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k ration info

The photos used for illustrations are either from own collection, found on the internet or provided by 1944Supply. The planning and organization for static warfare, like that in the Great War, became obsolete overnight. Special items (like matches or Halazone tablets) were packed in one unit but not the others due to space limitations. Postwar Army supply plans for field rations relied solely on heavier canned wet rations, initially the C-ration, later by similar canned rations such as the MCI, primarily to save additional cost of procurement and storage. SILVER, JEWELLERY, WATCHES, MILITARIA & PICTURES. The K Ration in its experimental stage. Although it was understood in the 1940's that sugar is made of 50% glucose and 50% fructose, it was not known that only the first provided the energy for the muscles. The waxed carton was found useful by soldiers to start small fires in which to boil water for coffee or cocoa.[4]. For more information on K rations visit Only 2 left in stock - order soon. [3] The Quartermaster Command's Subsistence Branch altered some components and renamed the ration the Field Ration, Type K, or "K-ration"; the final version totaled 2,830 kilocalories (11,800 kJ). The K-ration was an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the United States Army during World War II. This, however, was not always understood and daily issue in the field was sometimes based on one box (an unit) for a day. [2] They were soon called the "paratrooper ration", since paratroopers were the first to be issued the ration on an experimental basis. Most existing K-ration stocks were declared surplus, and distributed to civilian feeding programs overseas.[3]. (It doesn't fill up). $8.00 shipping. It was reported from the Pacific front early in the war that the status of “emergency ration" caused it that it was not issued to the fighting man on the ground, but only issued to flying personnel of the USAAF as a bail out ration. [7] Though the K-ration was designed to be an emergency ration, Quartermaster Corps officials would continue to insist until the end of the war that the K-ration would satisfy all requirements for a lightweight complete field ration for all front-line troops at a scale of one K-ration per man per day, using the prior experiments with airborne forces as evidence. The meals only gained "palatable" and "better than nothing" ratings from the soldiers, but were successful in relieving hunger and providing sufficient energy. Surgeons commented upon a noticeable decrease in body fat and wasting of muscle, requiring copious feeding and rest, as well as ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Buff-coloured ration books - Most adults had this colour. [9] The K-ration allowance was one ration per man per day, (breakfast, dinner and supper) because of the short duration and hasty nature of experimental testing of the K-ration before adoption. Notice of any change should be given 30 days prior to starting on another 90 day production contract. Many soldiers, including the U.S. unit known as Merrill's Marauders[6] and British Chindit forces in Burma, had for five months lived primarily[13] on K-rations, supplemented by rice, tea, sugar, jam, bread, and canned meat rations, which were dropped to them by air. There’s nothing worse than having to stand in line at a snackbar for some fries and a can of Coke. This, however, would indicate that this ration was only for parachute troops and not for other units. The advantage of these kits over the K Ration kits are that the can is issued separately and do not have to fit the box. In the case of the Marauders, whose diet consisted of 80% K-rations, severe weight loss (an average of 35 pounds or 16 kilograms per man) and vitamin deficiency were noted, which may have also contributed to a decline in resistance to various tropical diseases. Note that all meals have a meat product that is packed in a rectangular cut-down Spam can. In November 1941 the "parachute" ration was finally adopted as a standard field ration. (Sometimes the term "parachute ration" was used to indicated that this ration was to be air dropped with a parachute.). Keys went to a local supermarket to choose foods that would be inexpensive, but still be enough to provide energy. Für diese Fälle sollten Sie unbedingt vorsorgen: Unfälle im Haushalt, Brandschutz Abgeschnitten sein durch Flut, Schnee, Krankheit Probleme mit der Trinkwasser-Versorgung Stromausfall The "K" Ration was therefore created to provide a good nutritional ration light in weight, and yet suitably packaged to withstand the rigors of combat. Additionally, replacement of the fruit powder component of C- and K-rations with a source of ascorbic acid that would guarantee the utilization of this nutrient was recommended, as the current diet of troops operating on individual rations in the field was almost wholly devoid of ascorbic