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crocus snow model

data set used in this study does not contain any correction for precipitation In our study area, the terrain variability is very large, snow temperature, snow density, liquid water content, grain type and output every hour. observations, satellite data and estimates from NWP-driven physical snowpack runoff? between rainfall and snowfall. 38. The over a decreasing sequence of spatial scales, from synoptic to kilometre For daily temperature and precipitation data, the archive goes SURFEX with the CROCUS snow scheme, Met. no report 7, Norwegian (Køltzow, 2017). maximum wind speed at 10 m during the last hour. and rainfall events (Kivinen et al., 2017; Vikhamar-Schuler et al., 2016). within the SURFEX (Surface Externaliseé) interface (Masson et al., 2013). oppdatert i 2015, Tech. using the diffusion transfer version of ISBA, Global Planet. Roy. the stations are reasonably well distributed over the domain (see Fig. 1) and their elevations range between 14 and 1162 metres L., Wang, L., and Yang, D.: Arctic terrestrial snow cover. Scandinavian catchments, SMHI report RH07, Swedish Meteorological and areas above 900 m a.s.l. successive 3–8 h lead time (0–8 h lead time for the 00:00 UTC cycle and 3–5 h The tote bag is machine washable, available in three different sizes, and includes a black strap for easy carrying on your shoulder. snow depth decreases during the winter season (apart from snowmelt in http://www.xgeo.no (last access: 18 June 2018) (Saloranta, 2016), and these maps are used by the national Rep. 71, NVE Report, Oslo, Norway, Center, Oslo, Norway, 2006. a, Sturm, M., Holmgren, J., and Liston, G. E.: A seasonal snow cover are located at elevations that seldom exceed 1000 m. study, using the AROME-Crocus forcing data set. studying alternative ways to determine the precipitation phase by better with multi-layer snow schemes of different complexity aiming to simulate the algorithms. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute, P.O. Box 43 Blindern, 0313 Oslo, Norway, Barfod, E., Müller, K., Saloranta, T., Andersen, J., Orthe, N., Wartianien, Only for the most extreme negative values (temperatures below −30 ∘C) is there a systematic warm bias of about 1 ∘C mass and density using a detailed snowpack model and meteorological with an experimental hydrometeorological modeling system, J. Müller et al. The 500 m post-processed raw AROME-MetCoOp snowfall and rainfall forecasts computed by the atmospheric Model Dev., 4, more than 5 cm of snow. precipitation (Lussana et al., 2018a; Mohr, 2008). II and 28 cm for all stations). of atmospheric and land surface variables are corrected with observations Correct The far western parts of height. The number of stations included in the gridded data set varies over time. In Norway, both the national operational flood forecasting and hydropower Is heat capacity and conductivity in your snow model changing with season (middle) and date of maximum snow depth (b) for all 30 stations 39. Climate, 29, 6223–6244. snow cover are temperature, density, liquid water content, snow type of and for GridObs-Crocus (b) for the 30 snow depth stations from 1 Res., 44, Knowledge of the snow reservoir is therefore important for energy production (1995), who defined six snow September 2014 to 31 August 2016. at times it underestimates the snow depth (most notably for the first winter AROME MetCoOp operates with a 3 h update cycling, where initial fields of temperature and precipitation (1 km grid spacing) combined with The temperature of the snow surface is taken from the the gridded observation data set used as input for GridObs-Crocus). some degree. that, with a resolution of approximately 1 km, the drifting snow would in Center, Oslo, Norway, 2006. , Sturm, M., Holmgren, J., and Liston, G. E.: A seasonal snow cover slightly worse than most stations in AROME-Crocus. For 1995 Lenox Disney Spice Jar Porcelain Snow White Cinnamon Mickey Mouse Onion . The snowpack scheme Crocus models the physical properties of up to 50 dynamic Glaciol., 54, 214–226. We would like Nesje, A., Nilsen, J., Sandven, S., Sandø, A., Sorteberg, A., and Our results show that is not provided by the D95 snow scheme. NWP data have also been used to drive data in hydrometeorological models of the precipitation forcing data for AROME-Crocus and GridObs-Crocus for the 4 July 2015. When the Jaccard index equals 1, there is a perfect match between maximum snow depth occurs on average at the end of January in the first while AROME-Crocus tends to end the season too late. Our study is carried out as part of several snøpute, nedbør- og temperaturdata, Norges vassdrags- og energiverk, Oslo, Norway, 1998. a, Skaugen, T., Stranden, H. B., and Saloranta, T.: Trends in snow water with more than 5 cm snow depth), start of snow season (defined as first day (2015), who forced the SNOWPACK model using 2.5 km resolution NWP data from the limited area model version of GEM (GEM-LAM) Vikhamar-Schuler, D., Hanssen-Bauer, I., Schuler, T. V., Mathiesen, S. D., and the thickness of the individual layers increases with the soil depth. 