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examples of puberty rites in ghana

This information suggests two things. Even though the teachings are more or less the same, puberty rites in different cultures are conducted in their own unique styles. The ceremony comes to an end with a feast for the initiate and her friends. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. For instance, they also perform a ritual bath, special haircut as well as ‘mouth tasting’ ceremony. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. This whole exercise is done by four women and they use a new sponge, lime juice, and soap to bathe her. Puberty rites in Ghana - types and significance Today, this cultural practice in Ghana is still being practiced although westernization has brought some slight shift in its application for instance there is the use of sedatives or drugs to cause numbness in bid to ease pain when the procedure is being conducted. Save time and let our verified experts help you. Her cultural traditions such as dressing, dancing, and drumming are further instilled in her. The Krobos have managed to preserve their culture despite these influences which makes it a subject of interest as puberty rites among other tribes in Ghana is virtually non-existent. Puberty Rites in Ghana. Morrison. READ ALSO:Positive and negative cultural practices in Ghana. The most well preserved puberty rites are the Dipo (pictured) of the Krobo ethnic group and the Bragoro of the Ashanti's. The newly initiated women are dressed scantily with very beautiful African beads and cosmetics showing off their vital statistics. Represented as a percentage of the entire Ghanaian population, the Akan is approximately 49.1%. It is therefore little wonder that the initiation of women into adulthood is given more prominence in the Akan society than that of men. Interestingly, male puberty rites in Ghana are not as common as their female counterparts. The Ga-Dangme people, particularly the Krobo tribe is one of the popular communities with a captivating ceremony known as Dipo. Her head including her face is covered with a cloth as she gets carried to the stream or river. Traditional values fall to recognize how women's different identities such as race, class, and sexuality shape our views and beliefs. Boys, on the other hand, are encouraged to step up and be responsible for their families. Puberty rites in Ghana are some of the deep-rooted cultural activities that many of our communities take part in. It involves a significant change of status in society.In cultural anthropology the term is the Anglicisation of rite de passage, a French term innovated by the ethnographer Arnold van Gennep in his work Les rites de passage, "The Rites of Passage". READ ALSO:First Lady; Gender Ministry Intensify campaign against FGM. The ’Brani’ is then seated on a stool as lime is squeezed so that the juice drips on her head. A country that is comprised of quite a number of ethnic tribes and clans, there are various types of puberty rites in Ghana that are fascinating. In Ghana puberty rites for boys are not celebrated these days. The initiates take her bath, covers her head all the way to the waist but leaves her face exposed. This constant distortion tempts us to. What many tribes celebrate in Ghana is the puberty or nobility rites of girls. As a parent, you’ll want to know what to expect so you can help your child through each stage of development. The most well preserved puberty rites are the Dipo (pictured) of the Krobo ethnic group and the Bragoro of the Ashanti's. The bead industry consequently, thrives during these times. The food items are basically elephant skin, banana, mashed yam, boiled eggs and roasted groundnuts. When she gets home, she is then introduced into ‘Anoka’-mouth touching ceremony. In another chapter, puberty rites were mentioned as another rites of passage. For instance, when she tastes the elephant skin, the officiating woman prays and says ‘May the elephant give you her womb so that you bear many children’. The initiate's head is then covered with a cloth as a boiled egg is put into her mouth. The fascinating aspects mainly lie in the chronological order of the puberty rites and rituals. In general, they are prepared in matters of marriage, childbearing, sexual life and family responsibilities. However, puberty rites in northern Ghana include both girls and boys. The tribe with the most known puberty rites is the Krobo people. This has been replaced with photography. These laws ensure that young women grow up disciplined enough to control their sexuality and to prevent them from premature motherhood and unwanted babies. Instead traditional feminism has always focused on white middle-class needs. These ceremonies mark the entry of young women into adulthood. The father pays for this exercise and is regarded as capital for the initiate. These ceremonies mark the entry of young women into adulthood. Hill times more often than ones about women (“Study Reports Sex Bias,” 1989), media misrepresent actual proportions of men and women in the population. Akan is a term employed in referring to Ghana's largest ethnic group. (2018, Jan 14). Many examples of these turning points correlate to physiological changes, such as a Bar Mitzvah and a boy's entry into puberty. They are taught every aspect of manhood responsibility except for sex- which comes later on when they are fully matured. As for material preparation, it usually requires things like food items, money, chicken among others. On the first day of her period, the young girl is bathed by close relatives, kept in isolation, and fed extravagant foods. This discourse in turn has amplified cultural ambivalences towards the rites leading to two schools of thought, namely whether to abolish the rites completely or modify some aspects of it. The day the ceremony finally takes place, an announcement is made very early in the