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how old was samuel when god called him 3 times

His genealogy is also found in a pedigree of the Kohathites (1 Chronicles 6:3–15) and in that of Heman the Ezrahite, apparently his grandson (1 Chronicles 6:18–33).. The Lord Calls Samuel. Samuel in the morning discovers it to Eli, at his request: Eli’s submission, 1 Samuel 1:15-18. 1 Samuel 3:1-18. 3:1-10 The call which Divine grace designs shall be made effectual; will be repeated till it is so, till we come to the call. I Samuel 3:10 "And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. No open vision - Better rendered, "There was no vision promulgated or published." Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord under Eli. He tells Samuel exactly what to say when the voice calls him. The first two times Samuel is called by God, the … Then Samuel said, Speak: for thy servant heareth.—1 Samuel 3:10. And he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for you did call me. Samuel was called by god at a very young age, he was kept by his mother in the temple under the priest Eli.Then god called him at night he ran to Eli to see if the old priest wanted anything. Then in verse 19 it says, 19 So Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him … Because of Eli's lukewarm stand with God Eli wasn't looking to God and God wasn't talking to him. Samuel’s call was significant. And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD, The word of the Lord was precious in those days, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. When God called him in the night, of course Samuel thought it was Eli. 1 Samuel 3 New Century Version (NCV) God Calls Samuel. When we read the text, we learn that God calls Samuel a total of four times before Samuel responds to God speaking to him. But Eli said, "I did not call; go back and lie … And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. See 1 Samuel 1:20-28 and 2:18-21.) One night he was lying in bed. the word of the Lord was precious in those days—It was very rarely known to the Israelites; and in point of fact only two prophets are mentioned as having appeared during the whole administration of the judges (Jud 4:4; 6:8). In later times this age was a critical point in the life of a Jewish boy. Once more Eli, now weak with age, is warned of the sure consequences which would follow the evil licence and the irreligion of his priestly sons; and again the boy Samuel and his life, guided by Eli, his guardian and teacher, is contrasted with the wild, unchecked lawlessness of the priestly sons of Eli perpetually dishonouring religion and the sanctuary—a lawlessness which had just been denounced by the nameless prophet (1Samuel 2:27-36). Was precious, i, e. rare or scarce, such things being most precious in men’s esteem, whereas common things are generally despised. Was precious in those days.—Precious, that is, rare. under his inspection and direction, which, being so young, he needed. Eli not knowing it was the Lord until the third time, finally perceives it’s the Lord and instructs Samuel on what to say to God. And Eli perceived that the Lord had called the child. (n) Antiqu. GOD CALLED SAMUEL. He appears on the Biblical timeline after the death of Eli in 1154 BC. Josephus tells us that Samuel, when the Lord first called him, was twelve years old. Hannah and Elkanah dedicated him to God. 3 The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the house of the Lord, where the ark of God was. 3 The boy Samuel served the Lord under Eli. And he ran to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." He didn’t quite understand that God was a personal God who desired to use him in a special way. 4. So he told Samuel that when he heard the voice again to answer, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3) It took the elderly Eli to point him in the right direction. Whether the office had been specially assigned him, or it arose from the interest inspired by the story of his birth, Eli kept him as his immediate attendant; and he resided not in the sanctuary, but in one of the tents or apartments around it, assigned for the accommodation of the priests and Levites, his being near to that of the high priest. There must have been certain indubitable evidences by which a communication from heaven could be distinguished. 3 Samuel was also in bed in the Lord ’s house, where the Ark of the Agreement was. 1. the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli—His ministry consisted, of course, of such duties in or about the sanctuary as were suited to his age, which is supposed now to have been about twelve years. We see, from this, that Samuel was obedient to Eli. Samuel is young and he’s been around the sanctuary for a long time, but he had never experienced God. He had served the Lord and was but a child when he first heard God’s call (First Samuel 2:18). Samuel was a contemporary of King Saul and King David. While Samuel was laying down to sleep, that the LORD called Samuel: We don’t know for certain how old Samuel was. And Eli perceived that the LORD had called the child. there was no open vision—no publicly recognized prophet whom the people could consult, and from whom they might learn the will of God. (Hint: his … 1 Samuel 3:10 "And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. This significant silence on the part of the invisible King the writer dwells on as a result of the deep corruption into which the priests and, through their evil example, a large proportion of the nation, had fallen. All Israel acknowledgeth Samuel for a prophet, 1 Samuel 1:19-21. The LORD Calls Samuel … 7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, because the word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him. In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions. Samuel saw nothing, but the Lord was there, as He had been each time He had called. Though it was a disgrace to Eli, for God's call to be directed to Samuel, yet he told him how to meet it. The mentor might then confirm that it is indeed God's voice that we heard (1 Samuel 3:18). 8 Once again, for the third time, the LORD called to Samuel. 1. 2 Eli’s eyes were getting so weak that he was almost blind. In 1 Samuel 3:8, we read the Lord called Samuel again the third time. God gives Abraham one last test of faith: sacrifice the promised child, Isaac. The Call of Samuel And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord under Eli. At the fourth call he answers, 1 Samuel 3:10. 