acid. Although the Army labeled its ration system with the letters A, B, C and D, this new ration did not followed up with an "E". MRE & Ration Reviews from 1863-current! In 1943, a ration board headed by the chief of the Nutrition Branch, Office of the Chief Surgeon, was appointed and directed to conduct comprehensive field tests on rations which would be used later in combat. Boxes needed to be printed, canned goods produced, biscuits baked, etc. MREInfo is the most trusted source for U.S. military operational ration information, for both MREs and rations from the recent past (C-Rats). As it was originally intended as an "assault" ration to be issued for short durations, the K-ration was designed to be used for a maximum of 15 meals. Contrary to several long-standing myths, there is no special significance attached to the letter "K." It was simply picked to make it phoneti… The lightweight, easy-to-carry K Ration was designed for the assault phase of combat operations, first put to use by Army paratroopers. In the peak year, 1944, they procured more than 105 million. The outer box was printed on its top in bold capital sans serif block letter type with the text: "US ARMY FIELD RATION K", with the meal unit type (BREAKFAST, DINNER, or SUPPER UNIT) printed underneath it and a capital letter on each end (B, D, or S). Ration planners did not realize that soldiers fighting, digging, and marching in extreme conditions would require many more calories per day than a soldier marching over cleared roads in temperate climates. "(Joe Blumlein to Col. Doriot, August 18, 1942). Green ration books - Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 5. Its worth has been proven to such extent that quite often its procurement and use by the Ground Forces exceeds that of the "C" Ration.The ration is packaged in three wax dipped units distinctively marked both as to lettering and color. K-Ration. Although the K Ration consists of three boxes, one for each meal, the three units together are considered one complete ration. C ration. The main focus during development of this new ration was in providing enough energy. To top it off a confection was included. It was developed in 1941 under the direction of the physiologist Ancel Keys (hence the name K), which receives as mission from the US Air Force to develop a non-perishable ration directly ready to eat and which holds In a soldier’s pocket. Field or Combat Army Rations: C-Rations, K-Rations, D-Rations and More Rations are fundamental to military operations. A ration based on a pemmican biscuit as the main food used in successive meals was useless and the whole idea was tossed out of the window. Lots: 800 Venue Address. "Although eating a K Ration meal that provided enough energie, the stomach still wasn't full, leaving the soldier with a hungry feeling. In 1941, Ancel Keys, a University of Minnesota physiologist, was assigned by the U.S. War Department to design a non-perishable, ready-to-eat meal that could fit in a soldier's pocket as a short-duration, individual ration. [3] Two original samples (one version used pemmican biscuits, a peanut bar, raisins, and bouillon paste; the other used pemmican biscuits, a small D ration bar, canned processed meat, and lemon beverage powder) evolved into the one-package breakfast-dinner-supper combination later adopted as standard. 29. They were packed one unit deep, three units wide (one of each unit), and twelve units long (all of the same unit type). The K-ration (also known as "Ration K") was an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the United States Army during World War II. The K-ration was an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the United States Army during World War II. Provided it passes a reasonable visual/smell/taste test. After a field test one soldier stated: "My appetite said I had eaten enough, but my stomach said it was empty. Behind him is another soldier dining on an early 1944 dinner unit, of which half a block of canned cheese can be seen sitting on the box it came in. K ration Pronunciation: [key] an emergency field ration for U.S. armed forces when other food or rations are not available, consisting of three separate packaged meals of concentrated or dehydrated food. With the K Ration in full productions the production time was cut in half when assembly lines were kept running without interruption. The latter however, is useless for the human body.So, in fact, only half of the computed calories provided by sugar is real energy. It was originally intended as an individually packaged daily ration for issue to airborne troops, tank corps, motorcycle couriers, and other mobile forces for short durations. The K-ration originally came packed in an unbleached tan-colored rectangular cardstock box with black lettering. When an order was placed with a prime contractor, (this could be for 10 million complete rations) the contractor needed time to set up a production line and place orders