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it's gonna happen, happen sometime

Today we know better. The “intention” is to ensure (as in prevent) the wrong people from obtaining firearms. Planned Intervention. The social engineers turned them into modern sporting rifles or hunting rifles at best, then they demonized the notion weapons are for combat. Right, that it was stolen, purchased from someone who knew it was stolen, or otherwise sold it to him knowing it was an illegal sale. Look at it this way, when we say drug laws don’t fully work, that doesn’t change the fact that millions of Americans were imprisoned for drug violations, including personal use amounts. Those trucks won’t be entering the cities. That’s very close to the truth. 1) Dorner was a cop himself. The gun used is mostly irrelevant. The average daily increase over 4 countries is 30%. The prosecutor told the ninth that he didn’t think he could win. In Alberta we have 56 cases. but if we can “send a man to the moon” we should be able to figure out how to feed our people. Freeing their minds will make it very difficult to capture their bodies. I may be struggling to keep up (hobbling), but I hope to be there as well. Nobody gives a fk about your stupid antifa little bitches club….. Never happen?!????? I’ll say it again, pro 2-A people, keep your powder dry,,, One thing the antis don’t get is that if there really were confiscation, they would have to search EVERY residence and workplace in the country. Debate without adolescent name calling? 2.It would be horrible/ terrible. Japan, at the time of WWII, knew invading was not a good idea. This should be as well recognized by our side as the “Battle of Athens”, https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/minewars/ “If the people writing a confiscation law ”. People with too much to risk (e.g., small children at home) will either comply or simply hide their contraband away rather than become involved with the justice system. Don’t give me the crap about the military. The founders of the United States spent a lot of time writing and speaking their propaganda to the people prior to carrying out their plans to overthrow the government and kill oppressive people. The Malthusian Theory of Population Definition, Malthusian Theory of Population Explained, Criticisms of the Malthusian Theory of Population. 3) Biggest shooting of students worldwide was not in the US but in Utoya Norway, with a gun, the Ruger mini 14 Ranch, that is legal in Canada, in fact not even restricted or registered there. So yes this is the best post here and I agree whole hertedly. Hogwash. You are all FOOLS if you believe it is for the betterment of humankind! We are estimated by end of March to have 3732 cases in Alberta. A geometric progression is a sequence of numbers where each term after the first is found by multiplying the previous one by a fixed, non-zero number called the common ratio. Areas of National Forest that target shooting was allowed they disallow anyone from picking up brass. This is a new beginning to the #multhsian catastrophe 2020. 10% sounds……. But on a serious note, we are doing the right thing by at least discussing it, but this page and many others are monitored and even have members who are plants. Man is his own worse enemy. Your email address will not be published. Those techniques need to be in every school in the country. They will do what they are told to do, they will do what the lobbyists pay them to do. Never believed it would happen in one big, bold, massive move. There isn’t going to be confiscation because it’s a physical impossibility. If the government is allowed to take guns, the government can then take anything they want there after. We believe that “due process” means we cannot be rousted for reasons we believe to be stupid, or outrageous. The populations in US hit the hardest with this virus are: nursing homes, prisons, and VA hospitals. By March 15, in less than a month, they had 13938 cases. A bunch of piss poor trained Arabs sure made a hell of a problem for the US military over the past few decades. You come around my neck of the woods talking that shit you will be put in your place in two seconds flat…. Never heard of attrition. Imagine that. I don’t believe anyone really knows what will happen or what will finally precipitate “it” but many, maybe most, people can sense it coming. (Being the opposite of a touchy-feely SJW, I can’t believe I just typed that. Look at how few Americans that own guns carry them in red states, fewer do in blue states. Even if it has plateaued, the current population is utterly unsustainable, which proves that even if the Malthusian theory’s pointing towards a limitless growth until a catastrophe occurs is incorrect, his theory clearly isn’t “incredible”. Crazyboy knew he had failed a background check yet he circumvented the law in order to obtain a rifle. And it also blinds and undercuts any potential efforts to work as a single species across all boundaries and divisions to control and balance our numbers to the raw resources we need to survive in balance with the other world processes and cycles. Date announcements or announcements of any kind for that matter