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mercury conjunct pluto january 2021

This is a tense aspect between the planet of words and the planet of fights — so watch out for fighting words. As always, I'm curious to know how these transits affect you and show up in your life — send me an email or a DM on Instagram so we can chat! On January 7th, 2021 Mars enters Taurus. Think about the energy and events of January and February as being push you need to start making some long-term changes. - Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus and Mars in Taurus forms a T-Square between Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on January 7th. JANUARY 2021 The celestial year starts off strong, most significantly the alignments of the planets with each other and the sun. My Random Cosmic Musings Planetary Alignment: Mercury and Pluto are in the same place in the sky. With Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus, you’ll ‘probably’ get to see the angry and explosive side of Taurus. Let’s face it. We become impatient or frustrated and that conflict forces us to make a change or find a resolution. Saturn is here to crush your dreams by reminding you that the only you achieve anything is by doing the work, one step at a time. Hopefully this day brings a bit of optimism, growth and abundance to your communication. On January 14th, 2021 Uranus goes direct at 6° Taurus. Jupiter exposes and magnifies the planet it touches. January 2021 is a good preview of 2021 – in the sense that it introduces us to the major themes of the year. Want to go deeper? Fight the Martial urge to start a million things, but instead, use that energy to create some long-term plans and visions. Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn at exactly 7:58 PM EST where it began in applying degrees on December 29, 2020, it is exact today, and will last in separating degrees until January 11, 2021. The outer planets move so slowly, they go retrograde for months and months. On January 29th, 2021 the Sun is conjunct Jupiter at 9° Aquarius. I nferior conjunction between Mercury Rx and the Sun in Aquarius (20 deg) The Sun/Mercury Rx inconjunct Vesta Rx in Virgo (19 deg) Pluto in Capricorn sextile Ceres in Pisces (25 deg) The inferior Sun/Mercury Rx conjunction will clarify matters that have been stirred up since Mercury Mars agitates, Jupiter expands, the Sun highlights and then the Moon will amplify and reflect all of the tension in the air. Do they still reflect the person you’ve become? A deepening of one’s sense of purpose. Uranus is in Taurus, and Mars conjunct Uranus will feel very intense (read, “VERY intense”). This particular New Moon takes place at 23 degrees of Capricorn, nice and close to Pluto at 24 degrees. Jupiter will be in Aquarius for most of the year and Saturn will be here for the next 3 years — this is the start of a loooong journey, my dudes. You might feel energized about taking on new projects and wanting to start a million new things. Pluto conjunct Sun transit has fully manifested itself in my ‘life.’ I posted the following elsewhere and decided it should really be posted here so here is most of it below, begining with a side detail that might be of interest to some: _ Good luck to those Pluto Sun Conjunct! Pluto is said to make big things really, really small or small things really, really big. (Or whatever works for you!). While this is a great transit to check in with your feelings and values to see what still holds true for you. Sun conjunct Pluto asks for total surrender and honesty. But when embraced, the experience of empowerment Sun conjunct Pluto brings doesn’t compare to anything else. So the king switched places with Damocles and … However, since stationing Uranus is also square Jupiter, beware of things blowing out of proportion. 6: Mars into Taurus till March 4 th – practical earthy, relentlessly determined, stubborn, slow to anger, possessive. The 4th of January has Mercury conjunct Pluto. Cue the … 5: mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – intense discussions, obstinacy, tendency to look at the negative. This NEW MOON occurs on January 13, 01 at 12:00:02 AM EST. Taurus is opposite of Mars' home sign, Scorpio, meaning that Mars is considered to be in "exile" or "deteriment" when they are in Taurus. This New Moon closely conjuncts Pluto. On January 24th, 2021, Sun is conjunct Saturn at 4° Aquarius. Take that description and them shake it all around, and that's the energy we are in right now. The higher manifestation of Mars conjunct Uranus is taking meaningful action based on your true values and principles. (See below, Mercury conjunct Jupiter) January 11, 2021. As the month continues, the inner planets will move into Aquarius and form squares with Mars. Picking up on the practicalities of Capricorn Season, take steps to make your goals happen. Mercury touches the current Saturn-Jupiter conjunction that was exact December 21, 2020. In this case, we have two inner planets - Mercury and Venus - changing signs and then immediately interacting with other inner planets. We now have 4 planets in Aquarius, and the Aquarian energy will build up even more in February, when Venus joins Aquarius. Greetings from Cherokee, North Carolina (my official address). Tis the season of your solar return. Otherwise, it's not going to be as dramatic. In January 2021, Jupiter and Saturn transit the first grades of Aquarius. We get acquainted with the Aquarius energy and we also have a harmonious Venus-Mars trine. This is the first time Mercury goes retrograde in an Air sign since 2015. Venus conjunct Pluto invites us to get real deep and dark with what we cherish, love and desire. - Mars enters Taurus on January 6th. Mercury conjunct Saturn – 10 January; Mercury conjunct Jupiter – 11 January; Mercury square Uranus – 12 January; Mars