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Waxy, normal and highamylose maize starches were subjected to heatmoisture treatment (HMT), then added to wheat flour (WF) in different ratios (1%, 5% and 10%). The chief use is as a food for man and livestock. Oddly enough, maize is at the forefront of the green revolution with byproducts like compostable containers and biofuel, while simultaneously being used as a controversia Maize can also be used in a number of other ways: Maize flour, or meal, is made into a thick porridge in many cultures (polenta, Italy; angu, Brazil; mmlig, Romania; sadza, nshima, ugali, and mealie pap, Africa). Dried germs yield a semi-drying oil, known as maize oil or com oil used as salad or cooking oil; it may also be used with linseed oil for paints. Uses Of Maize Maize can be used in many other ways they are: Maize Flour, Cornstarch, Kitty litter, Corn syrup and Maize mazes. Nitrogen (N) fertilizers are needed to enhance maize (Zea mays L.) production. Abul Fazl writes in Ain-i-Akbari about kewarah, where he says that its leaves are like those of maize. The maize germ processed to produce oil gives as a by-product maize germ meal, used as an animal feedstuff. It is thought, that the seeds of maize may have been taken to China by navigators from America or from Europe. Generally, the taller the variety, the lower should be the plant population. Page 82. South Africa Online (Pty) Ltd. One of the most important requirements for growing corn is a high quality soil which is deep, fertile and well-draining with a pH between 6.0 and 6.8. Explain the factors which cause dormancy. What is the significance of transpiration? It is a field crop upon which at least the bulk of the aboriginal tribes of the hilly tracts of India are very largely dependent for subsistence. The Portuguese came to Java in 1496, that is to say four years after the discovery of America and to China in 1516, Magellans voyage from South America to Philippines took place in 1520. 32 As the ethanol industry absorbs a larger share of the maize crop, higher prices for maize will intensify demand competition among domestic industries and external buyers. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Use of Maize (Zea mays L.) for phytomanagement of Cd-contaminated soils: a critical review. Food sometimes enters the wind pipe and causes choking. The other important maize producing countries areChina (4.4 per cent), the Russia (3.3 per cent), Manchuria (2.9 per cent), Yugoslavia (2.4 per cent) and Mexico (2.3 per cent). Maize grain is used as food [Boiled, roasted, or ground into meal for porridge and pasta], as feed for livestock and poultry, and as raw material for many industrial products [Starch, oil, beverages, beer and alcohol, flour, sugar, cornflakes etc. Corn (maize), the most important single crop in the United States and extremely important in many other countries, is grown commercially with the aid of equipment operated by tractors or by internal-combustion engines mounted on the machines. Maize meal is also used as a replacement for wheat flour, to Maize starch is extensively used as a sizing material in the textiles and paper industries. In an attempt to address malnutrition, in 2003 South Africapassed legislation according to which all unsifted, sifted, super and special maize have to be fortified with vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid, iron and zinc. Share Your PPT File. Maize, more commonly known as corn, is also used to create a form of plastic for use in items such as pens, coffee mugs and ice scrapers. Maize can be used and enjoyed as a vegetable, for example as corn on the cob or mini-veggies. Maize had acclimatized wherever the climate permitted, and has now spread all over the world. Page 48. Answer Now and help others. Not only is the grain valuable as Zein, the protein which occurs in maize grain, is utilized for making artificial fibres with good tensile strength and wool-like qualities. Why do lymph nodes often swell and become tender or even painful when you are sick? At least 90% need to pass through a 1,4 mm sieve to qualify for this grade. The com oil is prepared which is used for soap making, lubrication and as salad oil. mays. Maize acts as a source in the manufacture of starch, syrup, dextrose, oil, gelatin, lactic acid tec. Alternatively, it may be processed into maize meal, polenta or grits during dry milling, or maize derivatives, such as corn starch, corn syrup, dextrose or corn oil during wet milling. The stalks are stacked to allow the grain to ripe further. 1 Review . Arthur Caswell Parker. Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important grain crop in South Africa and is produced throughout the country under diverse environments. Maize starch is used for the production of dextrose and com syrup; also employed as a diluent for pharmaceutical preparations, dusting material to prevent articles like surgeons gloves, from sticking together, ingredient of oil-well drilling muds, and as a depressant in ore-floatation process. Maize can also be used in a number of other ways: Maize flour, or meal, is made into a thick porridge in many cultures (polenta, Italy; angu, Brazil; mmlig, Romania; sadza, nshima, ugali, and mealie pap, Africa). History of Maize 2. Maize flour is used to make baked products and corn bread. Humans are really good at fermenting sugary liquids into alcoholic drinks. All Rights Reserved. We hypothesize that maize stalk juice just may have been the original use of early domesticated maize plants, at a time when the cobs and seeds were essentially too small to be of much dietary significance. In addition to playing a major role in the human diet, maize is also used as livestock fodder. Some