probably won’t happen until we’re at the final stretch of the project. Sometimes we made a ricochet kind of noise which is hard to put on paper. The assholes organized and you did not. The left isn’t “just” coming for your guns anymore. He writes about guns and technology for TechCrunch, All Outdoor, The Firearm Blog and other publications. The statists are masters at using the 1st Amendment to overthrow a people from within without having to fire any shots. An armed society is the only thing that keeps tyranny at bay. “THE MINE WARS” – watch the last 1/2 hour for the action concerned. You will spend more time trying to get supplies to survive than you do fighting. Putting them on the defensive doesn’t work in this day and age. Somebody said something, an assessment team trained to examine threats found it credible and action was taken. However I also truly believe that if the wolf comes knocking, the wolf won’t like what it finds. The aryan brotherhood is a prison gang. I believe fully any attempt to confiscate our legally owned firearms would be considered government tyranny subject to starting a civil war.This is what our SECOND AMENDMENT is all about. Have faith on yourself . Every country on the planet will be smuggling guns into this country. It doesn’t have to be that way since Man has learned how to husband their resources during farming and agriculture. It is in vain, and will produce no fruit. Most do not grow/fester. They would most likely even know which calibers and platforms a gun-owner has. For example the first two people he murdered was an ambush killing of the unarmed daughter of a LAPD officer and her unarmed boyfriend. “If you want to be genuinely proactive, you create a society that doesn’t raise mass murderers.”. Not that much different from MOTHER JONES or any other leftist rag. Democrats want to abolish the Electoral College and are threatening the Supreme Court. 02 … Confiscate. For those of you on here claiming this to be a helpful avenue; you are sorely mistaken and naïve. All of my points are well illustrated by a documentary on YouTube. Former public defender Larry Krasner was elected district attorney of Philadelphia in 2017 with a mandate to shake things up. There was an article here on TTAG about a 17 year old form Colorado that got kicked out of school for going to a shooting range with his mother. Beware of privatized law enforcement, my friend. There are plenty of firearms in the posesssion of citizens that are unknown to the government. “Once you’re on a team it’s about winning as a team by any means necessary. Thousands of armed guys on board sides in a real no shit shooting “war”. This is the example the founders of our nation provided for us, and it works the same today as it did back then. Homicidal? the earth is calling for adaptation and mitigating standards for it’s recovery. I often wonder how many gun owners have the appetite to hit back though? And again… your family gets punished. Is this recent pandemic teaching us a number of things we need to re-think? One never knows when a hanging line is a para break, or the software not breaking long words, instead just rolling to the next line. We’ve just seen how frickin’ *New Zealand* can’t even do a buy back. Purple, shiny and just as idiotic. © COPYRIGHT 2020, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Are they breaking the law? Dummies won’t know what hit them even after law enforcement are done with their raid. We are told that not only is it our right to throw off tyrannical government, it is our DUTY. It has been proven that without guns other no less effective methods will be used. who may be in the position of acting on behalf of the others. These measures include family planning, late marriages, and celibacy. The greatest threat to me and my families liberty and well-being is not Iran, No Korea, Russia or China. And when that happens, the thugs quit, investigate and retaliate, or just straight up murder someone as an example. It’s predicted to rise to 9.7 billion in 2064 and then come down to 8.8 billion, losing about a billion by the end of this century. King George III hired German mercenaries (the Hessians) to come to America and do the dirty work that some British troops wouldn’t do because many of the felt that fighting against their own countrymen was just plain wrong. I learned about population growth and Malthus around the late 1950s. Where is the big push from our side on mental health laws and spending? you forget due process, “they” can not hand over or seize anything without due process or paying you for your property being confiscated. I get that you want to think you’re better than other people, and “your kind” don’t do the bad stuff, but who do you think makes up the racist mobs the Antifa kids are itching to fight with? Does anyone have any hard data confirming or refuting that claim? Some Empirical Evidence”, he concluded that a country’s level of economic development and level of happiness are not connected. There are many such incidents around the country that demonstrate how Early Detection, Threat Assessment and Planned Intervention stop attacks while still in the planning stage. The earth capacity to take care