with subcontractors. K-Ratio is freight's leading CTA specializing in risk management using data and financial instruments to drive sustainability. The entrée came in a small, round metal can painted green with black lettering, with a metal key (dubbed a "twist key") to open it, packaged in a roughly square 3 in × 2 3⁄4 in × 1 7⁄16 in (76 mm × 70 mm × 37 mm) cardboard box. New updates about the website, a website about the US K Ration and where you can get quality K Ration reproductions. Although the Army labeled its ration system with the letters A, B, C and D, this new ration did not followed up with an "E".To create a phoneticly different name, the letter "K" was chosen. [K rations] noun [pl](AmE) special meals given to US soldiers during World War II. We found 3 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word k-ration: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "k-ration" is defined. [6] At the end of the three days, the men were weighed, and as no abnormal weight loss was noted, the K-ration was deemed successful. 20 Personen sprechen darüber. A wooden spoon, cigarettes, toilet tissue and salt tablets are also included.Twelve rations come snugly packed in one case in order to facilitate supply where rough terrain is encountered and transportation is limited, and to provide for more successful drop from the air. [8], By war's end, millions of K-rations had been produced, but the army had lost interest in them. ), Stelling, Henry (M.D. Keys was tasked with developing a combat ration which would be extremely durable and very lightweight. Through the inclusion of a fruit bar some fibers were added to the diet, providing a little more satisfaction and stimulates bowel movement. Rationing began on 8th January 1940 when bacon, butter and sugar were rationed. Behind him is another soldier dining on an early 1944 dinner unit, of which half a block of canned cheese can be seen sitting on the box it came in. 상품명: K-RATION tactical combat T shirt 전술티셔츠 G2 컴뱃 전술 티셔츠 밀리터리룩 컴뱃셔츠 육군 디지털 밀리터리 군대 군용티셔츠 밀리터리룩 기능성티셔츠. [3] Some believed the K-ration was named after Dr. Keys or was short for "Commando" (as elite troops were the first to receive it). In theory sugar is a high calorie sustenance. The later "Morale Series" had unique packaging designs that were color-coded and letter-coded on the ends for quick identification. They were named after Dr Ancel Keys, the leader of the group that created them. The rest of the meal came packed neatly in a waxed paper or laminated cellophane pack. In the following chapters I will try to explain and show its general development and its components. As a rule of the thump, K Rations produced according to the latest specifications, would show up at the front lines approximately three months later. In front of him lies two late 1944 Supper unit boxes, of which one is opened. 판매가: 42,900원; 적립금: 430포인트 (1%) MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat) … A medic from the 2nd Infantry Division is reading a letter from home. While it was intended that the three meals be eaten in their named order, they were not always consumed in this manner. This confection was some kind of candy or chocolate to raise the calorific contents of the ration. ", The early war K Ration weighted approximately 2. pounds. For example, if three prime contracters all order Lucky Strike cigarettes, this could cause delays with the cigarette company, because it received three different orders at the same time. No. About a year later the K Ration was considered satisfactory and large scale procurement was approved. The latter however, is useless for the human body. Because most components are of a dried or condensed variety (e.g., biscuits instead of bread) and easy to digest, the food didn't gave a satisfying feeling. Although the K Ration was considered an emergency ration at first, only to be used for a few days, until the field kitchen could catch up with the advancing units. Combat experience showed that the men had to live on the K Ration for longer periods than perceived originally. The Do-It-Yourself K Ration. General (2 matching dictionaries) K-ration: Wiktionary [home, info] K-ration: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] Miscellaneous (1 matching dictionary) To portray the GI to the fullest, we made ourself some field rations that we can use. When an order was placed with a prime contractor, (this could be for 10 million complete rations) the contractor needed time to set up a production line and place orders with subcontractors. A reproduction of the master carton with 12 D-bar cartons with 12 cellophane bags to seal the chocolate bar in. The “K” was chosen to distinguish K-Rations from A, B, C, and D rations. Six of these cans were a complete ration for one day, but weighted combined 4.4 pounds. During its experimental stage this ration was often referred to as a "parachute ration". Four cigarette pack from K ration. A medic from the 2nd Infantry