attempts have been made to use these by-products for humans in food mixes and formulations. Com flakes make a good breakfast food. In India the crop is generally sown in June-July and harvested in September-October. The fibres in the stalks are utilized for making paper and yarn. Plants most often used for this are maize (Zea mays ssp. The grains are also used in making com starch and industrial alcohol. On the other hand maize stalks are used in making rayon, plastics, paper and University of the state of New York, 1910 - Corn - 119 pages. Maize oil is widely used as a cooking medium and for manufacturing of hydrogenated oil. Selected pages. This species probably originated in a wild state in the tropical South America. Content Guidelines 2. It is grown as a food crop mainly in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir. Cobs are rich in pentosans and used for furfural production. This changed as human selection of corn plants with larger and larger seeds coincided with genetic Thus the maize starch can be used for the thickening of the sauces, gravies and pudding. The agronomic N use efficiency (AEN) of maize treated with 2.5 t ha-1 of BSFFF was 2.4 times higher than the value achieved using an equivalent rate of SAFI. Maize meal that has the least germ extracted is labelled unsifted, moving up the scale as extraction rates increase, to sifted, special and super maize meal. Maize is used as staple food for the majority of the countrys households and the most important livestock feed ingredient in South Africa. Crawfurd also writes, Maize is, beyond all question, a native of America, and before the discovery of the New World was wholly unknown to the old. Royle says that the Portuguese very probably introduced the richest products of America into India, such as maize, capsicum, guava, custard-apple and pineapple. Corn plants are very heavy feeders and even the most fertile of soils may need to supplemented with nutrients as the plants develop, particularly nitrogen. In Andes its cultivation goes back to prehistoric time. The percentage of germ removed during extraction will influence the grading of the end product. Maize meal is also used as a replacement for wheat flour, to make cornbread and other baked products. This means that every part of the plant has its own economic value. In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Plants high in sugar or starch can be fermented to produce ethanol (ethyl alcohol) that can be used directly as fuel. Maize is mainly grown as kharif crop. Of course we all know that maize bran is a byproduct of flour or grits manufacture from maize grain, principally, the coarse portion that is separated on sieving of the crushed maize grain, to yield fine flour. Dodoens (1583), Camerarius (1588) and Matthiole, adopted the name Mays, which they knew to be American. (With Methods)| Industrial Microbiology, How is Cheese Made Step by Step: Principles, Production and Process, Enzyme Production and Purification: Extraction & Separation Methods | Industrial Microbiology, Fermentation of Olives: Process, Control, Problems, Abnormalities and Developments, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. Its most general name in India may be rendered Mecca Com (Makkai). Biofuels, such as ethanol, are also maize products. What is seed dormancy? Maize also known as Indian corn or simply as corn, is a food crop of considerable importance in many parts of the world, especially in the U.S.A., which produces nearly 57 per cent or the total maize grown in the world as compared to about 1.4 per cent produced in India. Uses of Maize: The chief use is as a food for man and livestock. Maize takes a short amount of time for forming various opaque pastes. Maize must be stored in well ventilated bins so that the excess of moisture is evaporated. Share Your Word File The area under this crop measures 9.6 million acres with an annual total production of three million tons. Maize, also known as corn, is one of the most extensively cultivated cereal crops on Earth. Not only is the grain valuable as a stock feed, but the plant as a whole is an important fodder crop. The grain is very nutritious, with a high percentage of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Zein, recovered from maize gluten used as a binder for cork particles in forming composition cork. How does it happen? Recovery growth improves intercropped maize grain yield and efficient use of water resources. Some varieties may be susceptible to lodging under high plant populations. Maize pickers came into use in the It thrives best in fertile, well irrigated, medium, heavy loamy soil. mays), sugarcane (various Saccharum species), sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), and sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris). The Turks call it Egyptian Corn and the Egyptians speak of it as Syrian grain. Share Your PDF File Although it is grown throughout India, the chief concentration is in the north-eastern parts. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. The immature cobs are largely eaten after roasting. There are close to 200 maize millers registered with the South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS), but Pioneer Foods, Premier Foods, Pride Milling and Tiger Brands together mill about 75% of all the maize meal produced in South Africa. Globally, less than one-half of applied N is recovered by maize. It is thus very probably that in the Upper India maize was much more extensively grown at the beginning of the last (nineteenth) century. In the northern parts, it is also extensively grown as a fodder. Maize is processed to make an assortment of products ranging from high fructose corn syrup to biofuels, all of which play important roles in human society. In this document the terms maize and corn are used to refer to . As such, maize or maize derivatives can also be used in snacks, such as popcorn, corn chips like Doritos and Nicknacks, candy like marshmallows and in baked goods and puddings. Maize is central to Mexican food. After a month of this curing process, the ears (cobs) are husked by hand or by machine. Iroquois Uses of Maize and Other Food Plants, Volume 121; Volume 125; Volume 144; Volume 163. A textile fibre has been produced from zein under the trade name Vicara, it combines the virtues of cotton and wool. Yellow maize can be used for human consumption, but this is highly unlikely since consumers expect and are used to the taste and appearance of white maize meal. ]. Maize is also used for making vegetable oil and starch is also obtained from it. As maize is one of the best researched and characterised plants, significant amounts of information are available for many aspects of the biology of maize, and the reader is referred to the literature provided in this document as a starting point. Maize: Origin and Cultivation | Crop Plants, Sugarcane: History and Cultivation of Sugarcane. They may also be used for making building-boards which are water and fire-resistant. De Candolle on this subject writes No one denies that maize was unknown in Europe at the time of Roman Empire but it has been said that it was brought from the east in the Middle ages. The glucose is also manufactured from the grain. In the food industry, the maize can be used for the determination of the texture of the food items. 2013; Testa et al. Uses of Maize. Maize is a summer annual. The various names which it bears in Europe, Egypt and Asia only show that in each country it was supposed to come from some not very distant region. Rox-burgh wrote about the beginning of last (nineteenth) century, that Indian-Corn was cultivated in various parts of India in gardens, and only as a delicacy; but not anywhere on the continent of India, so far as I can learn, as an extensive crop.. The maize was grown by the Indians in new Mexico as early as 2000 B.C. The crop is of special importance in the hilly and submontane regions where it makes the staple food of people. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Maize is used for making industrial alcohol. Cultivation and Harvesting of Maize 3. The leafy stalk of the plant produces pollen inflorescences and separate ovuliferous inflorescences called ears that yield kernels or seeds, which are fruits. The shift has also led to a bigger demand for animal protein, such as meat, dairy and eggs which in turn has caused a growing demand for maize in the feed market. White maize is primarily used for human consumption in South Africa, with surpluseither being exported to other African countries or sold in the feed market. The grain is very nutritious, with a high percentage of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However, due to low gluten content, it does not form dough with elastic properties, but dough with good elastic properties can be made from flour made from dehulled grain. Globally, maize is a staple crop, and many people rely on it as a primary source of nutrition. Maize products also include foods, from corn oil to popcorn and muffins. For unsifted maize meal, an oil content of 3,5% to 4,5% and a fibre mass of 1,2% to 2,5% is allowed. Preview this book What people are saying - Write a review. The are touted as lasting more than Buchanan-Hamilton (1819) wrote about KangraThe poor people live much on Maize. Basic requirements Corn is best grown in warm, tropical and sub-tropical regions as it requires warm soils to develop optimally. Alternatively, it may be processed into maize meal, polenta or grits during dry milling, or maize derivatives, such as corn starch, corn syrup, dextrose or corn oil during wet milling. Cornstarch is made from maize kernels which is act as a thickening agent in soups. It is of special importance in the hilly and sub-montane regions of the country where it forms the staple diet of the people, particularly in the winter months. Supplementary irrigation promoted recovery growth of intercropped maize. Benefits and uses of Maize Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! Virtually every dish in Mexican cuisine uses maize. More is produced, by weight, than any other grain, and almost every country on Earth cultivates maize commercially for a variety of uses. Some recovery growth did occur under rainfed conditions, but it did not completely compensate for the growth reduction that occurred during the co-growth period. Some of the maize products include dextrose, maize starch, syrup, com flakes and popcorns. Maize , also known as corn (American English), is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago. Skip to content. The table shows that maize contains all the essential nutrients of food when compared to Wheat and other food-grains. Privacy Policy3. It should b The fat content of the oil is about 80%. The third use of maize is in making industrial products. 