morning by the mother. As soon as the two touch the food, all other children on the sideline also rush and scramble for it. Virginity is regarded as purity in the community and hence it is highly valued. This stage, which is typically characterized by physical growth and maturity as well as emotional changes in youngsters, is regarded critical in our communities. Puberty and Initiation Rites among the Akan People Akan is a term employed in referring to Ghana’s largest ethic group.Represented as a percentage of the entire Ghanaian population, the Akan is approximately 49.1%. There are some communities that go ahead and burry parts of the finger and toes nails as well as pieces of hair at the river bank. A woman sits beside the ‘Yaawa’. There are festivity and merry-making in the air. Rite of passage, ceremonial event, existing in all historically known societies, that is often connected with one of the biological milestones of life (birth, maturity, reproduction, and death) and that marks the passage from one social or religious status to another. Libation is then poured on the ground with palm wine to give thanks to the ancestors and gods for protecting the girl up to her puberty age. Scholars READ ALSO:10 oddest traditions still used in Africa. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. have to go through. A rite of passage is a ceremony or ritual of the passage which occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another. Krobos, an ethnic group in Ghana celebrates puberty rite you would love to know. After a girl’s first menstruation, she is secluded from the community where she is taught the secrets of womanhood. The spiritual arrangement of the event involves finding out if the girl’s soul, locally known as ‘kra’ conforms with the activities of the events. In the pursuit to beautify their body, Mentawai women who have reached puberty sharpen their teeth to a point to make the body more appealing to the soul. Puberty rites in ghana pdf The Krobos in Ghana are no exception. Interestingly, male puberty rites in Ghana are not as common as their female counterparts. KEY WORDS: pregnancy, birth rites, naming rites, puberty rites, ritual Before the rite takes place there is some spiritual and material preparation that has to be conducted. It is conducted by an old woman who has a reputation for having many children in the village. Generally, many of them used to last for months, but due to interference from the modern generation, they gradually shrank to just a few days. Read more about rites of passage in this article. Amidst drumming and dancing the rituals are carried out with the spirit of Oynankopong Kwame, Asase Yaa and the departed ancestors invoked to bless the participants and ensure their protection, blessing and fertility during their period of motherhood. All these items are symbolic and highly significant to the community. Girls’ Initiation Rites: Girls’ initiation rites take various forms. Under the supervision of the queen mother of the town or village in collaboration with some female opinion leaders, young women who have had their first menstruation are secluded from the community for a period between two and three weeks during which they are taught the secrets of womanhood. The most well preserved puberty rites are the Dipo (pictured) of the Krobo ethnic group and the Bragoro of the … It usually never takes long for people to assemble. In conclusion, puberty rites of passage in Ghana are not only part of Africa’s pride but they are meant to educate the youngsters on the responsibility that comes with their biological maturity. Of course there have been influences of education, modernization, and missionary counter-teachings, but still, these practices have not faded. In order for us all to have a gist of how some rites are performed in Ghana, i have prepared this video compilation so you know how these girls are st She also brings honor not only to herself but her parents and family as well. Puberty is defined as the age or period at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction, in other eras of history, a rite or celebration of this landmark event was a part of the culture. Sometimes referred to as rite of passage, a puberty rite is an initiation ceremony into adulthood in a tribe or society.Most prominent for young males, the rite could include a task to show bravery and endurance. Here are some of the communities with their versions of the puberty rites. One activity leads to another in a very organized way until the climax of the rite, before coming to an end with congratulatory remarks to the participants. Gifts from friends, parents, and relatives are presented to her as the celebration continues. Most cultures mark the rites of passage in life with special ceremonies, observations or events. It is believed that the sprinkling of water is meant to drive away the evil spirit that may make her barren and be protected. Source:Ghana: Entre Busua Inn et Ezile Bay Village. A typical example of a people who deeply cherish their unique cultural practices is the Akans of Ghana. This is one of the Ghanaian cultural practices common among the Dipo people. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. To put it differently, 46% of the so-cieties have female puberty rites, but only 36% of the societies have male puberty rites. ‘Eto’ which is mashed yam, an egg and three leaves of ‘edwono' tree is thrown into the river. Haven’t found the relevant content? The most well preserved puberty rites are the Dipo (pictured) of the Krobo ethnic group and the Bragoro of the Ashanti's. Everything is in order while respect and acknowledgment are still given to the gods. Their rites of passage is called the “Dipo” rites. Well, these rites are not that regular for boys because, unlike girls, the lads are taught from a very young age how to be brave and responsible.

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