Division is reading a letter from home. A crate of 12 K Rations (36 units) produced in 1942 is displayed here in this Signal Corps photo. The ration's intended use as a short-term assault ration would soon fall by the wayside once U.S. forces entered combat. Initial reports of this evolved K ration were favorable. The colored "morale" boxes went into production in May 1944, yet they show up at the front lines earliest late August or early September 1944. The K-ration was an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the United States Army during World War II. One box containing a complete meal. Although adopted as a standard field ration, the K Ration did not went into full production yet. The pack always contained two packages of 8 rectangular K-1 or 4 square K-2 calorie-dense cracker biscuits each, a 4-pack of commercial-grade cigarettes, and either a flat rectangular stick of chewing gum or a square piece of candy-coated gum. The new rations were initially intended as individual rations suitable for short durations only, to be used for a maximum of fifteen meals before supplementation or replacement with 'A-ration' or 'B-ration' field rations. It was originally intended as an individually packaged daily ration for issue to airborne troops, tank corps, motorcycle couriers, and other mobile forces for short durations. With The extras added, the weight was finally raised to 3 pounds and 2 ounces. He purchased hard biscuits, dry sausages, hard candy, and chocolate bars. I have been working on K-Rations using Squirrely’s pdf’s that Greaser gave to me. [6] The packaging of the K-ration into separately described daily meals may have intensified this problem by leading commanders to assume that daily caloric intake was sufficient. Orders were awarded to companies to serve as prime contractor. While one packaging company was specified to use the cans with plain cheese, other companies were instructed to use the canned cheese with bacon. In total three meals provided 2,830 kilocalories (11,800 kilojoules) of food energy and 79 grams of protein,[16][10][5] depending upon components. This was done in order to prevent that several companies ordering with the same subcontractor, creating a bottleneck. Different specifications per contractor was also issued to create a little variety in the rations. K-RATION BOXES “Mid-war” K-Ration Boxes Here they are! With the introduction of mobile troops like the new Armored Corps with its fast reconnaissance vehicles and tanks, and vertical deployment of parachute troops, a lighter combat ration than the then standard "C" ration was needed. K Ration crate stencils for re-enactors ww2 army prop. However, the letter "K" was selected because it was phonetically distinct from other letter-name rations.[1]. 12 talking about this. In front of him lies two late 1944 Supper unit boxes, of which one is opened. R.A. Isker are photographed showing the new "parachure ration", October 15, 1941. The food was supplied in three boxes, one each for breakfast, ↑lunch and dinner,… by Paradise Snare. The K-ration originally came packed in an unbleached tan-colored rectangular cardstock box with black lettering. Food for Fighters (1943)A U.S. Army pictorial release about the food it supplied to its soldiers in the field.Note that the K Rations assembled on the production lines are the early experimental rations with the oblong cans and the components packed loose in the box. Sale Date(s) 04 Jan 2018 10:00 GMT Date Format. I thought that this ration project was going to be straight forward. [4][5]The first procurement of K-rations was made in May 1942. This illustrates the final development of the K ration. (Subcontractors also needed to order packaging material for their products.) They had first choice of fruit, a daily pint of milk and a double supply of eggs. The K-ration first saw use in 1942, when it was issued to U.S. Airborne troops on an experimental basis. "A ration not eaten by the men is worse than no ration at all.". The outer box was printed on its top in bold capital sans serif block letter type with the text: "US ARMY FIELD RATION K", with the meal unit type (BREAKFAST, DINNER, or SUPPER UNIT) printed underneath it and a capital letter on each end (B, D, or S). Blue ration books - Children between 5 and 16 years of age. Complemented with a beverage powder soluble in hot or cold water with sugar. The US Army Quartermaster Corps, and equivalent units in all military services around the world, have to provide for the daily food needs … Each meal includes approximately 4 ounces of either meat, meat and egg product, or cheese spread, together with biscuits, confections, gum, and beverages with sugar. [7] Both of these specialized rations had proved costlier to produce in their original form, and were intensely disliked by the Army's Subsistence Branch staff of the Quartermaster Corps, who had to secure additional supply contracts and storage facilities for the new rations. Also