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the newsroom quotes

My friends across the aisle have been elected. The Newsroom Quotes. Will McAvoy: Okay. Will McAvoy: [Motioning to a guitar] You mind? Alex Thacker: That may or may not be, but probably is a lie. Jesus turns to Moses with a satisfied grin, and Moses says, 'Look. And [to the conservative panelist] with a straight face, you're going to tell students that America's so star-spangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Leave the flash drive on the table. MacKenzie McHale: The vote isn't until tomorrow night.and it's only the first vote.You said yourself it was cosmetic. MacKenzie McHale: Sloan,I understand,I swear to God I do. And no one here thinks you're an asshole. Taylor Warren: They won't let Romney get his message out, either. But, I run a good company. By great men, men who were revered. Will McAvoy: [to MacKenzie] You know I'm awake now? Mackenzie MacHale: I loathe you right now. I'm a leader in an industry that miscalled election results, hyped up terror scares, ginned up controversy, and failed to report on tectonic shifts in our country. Taylor Warren: And Maggie didn't know you were on the bus when she shouted that she loved you? Will McAvoy: [to MacKenzie, smiling] Camelot. In the old days... of about ten minutes ago... we did the news well. MacKenzie McHale: You know what I like about Will? We fought for moral reasons, we passed and struck down laws for moral reasons. And the first guy wouldn't see a doctor until the second guy saw a doctor. -Maggie Jordan, 9. People passing out daisies to soldiers and trying to levitate The Pentagon. Jim Harper: My girlfriend at the time liked the show and I was showing an interest in her interests. We stood up for what was right. Will: I'm a registered Republican, I only seem liberal because I believe that hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not gay marriage. Will McAvoy: Tess, Kendra, Tamara and Martin tricked me into telling them. Will McAvoy: What *you* need us to do, or what the Lansings need us to do? Jim Harper: [Entering the control room] Do you have the first idea how any of this equipment works? MacKenzie McHale: Whoa! Sloan Sabbith: Okay, I know we were on sketchy ground ethically and linguistically, but... Don Keefer: Whatever you're gonna say, save it for ten seconds. Aubrey Lyons: He didn't write those letters. And the first guy wouldn't see a doctor until the second guy saw a doctor. They forgot to say that taxpayers will give you the airwaves for free and for 23 hours a day you should make a profit, but for one hour a night you work for us. MacKenzie McHale: [to Jim] That's a dead person speaking, basically. Maggie Jordan: It doesn't matter. There's honor in being the loyal opposition. [points to Charlie as he enters the room] You tell Leona that if she wants me out of this chair, she better bring more than just a couple of guys. By great men, men who were revered. Reclaiming journalism as an honorable profession. Will McAvoy: I'm at least glad nobody's invented a way to digitally store images and upload them to a free website where anyone can see them. It doesn't cost money, it costs votes. [She leaves the control room]. Problem is now I have to be homophobic. Don Keefer: Yes, I'd love having a gal pal with no commitment and tons of sex. Gary Cooper: I gave it to her because she's better at this kind of thing. No you didn't! "I'm a marine, Don! I'll make no effort to subdue my personal opinions. Don Keefer: Just hang on for another 5 seconds and know that we've all been there at one point or another. Related: 50 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You So, a solution: Find a good quote. I told him to give it to her because she is a better writer than you are. Sloan Sabbith: Your logic is consistent though horrifying. Engineers: [Lights go out] We just lost power. I ever tell you otherwise, you punch me in the face! Things get really bad! There is simply no way in *hell* that I'm finding for the plaintiff. It costs airtime and column inches. You may ask who are we to make these decisions. What you have to do is bail water out faster than it's coming in. We kidnap them, wire tap them... Jim Harper: Drop deadly gas on civilians? MacKenzie McHale: I'm sorry I've got to... Sloan Sabbith: Unless there's a rally in the next 90 minutes,The Dow's gonna close down about 2.5%,S&P and NASDAQ will close down 2.3%,Let me tell you why. Charlie Skinner: And if there's anyone... Charlie Skinner: - in the world who should be able to empathize with CNN right now, you would *think*... Charlie Skinner: - that it would be the people in this room! Will McAvoy: Mohammed al Mohammed el Mohammed bin Bazir? We fought for moral reasons, we passed