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how to use lemongrass essential oil for candida

Open Drainage Pathways:  Before starting to cleanse candida from your body, it is important to make sure your body can eliminate the released toxins as quickly as possible so they are not reabsorbed back into the body. Ideally, the gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine where it is then eliminated from the body in the stool. All rights reserved. In other words, the presence of heavy metals may cause candida to overgrow. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2012 showed that the essential oils of lemongrass and clove are particularly useful at forcibly penetrating into the thick and tough exterior of the protective biofilm barrier created by candida. Kidney Support™:  The kidneys play a vital role in detoxification, regulating the flow and balance of fluids in the body, filtering the blood, and helping remove waste from the body through urination. Something like fractionated coconut oil or any oil derived from almond, sesame, or avocado. Other uses for essential oils in recent times have included cosmetics, soaps and other hygiene products, household cleaning products and, less commonly, the flavoring of … Facebook Discussion Group. Good bacteria in the gut limits candida from overgrowing. If you’re suffering from athlete’s foot, jock itch, or any other fungal infection, … To make a plaque-reducing mouthwash, all you have to do is put 1 or 2 drops of lemongrass essential oil in a cup of water, mix it well, and use as you would a regular mouthwash. 10 Essential Oils For Candida Overgrowth And Yeast Infections Lemongrass lends its citrus-like aroma and zing to many Thai dishes. Lemongrass oil is generally regarded as safe for human consumption by the U.S. FDA. Reduce this to 2-3 times a day after the first week. Oral Use. A great regime to support your Candida protocol would be to take 2 drops each of Lemongrass, Clove and Myrrh in a teaspoon of coconut oil every 3 hours for the first week. Join our community When combined with a carrier oil (such as jojoba, sweet almond, or avocado oil), lemongrass essential oil can be applied directly to the skin or added to baths in small amounts. How to Take Lemongrass Oil. Make sure you also address candida at its root cause to ensure it doesn't come back, however! A well-known essential oil that has been shown to be effective against Candida is lemongrass essential oil. It can be used topically to attack candida infections and as an antiseptic for fungal infections such as athlete’s foot. Fortunately, lemongrass and clove essential oils are especially effective at busting through the tough biofilm that Candida hides behind, according to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Unfortunately, stress, toxicity, hormones, or diets too low or too high in fat can make the bile thick, viscous, and stagnant which impedes its ability to flow both to the small intestine and out of the body. One reason Clove essential oil is so effective as an antiseptic can be attributed to its ability to inhibit bacteria and yeast. Diarrhea is often just a bother, but it can also cause dehydration. Parasympathetic™ blend can be applied behind the earlobe on the mastoid bone, on the bottom of the foot or on any digestive reflexology points (my favorites are on the ankle (three finger widths above the inner ankle bone) and the webbing between the big and the second toes. While natural essential oils have been used in cooking and as medicinal herbs for centuries, two oils stand out above the rest to fight Candida: Lemongrass essential oil can lower blood pressure as it works as a powerful antioxidant in the body. Try a few essential oils together as an effective remedy for yeast infection. These essential oils are natural and effective means to quickly fix the surface problem. When the essential oil is vaporized, it can be even more effective in altering the cellular structures and surfaces of Candida. It too … This oil may cause extreme skin irritation. It is also an analgesic which can ameliorate pain in the body. Liver™ helps support optimal health and vitality of the liver and is ideal during a candida eradication effort where extra toxins are released (like yeast die-off). Candida can multiply and grow out of control resulting in a condition known as candida overgrowth. But it may take several applications, as well as some time, to see if the symptoms of your infection go away. Bacterial Infections. © 2020 Vibrant Blue Oils, LLC. Another study found that the antimicrobial activity of clove oil was enhanced in combination with other essential oils, which has been consistent with our experience of the parasympathetic blend. In its highest … That said, it is important to detoxify heavy metals in combination with eliminating candida overgrowth to avoid a flare in heavy metal toxicity symptoms. connection and support! Its grassy shafts can grow to around 2 meters (~6.5 feet) high. Studies have shown that clove essential oil is both fast and effective in killing fungal infections. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Candida overgrowth can be triggered by the overuse of antibiotics or a diet of high in refined sugar, processed food or carbohydrates. Geranium Oil. It contains Lemongrass essential oil, a powerful antiseptic, antidiarrheal, antifungal, and antibacterial essential oil can break up Candida biofilm and alter its cellular structures. This oil may cause phototoxicity; … If you are looking for a more natural alternative to treat a yeast infection, lemongrass essential oil has been validated as an effective option. Fights fungal infections. Combating fungal infections. You can add the oil to water and use it as a mist or use an oil diffuser or vaporizer. Worwood, Valerie, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, 1991 Abe S, et al. Parasympathetic™ can also be added to 1-2 teaspoons organic coconut oil and swished around in the mouth as part of an oil pulling routine to alleviate oral thrush. Lemongrass is also known by the scientific taxonomy “Cymbopogon citratus.”  There are other species of lemongrass, but citratus is preferred for medical use. You can put this oil directly on the back of your tongue to relieve irritation in the throat--such as a tickling cough. Lemongrass essential oil is most often used in clinics and spas where it helps encourage relaxation and a general sense of well-being. Essential oils can be topically applied to support the following drainage pathways. How to Use Lemongrass Essential Oil Physical benefits of lemongrass essential oil Lemongrass essential oil, best known as an active ingredient in natural bug sprays, boasts an impressive variety of uses including supporting healthy connective tissue, digestive flora, detoxification, and more. You may use this oil undiluted directly on the area of concern. You can find lemongrass in fresh, dried, or powdered forms Lemongrass tea is traditionally used for relieving anxiety and it has a diuretic effect against bloating. Clove oil is another essential oil that works like lemongrass oil. As a bonus, we’ll send out Beginner’s Guide to Essential Oils to your inbox immediately! Other oils that can also be used to rinse mouth are Eucalyptus, tea tree, cajuput, Lavender, lemon, rosemary, roman chamomile, patchouli and peppermint. Topical Use. Apply Small Intestine Support™ in a clockwise direction around the belly button to help eliminate yeast without affecting natural bacterial flora. Applying Gall Bladder™ on the right side of the body under the bra under-wire or along and slightly under the right rib cage two to three times daily may help support optimal flow of bile. This oil may cause extreme skin irritation. Anything that damages the healthy bacteria in the gut, including leaky guts or pathogens, disturbs good bacteria and allows opportunistic organisms like Candida to grow unchecked. Melrose Oil. Lymph™ blend helps keep lymph flowing to move toxins out of the body. Liberally apply 2 to 3 drops of Lymph™ to both sides of the neck, the lymph nodes under the arms, over the clavicles and around inguinal ligament (bikini line area—think where your leg creases when you lift it) to ensure optimal drainage and health. But one should NOT drink any essential oils. Inflammation or Pain : Dilute 1 part lemongrass essential oil with 4 parts of a carrier oil and apply to any painful or inflamed area. Choose a carrier oil of your choice, then mix a few drops of each oil. Join the Vibrant Blue Oils Candida is also correlated with the presence of toxic heavy metals in the body. A 2001 study found that clove oil had a “fast killing effect” on certain yeast cells , and its fungicidal activity on Candida albicans was similar to that of hospital-grade disinfectant such as povidone-iodine and chloroxylenol. It works as the body’s septic system, removing the byproducts and wastes created from metabolizing nutrients. Vibrant Blue Oils Gut Repair Kit™ can help heal the microbiome and support healthy gut flora. Researchers recommended further investigation into the use of clove essential oil for the clinical treatment of fungal infection. You may want to mix up a solution with water and use every day when you shower. By adding other essential oils, like lavender or tea tree oil, you can customize your own natural fragrance. This oil may cause phototoxicity; meaning that if you expose the area you applied it to direct sunlight, damage to the skin may occur. Make sure you choose actual essential oils that can stop yeast though; not just any oil will do. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The leaves and the oil are used to make medicine. Several studies reveal that the antifungal and antibacterial properties of essential oils work to control yeast overgrowth without harming the beneficial gut microbiome. Immune Support™:  Supporting the immune system helps kill most staphylococcus bacteria, which is a bacterium that can combine with candida to create infections such as eczema. In the same 2014 study, the researchers looked at the in vitro effects … Lemongrass can improve your hair follicles. It may help ease diarrhea. Candida overgrowth can be associated with leaky gut syndrome, a weakened immune system, brain fog, digestive upsets, food allergies and hormonal imbalances. Candida is a type of yeast that assists the body with the absorption of nutrients. Do