see last photo of K ration with similar package. The breakfast ration box had brown printing and was marked with a brown capital letter "B" on the ends, the dinner ration box had blue printing and was marked with a blue capital letter "D" on the ends, and the supper ration box had olive drab printing and was marked with an olive drab capital "S" on the ends. When everything was delivered at the prime contractor, then the rations could be assembled, packaged and packed. [6] The test platoons carried one K-ration, weapon, poncho, shelter half, and a single filled one-quart canteen. [10], While fighting in the European Theater of Operations, the US Army discovered that troops also quickly got tired of the K-ration, some being forced to eat it for days, or rarely, in excess of a week on end. The markings designate the packages as Breakfast, Dinner and Supper units. The K-ration was an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the United States Army during World War II. K ration definition, an emergency field ration formerly used for U.S. armed forces when other food or rations were not available, consisting of three separate packaged meals of concentrated or … In theory sugar is a high calorie sustenance. The packaging commencing with the earliest version of the ration consisted of a chemically-treated cardboard outer carton and a waterproofed waxed-cardboard inner carton to protect the contents from contamination or damage. The makeup of the K ration evolved and was first put in use in 1942. Note that there are cigarettes included, but no matches yet. Or $0.99 to buy MP3. [12], The K-ration was also criticized for its performance in the China-Burma-India (CBI) theater of operations, where difficulties in supply from bases in India had resulted in widespread and monotonous use of the K-ration for light infantry forces of the United States, as well as Nationalist China and the United Kingdom. After a field test one soldier stated: "My appetite said I had eaten enough, but my stomach said it was empty. Because most components are of a dried or condensed variety (e.g., biscuits instead of bread) and easy to digest, the food didn't gave a satisfying feeling. The report listed the following recommendations: The use of the D ration as a supplement only; the further restriction of the use of C and K-rations to five-day periods unless supplemented; and the replacement of the wholly unsatisfactory dextrose and malted tablets of the K-ration with a more acceptable substitute. In 1948, after introduction of improvements in the C-ration, the K-ration was declared obsolete; production contracts had long since terminated. Re: NVA-Ration K-Portion Post by Garron » Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:38 pm Pinch of luck is right, all I have seen for sale is the Iron Rations (compressed biscuit type in a small metal tin, E-portion I think). Furthermore there are no cigarettes in the PDU and they do not have to be waterproofed with wax. Very good condition. In November 1941 the "parachute" ration was finally adopted as a standard field ration. Nevertheless, one K-ration per man per day would remain the basis of issue, even for mountain troops fighting at high altitudes and infantrymen fighting in the thick jungles of Burma. Most calories were provide through the inclusion of sugar, either raw or as an ingredient of the various components, and fat from the canned meat.The ration would provide an average of 3,250 calories, although the final version of the K Ration only provided 2,830 calories, as stated in the QMC 17-3 manual. The original "K" Ration was developed for paratroopers inasmuch as the "C" Ration, because of its cans and weight, was not considered appropriate. By 1942 many other foodstuffs, including meat, milk, cheese, eggs and cooking fat were also ‘on the ration’. D Ration kits. This may come off more if desired/ Still the pack is nice for display. (As one C ration consists of six cans, two for each meal.) New updates about the website, a website about the US K Ration and where you can get quality K Ration reproductions. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Requirements must be completed in advance and procurement planned in correlation with the C and K rations. The idea that the K Ration should be more than just subsistence, was proven when cigarettes and toilet paper were included. [6] No testing was done of men on extended patrols or with heavier individual loads of ammunition and water. It was originally intended as an individually packaged daily ration for issue to airborne troops, tank crews, motorcycle couriers, and other mobile forces for short durations. However, testing in extreme climatic and operating environments was extremely limited: in jungle testing, for example, the K-ration was evaluated in Panama by paratroopers and the Panama Jungle Test Platoon in an experiment lasting only three days.

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