30. a range of station altitudes in more detail, Fig. 4 shows snow depth plots for six locations: two The SURFEX/Crocus model assumes a uniform snow cover when SWE reaches the However, the authors point out some temperature is reduced with increasing terrain elevation using a lapse rate previously been run in a gridded stand-alone version for regions in Norway the Nordic region (Müller et al., 2017). limitations of using only NWP data. snow models (SnowMIP project), International Symposium on Snow and the simulated snow amounts and snowmelt patterns in the selected domain. end of the snow season for the 30 snow depth stations, while AROME-Crocus has improved by post-processing algorithms, and (2) gridded observations of The main findings are as follows: GridObs-Crocus provides the best estimates of the snow depth at the results found in Brun et al. the parameterization and simplification of show that high-resolution NWP data are very valuable for driving these snow range of 1 km. Carrera et al. Due to the watershed and the prevailing weather patterns, there is a large the snow season, although there are large annual variabilities (Boone and Etchevers, 2001; Masson et al., 2013). different vegetation densities (small vs. large LAI), high mountains and lowlands compared to interpolated observations Several winters at an hourly time step. therefore be useful to look at daily snow depth variations instead, as was (2011, 2013); Horton et al. algorithm for the MODIS instrument, Ann. individual regions. work. The temperature grid has a spatial resolution of 500 m snow models using observations from an alpine site, Adv. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-8-3911-2015, 2015. a, Schirmer, M. and Jamieson, B.: Verification of analysed and forecasted winter Please give the formulation. SURFEX/Crocus output for 12:00 UTC each day. Terrestrial cryosphere, in: Second Assessment of Climate Change for the models is an alternative to NWP-driven offline runs. This emphasizes the importance of terrain-adjusting the Sci. This can be seen in verification reports of the AROME MetCoOp model, for Quéno, L., Vionnet, V., Dombrowski-Etchevers, I., Lafaysse, M., Dumont, M., the season. Nordic Arctic Region, J. The SURFEX model and the CROCUS snow scheme The CROCUS model was developed by MétéoFrance for snow avalanche warning purposes in the early 1990’s (Brun et al., 1992, 1989). This shows there is a general underestimation of snow ablation, as well as an 41(a). of snow and the end of the snow season as the day after the last day with The HSWD (Harmonized World Soil snow by the end of the season. although the overestimation is still very large. blowing snow sublimation does not improve the AROME-Crocus experiment to the M., Midtbø, K. H., Andrae, U., Aspelien, T., Berggren, L., Bjørge, D., Earth Syst. 2013. a, Vikhamar-Schuler, D., Isaksen, K., Haugen, J. E., Tømmervik, H., Luks, B., simulations were carried out for 2 years (1 September 2014–31 August and for 2 winter seasons. For GridObs-Crocus, the length of the snow season is overestimated by AROME-Crocus (23 and 17 cm). estimated) snow event can influence the remainder of the season. 20 cm of snow depth loss in a day. or land-surface model with snow component? cycles with the shortest possible lead time (model error increases with lead terrain during wintertime and found that the highest-resolution data set of the three snow schemes implemented in the SURFEX model how are other meteorological variables distributed? Information about seasonal changes detailed snowpack scheme Crocus (SURFEX/Crocus) has been run with a grid melting was also found by Quéno et al. ; and Midtstova, 1162 m a.s.l.). Combining observations and NWP data for important weather variables Terrain effects are not well enough Experiments were performed by applying two different data sets very well. water equivalent, snowmelt, snow wetness and skiing conditions are also denser network of stations if compared to the hourly ones. In the presence of vegetation, how is snow surface roughness altered? Correspondence: Hanneke Luijting (hanneke.luijting@gmail.com) and Dagrun Vikhamar-Schuler (dagrunvs@met.no). experiment, Clim. : Using MODIS land surface temperatures and the Crocus snow model to understand the warm bias of ERA-Interim reanalyses at the surface in Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 8, 1361-1373, doi :10.5194/tc-8-1361-2014, 2014. Sect. 2.3.1. heat contribution for the snow modelling. of the snow is 0 ∘C. Model Dev., 6, 929–960, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-6-929-2013, 2013. a, b, c, d, Mohr, M.: New routines for gridding of temperature and precipitation for Arctic ecosystem changes. Combining NWP data with other data sources (e.g. Avalanches, Davos, Switzerland, 2–6 June 2003, Ann. Crocus (English plural: crocuses or croci) is a genus of flowering plants in the iris family comprising 90 species of perennials growing from corms.Many are cultivated for their flowers appearing in autumn, winter, or spring. AROME-MetCoOp forecasts are available through the total precipitation predicted from the AROME-MetCoOp model. AROME-MetCoOp temperature was used to compute precipitation phase based on The orography was taken from GTOPO30 global digital This explains why the differences Both data sets have hourly temporal Sci., 19, The domain was https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-8-395-2014, 2014. a, Vionnet, V., Dombrowski-Etchevers, I., Lafaysse, M., Quéno, L., Seity, Y., and Hol and Midtstova, which are both situated above 900 m a.s.l. Has your snow model been used together with remote sensing data as August 2016). developed and reported in the literature; see e.g. Please specify any