of food and growth had been interrupted by population and urbanization. That’s hard to fathom. Rather, drying up the supply through bans and having harsh penalties for being caught with any banned weapons is the issue. you can resist and that’s the only fight that will happen, and when you do if you’re lucky enough to kill one or two, you will more likely be dead. Most people are far too happy being employed and having a family to let that happen. We have been at times astoundingly powerful with the latter. Second of all, they would not fear retribution from a disgruntled firearm owner. It is growing and the human being is gettng killed . The United States has very tough time beating a determined enemy.. especially the enemy they can’t win the hearts and minds of…I’m not disrespecting the military I’m just stating fact…they are not prepared for anything… they have had multiple threat assessments that proved that martial law is unsustainable, even by a foreign occupying Force .. the main reason was our individual Marksmanship.. no country on this planet is better trained in individual Firearms used in America.. not even Israel.. That’s why: police are being equipped with armored vehicles with gun ports, drones can drop bombs, planes have energy weapons, directed radiation weapons exist that can cook you from afar, weather control techniques were developed, chemical/biological weapons were created where they personally have protections for, etc. A Public Argument: 5 Part Series: A Public Argument (4.51): Brother tests his sister's limits on a public bus. Red Flag law confiscation. You know *nothing* about the ‘average American’ if you seriously believe that line of shit someone sold you, son. The tension is rising. There are more than double the number of AR’s in private hands in NY today than there was when the SAFE ACT was passed. If they can’t survive a few years of tariffs, how can they survive with the major populations centers not doing business with them and not allowing use of their ports? I agree to that point. the general premise is probably not correct b/c outright confiscation never happened in Germany. Those gun-control groups. Unfortunately, our courts have endorsed the concept that government satisfies “due process” if a duly elected legislature passes a law, a judge issues a warrant/order based on that law, and police then enforce that warrant/law. Moreover the number of items does not equal the number of people, since a single person could own more than one item that was newly prohibited or regulated. We have a highly inflated and fantastical image of “due process”. You have entered an incorrect email address! For instance, we need food and water to fight and survive, but the government can deny us rainfall, which is the modern version of scorched earth tactics. Someone murdered you and yours while being an enemy of you and yours and you will want blood. No one says anything about the police directing them into the midst of BLM and antifa, then ordering them to disperse and forcing them to do so through antifa and BLM, and then the cops withdrawing and letting violence ensue as part of a planned ambush. probably not the ones who think weapons are icky…. All Rights Reserved. So, they will lose with time and no one will hear their screams. No NRA or gun related sticker on your car? A far-left nut burning police cars is portrayed as a hero. He had a vest and knew police procedures, including for confronting/dealing with an active shooter such as himself. But they’re still on your permanent police record, so they’ll bust down your door looking for them. These checks would lead to the Malthusian catastrophe. Unfortunately we as gun owners would have to wait until more than a few occurrences of confiscation happened for no other reason than for the sake of confiscation before we could justify a reaction. The media jumps all over it if it fits their narrative. Now what if you had a March with the Oath Keepers or some 3%’ers? This pandemic is really catastrophic. Answer, it can’t. From the 1971 raid on Ken Ballew’s home forward, the ATF has the bloodiest record of any Federal law enforcement agency. It seems to have sped up at an alarming pace. No one says anything about James Fields car being under assault with bats and bricks when he hit the gas. One can, and should, make every available effort to secure the free exercise of our rights through all legal means possible. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to having to make a move. Economics, as taught and practiced by ideologues in capitalistic and laissez-faire societies, is a formula for a more rapid decline than would otherwise be likely. “Look where those legal successful tactics brought us.”