1Sa 3:1-10. 4 Then the LORD called to Samuel, and he answered, “Here I am.” 5 He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you have called me.” “I did not call,” Eli replied. The Bible tells of many significant adults, but only a handful of significant … Was precious - (or rare) The song of Hannah, and the prophecy of the "man of God" (1 Samuel 2:27 note), are the only instances of prophecy since Deborah. He was used to obeying, so he got up right away. Abraham). You can worship but not know God, at least not know him intimately (1 Samuel 3:7) You can hear God speaking, but not recognize that it is God (1 Samuel 3:4-6) Sometimes a mentor can help us learn to recognize and respond to God's voice (1 Samuel 3:9). In this way He has spoken many times to you. God raised up Samuel and used him to restore the ____ and to establish the_____. The Bible says that Samuel did not yet know the Lord (First Samuel 3:7a). God’s call to Samuel … "The Lord calleth Samuel three times; he knows not God’s voice, but thinks it to be Eli who calls him; runs to him, who instructs him, 1 Samuel 3:1-9. Between the days of Deborah and the nameless man of God who came with the awful message to Eli, no inspired voice seems to have spoken to the chosen people. We can all learn from those who are older than us in the faith. It is important to see, however, that Samuel is not saved at the time of his calling. This happened three times, and finally Eli understood that God was trying to speak to the young boy. “And the boy Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the Lord, and also with men.”. d. And he answered, “Here I am!” Abraham is ready to obey, and just before he kills his son, the angel of the Lord interrupts.“Abraham! And the LORD called Samuel again the third time. Samuel is mentioned as the first of the series of prophets Acts 3:24. He told Samuel that the men of Eli’s family would not be priests much longer because Eli’s sons were contemptible (1 Samuel 3:11-14). There was no open vision; God did not impart his mind by way of vision or revelation openly, or to any public person. and the word of the Lord was precious in those days; that is, a word from the Lord in a dream or vision, directing, informing, instructing, or reproving, this was very rarely had; of late there had been but very few instances; and which accounts for it why not only the child Samuel knew not that it was the voice of the Lord that called to him, but Eli himself thought nothing of it until he had called a third time, so rare and scarce was any instance of this kind; for which reason these words are premised in the following narration: and as everything that is scarce and rare is generally precious, so the word of God in this way also was; and so it is as considered in every view of it; as the written word of God; when there was but little of it penned, as at this time, and few or none to teach and instruct in it, Eli being old, and his sons so vile; or when it is forbidden to be read, and the copies of it destroyed, and become scarce, as in the times of Dioclesian; or when there are but very few faithful evangelical ministers of the word; which, though it is always precious to them that have precious faith in it, the promises of it being exceeding great and precious, and the truths of it more precious than fine gold, and the grand subject of it a precious Saviour, who is so in his person, offices, blood, righteousness, and sacrifice; yet is generally more precious when there is a scarcity of it, when God makes a man, a Gospel minister, more precious than fine gold, even than the golden wedge of Ophir, see Isaiah 13:12 where the word is used in the same sense as here: there was no open vision; or prophecy, as the Targum; no publicly known prophet raised up, to whom the people could apply for counsel, direction, and instruction in divine things; in all the times of the judges we read only of Deborah the prophetess, and one prophet more, Judges 4:14, excepting the man of God lately sent to Eli, 1 Samuel 2:27, and this want of prophecy served to set off with greater foil the glory of Samuel as a prophet of the Lord, when he was an established one; there having been none of that character in the memory of man, and therefore he is spoken of as at the head of the prophets, Acts 3:24, for though there might be some private visions to particular persons, or God might appear in vision to private persons for their own special use and instruction; yet there was no public vision, or what was for public good and general use: some render it, "no broken up vision" (o); it lay hid, concealed out of sight, as if it was immured and shut up within walls, or like water pent up, that cannot break through its fences, and spread itself; or "not multiplied", as R. Isaiah, not frequent and repeated, the instances of it few and rare; the sense of this clause is much the same as the former. Family. He, like Saul (Paul) in the New Testament (see Acts 9), is saved and called sometime during his encounter with God. to whom others might resort for satisfaction, though he might or did privately reveal himself to some pious persons for their particular direction. It is this time that Eli perceives it is the Lord calling Samuel, and tells him to respond with ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant hears.’ (1 Samuel 3:9). At what town did his circuit end? He knew he could serve God, but he didn’t realize God wanted a personal relationship with him. called him Samuel. The word of the Lord, to wit, the word of prophecy, or the revelation of God’s will to and by the prophets. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; The child Samuel ministered unto the Lord. The LORD Calls Samuel … 3 Before the lamp of God had gone out, Samuel was lying down in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of God was located. God blessed me so that I might be a blessing to others (cf. So Samuel went and lay down in his place." The Old Testament has many examples and is full of knowledge about walking in the spirit and listening to Him. 11. Samuel's mother was Hannah and his father was Elkanah.Elkanah lived at Ramathaim in the district of Zuph.

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