plants have protection against aluminum. But if you do your own research, you will find it to be true. July 25, 2019 They know nothing about nutrition. Aluminum is toxic to plants. The notion that injecting poisons into your bloodstream to save your life is foolish. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. Most of the ‘recovery’ of the last five years has been fueled by cheap borrowed Dollars. In the meantime secure enough storable food to last the winter and a littlee longer till you can harvest your first crop of grains. Please log in again. Polio was on the decline at the time when people got injections. Another thing they want to build is a world army. HAARP uses electromagnetic frequencies to manipulate the ionosphere. Part I of a series on the Covid-19 vaccine “We will not accept your vaccine so you can slow down, because whenever you bring it out, it’s for your people. But how can they crash the market? Many people call them the most evil company in the world.John Francis Queeny and his wife created this company in 1901. The United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals imply that there is no longer any need to reduce global population growth, even though it is a serious problem that undermines most of the SDG targets. Banks would close. It seems too outrageous that a few people control the money supply. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. At stage two you need a reaction from the people, like fear or outrage. Because of this evil practice, Indian farmers commit suicide at an alarming rate. They were the first maker of aspirin. Agent Orange was a toxic herbicide employed by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. Aristotle testifies that this is the case in his book Concerning the causes of the properties of the elements (1), in which he says that mortality of races and the depopulation of kingdoms occur at the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, for great events then arise, their nature depending on the trigon in which the conjunction occurs. But it is okay to put it in the US drinking water. Agenda 21 is a plan created by the United Nations that defines how humans will live in the 21st Century. At stage one, you create a problem. That's what we see in Europe already. ... Also causes cardiovascular problems, blood disorders and skin disorders. The login page will open in a new tab. The farmers ​then ​have to move to the city and become wage slaves like anybody else. No one would predict it. That’s the message forecasters on Wall Street are sending.”. (Natural News) Could the 5G rollout be an “annihilation event” for our planet? By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. The elite has many tricks in their sleeve to enforce their agenda on us. In this way, they have reduced the world’s bee population and harmed the competition. They also want to make trains our main transportation and limit our use of cars. Abiotic stress is anything that puts tension on the plant. toothpaste that contains fluoride or other toxic chemicals. They're behind every financial crisis. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. USA should shutdown 8 Rivers as they are corrupt.

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