. And the removal of the CLEO permission for NFA items is also huge. Ideas don’t become important, the group does. Messages to validate my social science studies in the 1960s, We Indians of 130 crores observing complete lockdown of one month & overcome all virus . They weren’t. For the past ten thousand years it has been changes in material culture, or technology, that have driven changes in non-material culture. Failing food production, storage & distribution there is the reason why people starve. If Corona had arrived 100 years ago in Wuhan, it would have never migrated all over the world and very possibly died out right there. THAT did more for gun-control than gun-control central could ever dream of. Problem is, I don’t think either Democrats or Republicans think that way. Thus, in terms of confiscation, if a legislature bans firearms and provides for a court confiscation order and police enforcement of said court confiscation order, the courts consider that “due process”. The Founders did indeed risk much, and we may one day be called to do the same. Did you long time friend just get popped for something minor and is working that off by reporting to LE? Thus is reality not theory. We didn’t know what’s going to happen next month. And that disgruntled firearm owner would have absolutely no way whatsoever to determine who at his/her bank’s offices (which are probably 700 miles away in another state) processed that court order — and thus have no way of knowing who to “punish”. Were dead they don’t know it be they are too. They also claim it can help with global warming but it appears to make things hotter if it doesn’t rain. Far too many people today prioritize fun and comfort over duty. Therefore you don’t need to be free to own any gun you want without permission from the government. “In NY it’s estimated that most of the gun owners not in compliance with the SAFE Act are cops. As for who is actually going to starve, it’s deplorables that work in the food factories, and deplorables again that drive the tractor-trailers to fill suburban supermarkets full of groceries. In many states the sheriffs are leading the 2A sanctuary city efforts. 2) Biggest school shooting in e US, ever, was with handgun (Virginia tech) meaning an AR ban won’t do a thing. I truly believe that deranged talk (internet, video, newspapers, magazine, pick your chosen outlet) with no common sense is what has gotten us to this point. Doing that works. A lot of gun owners, maybe most, don’t have the courage or desire to resist gun confiscation. India now has 1.4 billion –with a b– people and projected to surpass China which now has 1.5 billion. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/blog/effective-dry-fire-practice/, Sorry, they don’t have to confiscate guns door to door, they just have to make them illegal go own. The Malthusian Theory of Population is a theory of exponential population growth and arithmetic food supply growth. Whoever wrote this article is a dumbass because . “The whole system was broken. Well folks just think what would happen if they defund the police and take our guns. “Who’s going to do the dirty work of confiscation?”. To correct the imbalance, Malthus also suggested using preventative measures to control the growth of the population. However, I’d think occurrences as distinct between developed and developing nations. There is also risk during even basic traffic stops on your way to the range, or if you are simply carrying and have 12 rounds mags in a 10 round state. Today, less than 2% of the population works in the agricultural sector, while the total GDP is over $14 trillion. Could it have been an 80% lower and he bought the rest of the parts and assembled his own? What happens when we run out of rain forest to cut down? Add to that the banning of state businesses, or state chartered businesses (like banks and credit unions), and the public presence of guns will be as rare as the best confiscation operation ever conducted. This wave of young-ish people who primarily only care about fun/comfort are not having children by-and-large. If things do get ugly, it will make the War Between the States look like a picnic. 4) 90% of US shootings, including 80% of mass shootings — and the 90% of non -gun murder as well — are done by people with priors, which is why US murder plummeted when incarceration rates for violent crime were higher. She is the sister of the Hot-Blooded Leader, after all. Even worse than typical, they handed what the madman predicted on a silver platter, in broad daylight. The politicians that pass gun confiscation laws must be the ones to come to your house and take your gun. The reality, however, has been that population growth has not itself created the crisis that Malthus predicted. Nail on head. How do you “confiscate” that much sheer hardware from that many people? Your whole family is impacted. To clear it up for the author, Hollywood is full of horrible monsters who want to see McCarthyism come back, and are ok with Chicago type gang killings, while pro 2nd A people are preserving the Republic, and ALL the rights instilled in the founding docs/federalist papers. Hollywood, progs, and the MSM have vilified McCarty for since. Kindly help me answer this question: Demonstrate the relevance of the Malthusian theory of population in today’s management of the environment. Finally, even if you could – ever hear the word “black market”? There is a lot of passion on this forum, and “they” will probably come after us first…hahahha. A government agency that is actually and truly required to be effective actually is effective? Good thinking and analysis, Patty. My concern of the future well-being