2016; Wei et al. The table shows that maize contains all the essential nutrients of food when compared to Wheat and other food-grains. (Tisquesusa / CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Given its humble beginnings 9,000 years ago in Mexico, understanding how it came to be the most dominant plant in the world benefits from deciphering what attracted people to this crop to begin with. It is now universally admitted that Maize or Indian com is a native of America. Human consumption of maize has declined in the country since 2008, due to the growing middle-class and as a result, in a shift towards other staples, such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. Maize can be used andenjoyed as a vegetable, for example as corn on the cob or mini-veggies. Corn starch, corn syrup, dextrose and corn oil are produced during the wet milling of maize. In many parts of the world especially in Latin America, Africa, Southern Europe and some Asian countries, maize is consumed as food grain. In cosmetics, maize starch form an ingredient of various forms of toilet powders. Biodegradable golf tees are maize products made from degradable corn polymers. As such, maize or maize derivatives can also be used in snacks, such as popcorn, corn chips like Doritos and Botany, Economic Botany, Food Plants, Crops, Maize. The A tall annual cultivated grass; it has been introduced in this country from tropical America about the beginning of the seventeenth century. "We hypothesize that maize stalk juice just may have been the original use of early domesticated maize plants, at a time when the cobs and seeds were essentially too small to Maize was used to create a fermented drink in ancient Mesoamerica. Maize plays a major role in the livestock industry, biofuels, and human nutrition. More uses of maize includes starch and glucose manufacturing industries consume about 650 000 tons of the 10 million to 12 million tons of the maize produced in South Africa each year, according to the Prospectus on the South African Maize Industry. Polenta. It has been established by evidence that the plant must have been grown for many centuries prior to the period of the Inca civilization. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Kitale Best Animal Feeds Feeds. Keywords: maize, grain yield, slow-released fertilizer, nutrient use efficiency, planting density most important cultivation measures to improve maize yield and nutrient utilization (Mueller et al. The maize stems are cut close to the ground with the help of com knife or sickle. In the food industry it is used in the preparation of pies, puddings, salad dressings and confections. But other standards also apply. Uses of maize alone or in mixture with other food material as basic food or snacks in Nigeria. Maize (Zea mays L.) has been widely adopted for phytomanagement of cadmium (Cd)-contaminated soils due to its high biomass production and Cd accumulation capacity. Super fine and super maize may not contain more than two percent fat or 0,8% fibre, and at least 80% of the meal should pass through a 0,3 mm sieve to qualify as super fine or 90% should pass through a 1,4 mm sieve to qualify as super maize meal. It is also commonly grown in the coarse gravel soils of hilly tracts. Conclusively this can be said that Maize was first introduced into Europe by Columbus, and into Asia by the earlier Portuguese explorers. 2019). Successful maize production depends on the correct application of production inputs that will sustain the environment as well as agricultural production. Page 28. Which part of the male reproductive system store the sperm? The oil has the quality of reducing cholesterol in the human blood like sunflower oil. TOS4. Corn syrup is used as a sweetener as an alternative of sugar in various products such as candy and cookies. Dalzell and Gibson (1861) wrote that maize was extensively grown in the early part of the rains, especially near large towns. Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge Uses of Maize 18.1 Human food Maize and cornmeal (ground dried maize) constitute a staple food in many regions of the world. South Africans generally prefer the special and super grades, so most of the bigger millers have stopped producing unsifted and sifted maize meal. What we also know is that maize bran is made from the outer skins of maize grain, some Show Show. Maize (Zea mays) is a plant of enormous modern-day economic importance as foodstuff and alternative energy source.Scholars agree that maize was domesticated from the plant teosinte (Zea mays spp. Maize had reached Europe a short time before the dates mentioned for India and China. Uses. According to De Candolle, the Maize was brought to China after the discovery of America (1492). Iroquois Uses of Maize and Other Food Plants (Classic Reprint) - Parker, Arthur C. Maize is a versatile crop. Graham (1839) wrote about Western India that maize was commonly cultivated. Z. mays ssp. Thus it is Turkish-wheat, Indian Corn, Roman Corn, Sicilian Com, Barbary and Guinea Com, etc. should be used under dryland conditions, especially in drought prone areas, where a population of about 37,000 to 40, 000 plants per hectare is recommended. Maize must be stored in well ventilated bins so that the excess of moisture is evaporated. However, there is no authentic Sanskrit name for the plant, nor is the grain in any way associated with the Hindus. The whole grain, freshly green or dried, may be used or may be processed traditionally by wet and dry milling methods to give a variety of food products in Nigeria such as tuwo, donkunnu, maasa, egbo, abari, donkwa, aadun, Kokoro, ogi, etc. Maize treated with BSFFF at 2.5 t ha-1 and 30 kg N ha-1 had higher nitrogen recovery efficiencies compared to equivalent rates of SAFI. -Maize is thought to have originated at least 5000 years ago in the highlands of Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, and/or Bolivia because of the great density of native forms found in the region. White maize is mainly used to produce maize meal, which is primarily used to make porridge in South Africa. Maize silk (styles) is astringent, diuretic and chloretic. However, in the last 10 years, the use of maize for fuel production significantly increased. Corn also requires ample space as it grows large in size and is pollinated by wind.

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