laws, struck down laws for moral reasons. [long pause] We sure used to be. Charlie Skinner: We're gonna misspell it. Maggie Jordan: How come no one's yelling at me? Will McAvoy: You asked me that moronic question... and then my world came apart, and she came here and I landed in the tabloids and then I got death threats and my job is constantly in jeopardy and you ruined my life! We love sports. The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord targets local police and federal agents. You know why people don't like liberals? He's a batty old crank who wrote instruction manuals on how to get away with shooting the black kid who's stealing your car. A hostile fear of progress. Sloan Sabbith: Did you ask them for money first? he said if the house republicans continue this debate. These aren't from liberals. Alex Thacker: You're saying Stacey is a better writer than I am? Sloan Sabbith: But, he's unwilling to help law enforcement capture the source by identifying him. STANDS4 LLC, 2021. The Barclays guys say "This debate is detached from reality." We're a family. Neal Sampat: What the f*** did you just say? Civility, respect, and a return to what's important; the death of bitchiness; the death of gossip and voyeurism; speaking truth to stupid. People questions when they don't …. [to MacKenzie] Hire her. "A truth that matters can't stay hidden." 1 talking about this. Web. Will McAvoy: [to Mac] I worked very hard at cultivating no friendships outside of work. Charlie Skinner: Reese, the newsroom became a courtroom because I felt the American public needed a f***ing lawyer. The greater fool is a patsy. Alex Thacker: What I am not fine with is being passed over for an assignment at work because I exercised poor judgment in my personal life. Will McAvoy: Who else's body have you guarded. We're seventh in literacy, twenty-seventh in math, twenty-second in science, forty-ninth in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labor force, and number four in exports. Don Keefer: I can't believe I'm getting Don Keefered! Don Keefer: “You know what it says on a box of chocolate pudding mix? On the first day of class tell them they know the difference between right and wrong. -Will McAvoy, 8. And now I'm gonna have to spend the next God knows how many hours in mourning. [He walks down the hall]. Solomon Hancock: They're coming out with a better model in 6 months. Will McAvoy: Okay. That hole is never going to be fixed, it's never going away, and you can't get a new boat. The UK. A newsroom undergoes some changes in its workings and morals as a new team is brought in, bringing unexpected results for its existing news anchor. Reese Lansing: Every second you're not current a thousand people are changing the channel to the guy who is. We reached for the stars, acted like men. Do not laugh, I felt the exact same way about the bar exam. Jim Harper: You and your whole generation's contempt for institutions... Maggie Jordan: I'm two years younger than you. But most of all, the biggest new requirement, really the only requirement, is that I have to hate Democrats. A doctor pronounces her dead, not the news. Dealt a little weed. Don Keefer: Well, I can't speak for Will, but I will. He spent a lifetime fighting it's enemies. MacKenzie McHale: I don't own a lot of stock. I can already dial the phone and have an ounce delivered to this table before the check comes. -Sloan Sabbith. -Charlie Skinner, 3. Spain. They don't need a lawyer to tell them their moral absolutes, and whenever you hear someone give a monologue defending the ethics of their position, you can be pretty sure they know they were wrong. You know why people don't like liberals? From the collapse of the financial system to the truths about how strong we are to the dangers we actually face. Lonny Church: Nothing I can do about being big and black at the same time. Sloan Sabbith: What happens in ten seconds? Because they lose. Jim Harper: I'll try to answer them with the same detail and honesty you've always answered mine. Alex Thacker: Based on merit, not based on who he prefers to sleep with at any particular moment. Here are some things done on American soil in the name of Christianity. I want a human moment from you... what about the people? has freedom... 207 sovereign states in the world, like 180 of 'em have freedom. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed... by great men, men who were revered. Bree Dorrit: For... movie fans? So I'm not so easily surrendering to citizen journalists or citizen detectives." "Reclaiming the fourth estate. "And with a straight face, you're gonna tell students that America's so star-spangled awesome, that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Maggie Jordan: Well, I didn't go to medical school or anything. Mackenzie MacHale: *Has* someone invented a way to digitally store images... Will McAvoy: [shouts] YouTube! That's my answer. Tonight? Maggie Jordan: I'm sorry, but don't I first open my eyes and notice it's a new day? Reclaiming journalism as an honorable profession. MacKenzie McHale: Why do we have to feature it tonight? Jim Harper: [Referring to Edward Snowden] I want to ask him at what point he decided to declare war on the United States. Moderator: There was a short piece on Vanity Fair's website by Marshall Westbrook, you probably saw it, where he calls you the Jay Leno of news anchors. the best part about working a very loud assignment desk is the crazy quotes that bounce out of the scanners. Will McAvoy: Yeah, but it was impossible to define what the Yippies were protesting! Brian Brenner: Are you prepared to talk about having polio? Only the elite few who cover stories nobody cares about get to call themselves... Will McAvoy: [Cutting her off] I've got a guy on my staff who got hit in the head with a glass door Thursday. But you, nonetheless, are without a doubt a member of the worst, period, generation, period, ever, period, so when you ask, 'What makes us the greatest country in the world?' Who are we to make these decisions? Subscribe to HBO: The Newsroom is back for a second season on July 14th. -Will McAvoy. And while nothing, not even this victory our country has waited for such a long time, can bring back the souls lost on that terrible morning in New York City, in Virginia, in a field in Pennsylvania, and all across America and the world, let tonight serve as a welcome reminder that throughout our history, America's darkest days have always been followed by its finest hours." Will McAvoy: It doesn't seem like a very nice thing to do to Don or Maggie or Lisa. We're 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, number 4 in labor force, and number 4 in exports. MacKenzie McHale: Will. Neal's hiding in South America. I was an accomplice to a slow and repeated and unacknowledged and unamended train wreck of failures that have brought us to now. Bryce Delancy: [about him, a Republican, co-sponsoring a bill with a Democrat] Once you're elected, you have a duty to work with other people who have been elected. Charlie Skinner: I'm too old to be governed by fear of dumb people. But we should call them what they are - The American Taliban. Subscribe A newsroom undergoes some changes in its workings and morals as a new team is brought in, bringing unexpected results for its existing news anchor. I need wisdom. Charlie Skinner: I'm never gonna be able to put that back together. And we may have a political difference on this, but I take a lot of pride in being a job creator. MacKenzie McHale: So you're willing to end up like the two of us? They're journalists." And I have to have such a stunning inferiority complex that I fear education and intellect in the 21st century. Problem is now I have to be homophobic. We aspired to intelligence; we didn't belittle it; it didn't make us feel inferior. Will McAvoy: You know, it feels like you're on my side, but just barely. Thank you both. Sloan Sabbith: [From the studio set] I can still hear you. 20. The Newsroom Quotes It is a huge, dangerous, scary as shit mistake to convene your own trial in front of a television audience. 11. MacKenzie McHale: [interrupts] I have wisdom. Maggie Jordan: There was a desk producer who saw Will yell at me about something. Every night when we turn on the news, we are assaulted by vicious reports about our president - because that is what he is...our president. MacKenzie McHale: Are you sure about that? They can call themselves the Tea Party. Sloan Sabbith: Don't pretend you don't know that most people watch 10 minutes of news. Charlie Skinner: You're suspended with pay... Sloan Sabbith: [Sloan cut's him again screaming] I don't want the goddamn pay! Don Keefer: It's a person. "There's a story about a little kid who keeps shredding paper and his parents take him to all kinds of doctors to get him to stop shredding paper. No demographic sweet spot; a place where we can all come together. -Mackensie Mchale, 19. Episodes are written around actual recent news events, reported by a staff that takes its collective responsibilities seriously, but corporate and commercial obstacles -- plus entangled personal relationships -- fly in the face of their public mission. Will McAvoy: And then they might have told some people. Sloan Sabbith: Balancing your checkbook is to balancing the budget as driving to the supermarket is to landing on the moon. So 207 sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom. Charlie Skinner: And a lot of people might argue there are witches out there. Aubrey Lyons: What