not allow children under 6 years of age to ingest this oil! Small Intestine Support™:  This amazing blend supports the small intestine both energetically and physically. Parasympathetic™:  Clove essential oil, the primary ingredient in the Parasympathetic™ blend, contains antifungal properties proven to inhibit Candida formation as well as treat fungal infections. Not only is lemongrass antifungal, it’s also antibacterial as well. It can be used to treat vaginal yeast infections when topically applied via a tampon soaked in highly diluted tea tree oil. (2) Inside the human body, Candida biofilms can limit the reach of powerful prescription antifungal drugs, making candidiasis difficult to treat. Epub 2009 Jul 9.). Cautions. Tea Tree™:  Comprised of antiviral, antibiotic and anti fungal properties, Tea Tree™ oil can be used as a gentle and safe topical applied ointment for candida infections and other fungal infections present on the skin including athlete’s foot, eczema and acne. Learn more about healing baths and essential oil combinations HERE. In addition to lemongrass and clove, previous studies have found that the essential oils of thyme, patchouli, and cedarwood can also inhibit the growth of Candida. Or you could choose to place the same quantities in an empty veggie capsule and just pop down the hatch. Lymph™: The lymphatic system removes toxins from every cell in the body. … This particular essential oil is known for its powerful anti-fungal effects as well as its … Use lemongrass oil as a natural and safe air freshener or deodorizer. We will periodically send regular content in addition to this guide. Lung Support™: The lungs are sponge-like organs located near the backbone on either side of the heart, that play a key role in detoxification. We’re here to help! Topical Use. As well, there have been studies that suggest it might relieve the symptoms of thrush (oral candidiasis) in peopl… (J Med Microbiol. 15. Always first apply a test patch of an essential oil you’ve never used before on … Applying Lemongrass Oil to Your Skin Dilute your lemongrass oil before application. If you have scalp conditions or oily hair, lemongrass might be able to mitigate these problems to a degree. It is often wise to use a mixture of various Candicidal essential oils when you want to get rid of a yeast infection. Many health experts believe that candida binds to heavy metals and prevent them from entering the bloodstream, in effect shielding and protecting the body from toxicity of metals. Biofilms shield pathogens like candida and parasites, making them challenging to treat, even with powerful prescription antifungal drugs. If toxins, do not exit the body, they can be reabsorbed. I … It has potent … Dosage and Preparation. It is also is used in herbal teas (tisanes) and has become a popular element in cocktails. Liver™: The liver is the primary organ of detoxification. The Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research confirms the antioxidant, antidiarrheal, antifungal, and antibacterial properties of lemongrass. Clove Oil to Fight Off Candida. Applying 2 -3 drops of Lung Support™ over the lungs can help release toxins. It can present as diaper rash in young children. Its ability to alleviate pain provides relief to sore joints and muscles, making it a popular option as an oil used during an aromatherapy massage. This overgrowth of yeast, primarily in the intestines, that can spread to other parts of the body, presenting as yeast or fungal infections such as oral thrush in the mouth, skin disorders (including a rash, dry skin, eczema, acne or athlete’s foot) or a vaginal yeast infection. Using the Detox Support Kit™ can help supply drainage in the body. If you have a bacterial or fungal skin condition, try using this oil on the problem area. To properly treat a vaginal yeast infection, consider mixing several antifungal essential oils together to increase their potency. Do not allow children under 6 years of age to ingest this oil! You may use this oil undiluted directly on the area of concern. Try to swish the oil for 15 – 20 minutes to help break down the candida biofilms and detox the mouth (including the tongue). Apply to scalp and rinse. #infusion-form-75209-1 .formlift_button{background-color:#ef8228;border-color:rgba(10,0,0,0.63);color:#FFFFFF;width:100%;border-style:outset;border-width:1px;border-radius:5px;padding-top:15px;padding-bottom:15px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica;font-size:16px;font-weight:400;box-shadow:;transition:0.4s;}#infusion-form-75209-1 .formlift_button:hover{background-color:rgba(221,153,51,0.69);border-color:;color:#ffffff;transition:0.4s;}#infusion-form-75209-1 .formlift_button_container{text-align:center;}#infusion-form-75209-1 .formlift_input{background-color:#ffffff;border-color:#e0e0e0;color:#000000;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-radius:2px;width:100%;height:auto;padding:10px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica;font-size:14px;font-weight:300;box-shadow:;}#infusion-form-75209-1 .formlift_input:focus{background-color:#f7f7f7;border-color:#e0e0e0;color:#bcbcbc;transition:0.4s;}#infusion-form-75209-1 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