of those things is just important if not more so than the here and now. This is how the left positions a “wedge” issue to get their lower class voters to go along with restrictive laws. You continue to make the false premise that one can not be steadfast in use of the 1st Amendment and the 2nd at the same time. Trust me it was and is all bullshit. My family wants me here too. Y’all always post oh well gun owners will all surrender when their families, jobs, and homes are threatened. I also don’t think that local law enforcement would stand between the feds and gun owners. Dramatic declines in working age-populations are predicted in countries such as India and China, which will hamper economic growth and lead to shifts in global powers. Thomas Paine would have called them summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. I have no doubt that it would indeed take another civil war to inflame Americans to the degree that good people would rise up against a tyranny thrust upon us by our “good” politicians. I studied Malthus’s theory back in the mid 1970, it has always stuck in my mind with regard to the world situation and catastrophes since then. Just another reason why I smack my forehead in exasperation at the Fudds who willingly register their guns. Luckily, till date we have only 5 deaths and 44 confirmed cases but we have thousands of people who very recently returned from abroad especially Italy are roaming about carelessly mostly in the village. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. if you are going to confiscate them all you will have to do two things: 1) You will have to go and tear people’s homes apart searching for them. All gun owners now know it won’t take much ugliness to put a complete stop to any confiscation effort. Guys, the tiki torch march was really a bad idea. Unfortunately there was a new county prosecutor by then who backed down. “You’re dead, I gotcha.” “No I ain’t, you missed me…” We had “pow” and we had “bang”. Do not panic & we all human race shall prevail. Exactly. Always has, always will. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. With a little help from banks that issue credit cards and three or four companies that operate key Internet sites. In NY it’s estimated that most of the gun owners not in compliance with the SAFE Act are cops. Laws that once were “due process” have been overturned throughout our history. Thomas Malthus thought our population would increase by a lot. Prateek Agarwal’s passion for economics began during his undergrad career at USC, where he studied economics and business. The commie ideology was, and is, the enemy of the United States. When .22 ammo disappeared you had a stockpile or what you thought was a stockpile so you put it up for auction on Gunbrokers for prices you should go choke on. No problem, all the police are doing confiscations, for example. Just knowing my lawfully protected God-given rights are just that, also my 4th,5th,6th,8th and 14th protect me legally as well in courts and out of them. Every time you go out for a raid you will take heavy casualties just like the native Americans. All they care about is they are scared, they don’t have the intestinal fortitude or balls to protect themselves, and they are dead set that big government is the answer to all of their problems. That kind of behavior can cause a revolution that makes things worse regardless of who wins. Another Civil war (not so civil) is around the corner! Pathetic, Sad………… Using Emergency declarations, the federal along with state Govt’s can now if they so decided to go door to door using it’s for the collective good reasoning to confiscate all your guns. There is no way government could ever oppress people with their weapons of war because it’s “our” government. Honestly I think some would just hand them over. That’s why you constantly hear the public saying you can’t fight and win against the U.S. government anymore, that you should just give up peacefully if you know what’s best for the American people, yourself and your children. You’ve just seen that name on your liberal news sites and are regurgitating shit you know nothing of. It’s going to happen again ( C W 2 ), I can personally attest to being an Eggplant. Aren’t farmers in America getting closer to bankruptcy because of Trump’s tariffs? You evidently are the product of a gov’t school in a progtard state. Same goes with the cops called when he threatened the neighbors with a gun who didn’t find the house…, “and then bought an AR in legal private sale with no background check.”, What evidence have you seen of this? But to finish, I believe there is a seed of merit to his theory. it will get ugly quick! You say anything that sounds threatening online or outside you will get a call on by COPS to confiscate your hard-earned or hand-me-down guns. I’m pointing out the statement in the article where it’s presented that the lower class has to deal with laws and the middle class will go along uninhimberd strictly due to their social standing. I’m sure it’s a talking point and maybe has even been suggested but that’s about it. These things are already happening.

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