were you doing on a Sex and the City tour bus to begin with? The Army of God fatally attacks abortion clinics and doctors across the country. Yosemite? Hasn't slept in three days. Maggie Jordan: That's the thing - it doesn't feel like it. A nightly newscast that informs a debate worthy of a great nation. In the first two seasons of The Newsroom, Sorkin once again spent precious airtime reminding us of the preciousness of airtime. A sweet, smart, wholesome midwestern girl. What he's very reasonably worried about is the bad leak, so he'd prefer there are no leaks. [about Obama's visit to India and the absurdly exaggerated figure of the cost]. Will McAvoy: Right now! And the AP who sent him there? Jesus looks up into the heavens, raises his arms, and suddenly the sky darkens. Charlie Skinner: About a *deadly radiation leak*? [asking about people who used to work for ACN]. Sloan Sabbith: [sighs, turns to Will] Please I have to fix this now. France. The federal building in Oklahoma City. We don't need the IRS or the Department of Education or the Federal Reserve. [Maggie brings pages to Bill as "Baba O'Riley" plays over the scenes], Roger Daltrey: Teenage wasteland / It's only teenage wasteland, Roger Daltrey: Teenage wasteland, oh, yeah. "It's a person. Neal Sampat: [In disbelief about what was being posted on his website for ACN] The nine most overrated movies of all time. I can out-ass anyone in the tri state area. Will McAvoy: And yeah, you... sorority girl. Jim Harper: [Just as smug as Don] Let this day be recorded in the all... Maggie Jordan: Your fly's unzipped. Uh, this leak he believes is a good leak. Jim Harper: I'm not sure how I feel about new confident Maggie. It didn't make us feel inferior. Maggie Jordan: In retrospect it seems farfetched. Australia... Belgium! Will McAvoy: After the show. See more ideas about newsroom, tv quotes, hbo. Don Keefer: [Both turn suddenly to see Jim Harper standing in the elevator looking at them. The police. Rebecca Halliday: Yeah, cuz what criminal master mind could open an Office Depot filing cabinet without a key? Thanks to Carrie we all got to live the typical life of a single woman in New York City! Will: “The only reason I seem liberal is because I believe hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure not gay marriage.”. We are Mackenzie McHale and myself. MacKenzie McHale: Yeah, you don't want Neal to go to jail for ten days. Reese Lansing: You really want to argue the indisputable fact that I cut paychecks to 141,000 people? That's why. I have to deny facts and think scientific research is a long con. He struggles with things. That's all it takes. We didn't use it in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the First Gulf War and we were fighting people that did have... Jerry Dantana: Those all happened before 9/11. Jim Harper: [pause] Here's what happened. I'm News Night's managing editor and make the final decision on everything seen and heard on this program. It doesn't cost money, it costs votes. Halliday: Fourteen months ago you went on the air and called the Tea Party the American Taliban. In the old days of about 10 minutes ago, we did the news well. The Pentagon is a really big building, you can't levitate it. I'm asking, honestly, because there was a portion of the broadcast that turned into a Kurosawa movie. But most of all, the biggest new requirement, really the only requirement, is that I have to hate Democrats. That's Elliot Hirsch and that's Sloan Sabbith. You know how? The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one-America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. Will McAvoy: I'd like a Dr. Pepper, please. Sloan Sabbith: You gave me a little test. Just start pressing buttons. And I also don't believe in Santa Claus but if I saw eight reindeer take flight... Jim Harper: You haven't seen eight reindeer. We're the media elite. In "The Newsroom," the Emmy-winning executive producer uses the operation of a fictional cable news network as the heart of the story, with Jeff Daniels portraying the … I have to think poor people are getting a sweet ride. Jan 24, 2017 - Explore Marcus Marcus's board "The Newsroom Quotes" on Pinterest. And I have never seen you sneer at anyone or anything. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. Neal Sampat: A popular discussion at the moment there's recent article projecting U.S. credit rating fallout as a result of the debt ceiling standoff. Will McAvoy: In spite of there being no source for this information, to say nothing of the absurdity of the figure, Fox News grabs the baton. I've got a grown woman who has to subtract with her fingers staying up all night trying to learn economics from a PhD who could be making 20 times the money three miles downtown. Jim Harper: You're working two jobs. The failure of this program during the time I've been in charge of it to successfully inform and educate the American electorate. The Newsroom is the tale of a fictional cable news program with a lofty goal: bring back integrity and journalism to the news. Leona Lansing: Oh, I'm- I'm just kidding. to give time for the people to jam the phone lines of the district offices. Whether you voted for him or not, that office and that title deserves some respect. And what better place to get that well of venom and outrage boiling than a newsroom, because you're on the front lines. You're a financial news reporter who gets to spend an hour on one subject. A beautiful, beautiful woman, and I thought to myself "I will never know what it is to be with a woman like that." Taylor Warren: "There's a safety net there" was the end of that sentence, and plainly his concern is with the middle class. With Jeff Daniels, Emily Mortimer, John Gallagher Jr., Alison Pill. Brian Brenner: And he's going to cave on the debate too. If you face off with the guy you accused on TV it is going to be a lawless food fight with irreversible, irretrievable consequences. So I hope your voice gets louder in the next four years." That might sound crazy. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in our last election, and we didn't  we didn't scare so easy...Huh. Moderator: One's a set of laws and the other's a declaration of war. He identified with Don Quixote - an old man with dementia who thought he could save the world from an epidemic of incivility simply by acting like a knight. [looking at Will] Have you felt his pecs? We don't need FEMA. There are a few things that always work on The Newsroom: the characters and the quotes.Here are a few of our favorites from in and out of the ACN newsroom… Will McAvoy: You say that like I've got polio. Right? I'm not your wife, raise your hands above your hips and I will knock you the f*** into next week. Don Keefer: [Entering the studio] What the f*** is going on? Maggie Jordan: I mixed up Georgia the State with... Jim Harper: You thought the Russians invaded Atlanta? Free Daily Quotes. MacKenzie McHale: [to Jennifer] Again just stay calm. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. Leona Lansing: Well, last night the voters ousted 21% of congress including seven members of the House Sub-committee on Communications and Technology. Good authors too who once knew better words now only use four letter words, writing- What the f*** is going on? [Turns to Sharon] Sharon, the NEA is a loser. It costs airtime and column inches. Why? Jim Harper: How are you still working here? We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer". I dunno know what the fuck you're talking about! In less than 100 hours, they found two needles in a haystack the size of the world. MacKenzie McHale: What is the difference [between corporations and people] ? Brian Brenner: Are you prepared to talk about your Republicanism? It costs airtime and column inches. We fought for moral reasons, we passed laws, struck down laws for moral reasons, we waged wars on poverty, not poor people. The attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan and the successful assassinations of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, and Abraham Lincoln, all perpetrated by Christians. Charlie Skinner: [Writing on a pad of paper] 45% of the controlling shares times 66 equals... Reese Lansing: [Pointing over Charlie's shoulder] Carry the three. Three of those seven are AWM's most reliable friends on the Hill. Mackenzie MacHale: You're going on a date with a cheerleader? -Don Keefer, 5. Charlie Skinner: That's very unusual for the tech-industry. Will McAvoy: Sharon, the NEA is a loser. Sloan Sabbith: It could matter less, but Santa Claus has nine reindeer. Neither do I. She's the kid at the end of Camelot! Listen to these quotes. I ♥ "The Newsroom"by one of the main characters in Aaron Sorkin's great HBO series, soon to be in its second season...this actor says what moderate to liberal old fogies like me feel about politics, society, the media, and...the news "business" today, even if Sorkin gets overwrought in his ramblings sometimes expressed in the first season! Don Keefer: How would you want to be asked? Charlie Skinner: Have you ever thought about having kids? A need to control women's bodies. And I'm at least an average consumer of news, and you have failed to get me to understand what you've called the most important story of the last ten years. It sure used to be. MacKenzie McHale: [to Jennifer] Don't be scared. I'm moved that they still think they can win and I hope they can teach me a thing or two.

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