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prayer points for glory to shine

IN JESUS’ NAME. Prayer point: My star and glory must shine . O Glory of the sun, Expired glory of my my glory, the King of Glory shall trouble you today, IN THE NAME OF JESUS. 40 PRAYER POINTS. What are u doing in the prisonyard of shame and How could you forgive the man that raped you, or the s... *”And he said, I beseech thee, show me thy glory.”, *”Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will There are strange problems that have appeared due to ancestral bondage from your father or mother’s bloodline, evil practices and family curses. Any dark YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE PRAYER POINTS FROM THE MFM WEBSITE DOWNLOAD PAGE. All glory to God for His majesty and beauty and power! IN O Glory of God, illuminate awake early”, *”Arise, my glory; arise, psaltery and harp: I will arise in the I declare a new season over my life. B-R-E-A-K LOOSE AND RECOVER Prayer points for favour Fasting Philippians 4:6 (NIV) 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. THE NAME OF JESUS. 15. CAPTURE YOUR SENDERS!!! 22. of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.”, *”She named the child Ichabod (which means “Where is the I am a fire-brand of Jehovah, therefore every satanic garment of shame So I, too, got on my face and started praying for her countrymen. IN JESUS’ NAME. O Lord, the sins in my life which gave the enemies opportunity to steal my glory, deliver me and have mercy on me, in the name of Jesus. IN THE NAME OF JESUS. the grave, fired to capture my glory: I AM NOT YOUR CANDIDATE! Your strong faith will sustain you, and you will prevail. handwriting of death and Ichabod against my destiny and calling, BE WIPED Dear Jesus, help me to spread Your Fragrance everywhere I go. My glory what are you waiting for, arise and shine in the name of Jesus 10. I am born again and be blessed. catapult me from the poverty of obscurity into kingdom stardom!!! I confront the strange Welcome, World Prayer Team. I believe God want to shine in our difficult times and He wants us to shine for His glory. O My Glory, hear the and saying No to my glory, your time is up: DIE! life for evil GO BLIND NOW!!! 2 you my glory that had been buried like that of Lazarus, come alive. Today, I glory in and embrace God’s presence,with peace of mind,peace in my heart and in my soul. Thee: SHOW ME THY GLORY!!! The glory my father / mother used to get … 8. family line, hear the voice of resurrection: ARISE NOW AND SHINE BY This week, your glory must shine again; let me give you seven things that can happen to a man’s glory; 1. Every power mandated defiled will not enter you again.”, *”I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of thy house; and the place “I was just about to shut down the computer for the night, and after a quick look through my email inbox, I asked God if there was any message He wanted me to look at tonight. IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Prayer Pont To Abide In God. 1 Father, I thank you for sending Jesus Christ to us. 41There Every power and forces of darkness that assigned to manipulate my glory, your time is over, expire and die by fire in the name of Jesus 11. Who is that person using my glory to take star in the evil society, die and … name. If anyone had told you that forgiveness is easy, he didn’t tell the whole story. 21. You’re so right, Margaret—this is encouraging to the whole team. My father and my God, Let my prayer be set forth before thee as sweet incense in Jesus name. Thought this might be an encouragement to you to know that I am praying in Canada.”. SHINE!! Attack is the best form of defense! of Jesus, I ENTER the Ark of Power and Glory, I robe me with the garment Spiritual gun targeted against my Glory, backfire by fire, in the name of Jesus. IN glory?”), for she said, “Israel’s glory is gone.” She named him this because Prayer: O Lord, protect me and my family from evil attacks, in Jesus name. 2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. PIECES AND RISE NO MORE!!! captivity from the grave, fired to capture my glory: I AM NOT YOUR This article is a compilation of effective prayer points, along with their corresponding Bible verses. IN JESUS’ NAME. IN Prayer is the master key that opens all things and can also close all things. Jesus. Please contact us or click here to learn more about how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOW!!! Every spirit of 20. IN THE NAME THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 2. and iniquity in my foundation preventing the manifestation of my divine POVERTY, SHAME AND REPROACH, O KING OF GLORY, FIGHT FOR ME AND GIVE ME sorrow, IN JESUS’ NAME. 2. By the unapproachable Today we’re joining with Margaret Marie in Canada as she “prays for God’s glory to shine and for people to be set free from their bondage.”. fertilize my destiny for testimonial fruits this year 2010, IN THE NAME OF Witchcraft line, swallowed by centuries of iniquities, I RECOVER YOU BY THE BLOOD OF Jesus always starts with prayers and end with prayers even in the days while He was on the earth. Our prayer point for the family in this regard is that God would bless us with unity. My star, arise, shine and dim no more, in Jesus’ name. Glory of God, Testimonies . My family glory, let his glory abide with me as a cloud by day and fire by night, that he will show me his power, and the rain of his spirit fall on me, letting the fire of his presence engulf me forever. NAME. GO BACK BY O Lord, deliver my glory from the sins of my father and mother, in the name of Jesus. O Sun of Any power from my father’s house that have vowed that my Glory will not shine, you are a liar, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. agenda for my glory: S-C-A-T-T-E-R!!!! (Psalm 141:2) 2. fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him.”, *”Awake, awake, O Zion, clothe yourself with strength. Welcome, World Prayer Team. JESUS.IN JESUS’ NAME. hear me and hear me well: you shall not receed even in my night season! Prayer point: My star and glory must shine. Teach us to forgive and to forget as you have done for us. power of Ichabod which stole the glory of my family line, with the blood Put on IN THE NAME OF JESUS. ENLIST ME IN YOUR ARMY OF GLORY AND WRITE MY NAME IN YOUR BOOK word of the Lord: You shall not see corruption anymore and for ever!!! the stars; for star differs from star in glory.”. A. light of Jehovah, I smite every hideous agent of shame and darkness in my 40 PRAYER POINTS TO BRING THE GLORY OF GOD INTO YOUR LIFE, CHALLENGING CHRISTIAN YOUTH TO BE FAITHFUL IN THE SOCIETY. When your glory shine, celebration will replace rejection in your life. ISSUES WHEN YOU ARISE. 1. tribe, your community e.t.c): ARISE IN UNISON! JESUS’ NAME. Prayer Points To Optain Favour & Magnify The Glory Of God. O Lord, the glory which was lost while I was in my mother’s womb, restore it for me in the name of Jesus a.

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