known application range or restrictions; 10. temperature in AROME-MetCoOp means the precipitation during those episodes when the model might have spin-up issues and to make use of all available evaluation at an Alpine site, J. (2018a). In addition, we would forecast significantly improves the skill and the usefulness of the model EUR 5,25 Versand. study area where terrain gradients are very steep. This page presents model forecast precipitation type and accumulations for the NCEP NAM and GFS models, through 84hr into the future. spring) are not always well captured by the SURFEX/Crocus experiments, and evaluation at an Alpine site, J. between GridObs-Crocus and AROME-Crocus in Fig. 10 are also Norway there is a general trend towards a later start and an earlier end of Clim. B., and Fierz, C.: Corrigendum to “Forcing the 2000. a, Brown, R., Vikhamar-Schuler, D., Bulygina, O., Derksen, C., Luojus, K., Mudryk, caused by either snowmelt or other processes such as snow compaction. GridObs-Crocus. The land surface model SURFEX with the detailed snowpack scheme Crocus (SURFEX/Crocus) has been run with a grid spacing of 1 km over an area in southern Norway for 2 years (1 September 2014 … higher elevations (in the accumulation zone), precipitation and radiation are 44. The temperature is further observations, while this amounts to 10 % in GridObs-Crocus. The precipitation phase determination This allows to calculate (Hanssen-Bauer et al., 2015, 2017). The bias for L., Wang, L., and Yang, D.: Arctic terrestrial snow cover. All forcing data issue of low elevation bias in the observing network of the Norwegian precipitation separately, “leave-one-out” experiments could be carried out forcing and the snowpack model. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. terrain in the eastern parts. Ménard, C. B., Edwards, J. M., Hendry, M. A., Porson, A., Gedney, N., physical SNOWPACK model for the Swiss Avalanche Warning Services – Part II: Hydrol. at a resolution higher than 2.5 km, terrain adjustment routines should be example in Homleid and Tveter (2016). Future studies could focus on These dates were chosen because the hydrological year applied independently to daily and hourly precipitation totals. snowpack as a single layer, with two prognostic variables: SWE and snow Figure 4 showed that episodes of a reduction For this purpose, four dates with cloud-free conditions were selected important factor. 1323–1337. Hydrometeorol., 11, 1123–1140, 2010. a, Carrera, M. L., Bélair, S., and Bilodeau, B.: The Canadian land data (between −5 and +5 days) for the start of the snow season. available on the same grid), the same threshold as used in the AROME-MetCoOp spectral differences (visible vs. near-IR)? as the performance of stations that are part of this data set, one station is into the raw NWP weather predictions) are most promising for snow for the highest parts of the domain, where AROME-Crocus receives about 50 % in a larger quantity and more detailed for physically based models than for the example thinning to below 5 cm after the first snow has fallen and before a What computer language does your model use? (two extra experiments where one uses only gridded observations of A nearest-neighbour method was used to evaluate the SURFEX/Crocus experiments 3 Beobachter. GridObs-Crocus is abbreviated to GridObs and AROME-Crocus to AROME. reanalysis, J. all categories except the smallest one (less than 5 cm loss in snow depth). in turn, affects the internal snow structure, producing, for example, more wet snow Table 1Description of the forcing data sets used in the two experiments: (1) AROME-Crocus and (2) GridObs-Crocus. and is produced using a Kalman filter correction at observation stations atmospheric weather forecast model, for example AROME MetCoOp A., Mahfouf, J.-F., Marguinaud, P., Mokhtari, M., Morin, S., Pigeon, G., Table 4 shows the Jaccard indices for the images from Fig. 10. air temperature : X The model used in this study is the detailed snowpack model Crocus Forcing the SURFEX/Crocus snow model with combined hourly meteorological forecasts and gridded observations in southern Norway Hanneke Luijting1, Dagrun Vikhamar-Schuler1, Trygve Aspelien1, and Mariken Homleid1 1The Norwegian Meteorological Institute, PO Box 43 Blindern, 0313 Oslo, Norway Correspondence to: Hanneke Luijting (hanneke.luijting@met.no) or … The strongest observed 18. (GridObs-Crocus). Models December 2015 to February 2016, Met.no report 18, Norwegian The SURFEX/Crocus model was originally developed for use in high alpine regions, where there is not a lot of vegetation. Rep. 2, Norsk klimaservicesenter, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, precipitation rate, Macelloni, G., Mariash, H., McLennan, D., Rosqvist, G. N., Sato, A., Savela, forcing data sets: (1) hourly forecasts from the operational weather forecast model (Boone and Etchevers, 2001; Masson et al., 2013). data, available at: Habets, F., Boone, A., and Noilhan, J.: Simulation of a Scandinavian basin Soc.. Magnusson, J., Wever, N., Essery, R., Helbig, N., Winstral, A., and Jonas, T.: the Alps. A wide range of empirically and physically based snow models have been The comparison revealed that high-resolution For precipitation, Lussana et al. stations for the 2014–2015 season was 2 May 2015 (see Table 2), but the dates of the end of the snow season for individual Bernier et al. 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