square Saturn – 13 January; Uranus stations Direct – 14 January; Sun conjunct Pluto – 14 January; Jupiter square Uranus – 17 January; Sun enters Aquarius – 19 January; Mars conjunct Uranus – 20 January; Mars square Jupiter – 23 January; Sun conjunct … Think of these like a weather forecast — if you know it's going to rain, you'll bring an umbrella when you leave the house, right? There is no going back with this transit. Maybe figuring out how to restructure your business to do more of what you want. How can you not 'LOVE' the energy of Mercury conjunct Pluto (secret agent man). Mercury (on 8 th January) and the Sun (on 19 th January) also enter Aquarius. Inner awakening. On January 5th, 2021 Mercury is conjunct Pluto at 24° Capricorn. Mercury in 5 Aquarius conjunct Jupiter in 5 Aquarius: 9:19 AM PST. Of course, with Mercury, Jupiter in Saturn already in Aquarius, we may feel that the Aquarius season has already arrived. The Lights are kissing in Capricorn and conjunct Pluto. Lets not fool ourselves though, while the … January 2021 starts with challenges. Later in the transit (February), Mars moves out of the danger zone and we will get to experience the more constructive qualities of this transit. The seeds that we planted during the New Moon in Capricorn are coming to fruition and we are seeing the fruits of our labour. Watch out for sudden expressions of extreme emotion, or conflict bubbling up to the surface. So, if things go a bit crazy in January, this doesn’t mean that all 2021 will be as intense as January. For the rest of the year, I will be sharing monthly overviews of the upcoming astrological transits at the beginning of the month. If you placements around 23 or 24 degrees of cardinal signs (Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, Aries) or early in Fixed signs (0 to 6 degrees of Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio) this is going to be extra loud. Mars has been inching closer and closer to Uranus throughout the month, but now we have the peak of that transit. You're at the start of a cycle and you don't have all the necessary information yet. Join 42.000+ other followers and subscribe to weekly Astro Butterfly updates: Hey,fantastistic explanation.Every degree mentioned is somewhere in my birth chart.How will January affect the first decan of Virgo zidiac? Mars in Aries has been squaring the Capricorn stellium for almost the entirety of its stay. There is some nostalgia associated with this transit. This is a time to be extra gentle with yourself and listen to your body. Mercury Conjunct Pluto January 4, 2021 – Astrology King Mercury conjunct Pluto gives a powerful intellect and deep curiosity. From now until the Full Moon, we are likely going to feel the transit more and more in our bodies and our emotions. With Uranus in play, the disruptions we're feeling are likely outside of our control. The theme of the January 13th, 2021 New Moon in Capricorn is “Renewal”. Oh my gosh! Today, I'm really excited to launch a new (free!) This Full Moon takes place with the Moon at 9° Leo, and the Sun and Jupiter at 9° Aquarius. Mercury Conjunct Pluto and Mars at the Anaretic Degree January 4, 2021 By Acyuta-bhava Dasa Leave a Comment In this talk, I'm taking a look at Mercury's conjunction with Pluto, as well as Mars moving into the 29th degree, or anaretic degree, of Aries. Mars will give you the drive, and Uranus will inspire you, and as a result, you can achieve things that you otherwise never thought were possible. Let yourself dream, but as you move through the rest of January and 2021, have a loose grip on them — let them change and shift if you need to. On January 20th, 2021 the Sun enters Aquarius. Questions around freedom and happiness. On January 10th, 2021, Mercury is conjunct Saturn at 2° Aquarius, and two days later, on January 12th, 2021, Mercury also conjuncts Jupiter at 5° Aquarius. You can get the guidance and clarity you need to understand your chart & WTF these transits mean for you. Generally, Jupiter conjunct a Full Moon is GREAT news, but Mars is forming a square from its position at 10° Taurus. Foundations are shifting beneath our feet. Light and darkness collide and a powerful force is born from their union. There is a New Moon in Capricorn on 13 th January and a Full Moon in Leo on 28 th January. Old beliefs and dogmas will get a razor-sharp reality check. This can be the realization that opens your eyes to a certain darkness or, there can be obsessive fixation on a subject that triggers compulsive words- something has to be said, no matter who objects. January's Full Moon in Leo lights up the fixed signs, highlighting all of the themes of the year thus far. The feeling of change and uncertainty that has been pervasive throughout the month of January starts to peak at this time. Maybe it's starting to plan for to do a renovation on your home next year. When other transits happen before, during or immediately after a new moon, we can look at those transits to learn more about what the upcoming lunation cycle might be like. Uranus is the planet of freedom, truth and divine insight. Fixed signs take a really long time to get ready and start moving — but once they go, they are in it for the long haul. Mercury will be retrograde at the time. So, it’s an auspicious conjunction and, given the nature of the planets involved, this is potentially for all the wrong reasons. So Jupiter might just take Uranus' tendency for rebellion and revolution and turn it up to 11. Let me know how your month goes and how these transits play out in your life. Generally speaking, these two planets are opposites, but their current configuration is actually pretty supportive and harmonious — Mars is in Venus' sign and she is in the superior position, which means Venus is likely to be able to smooth out Mars' hot edges and turn their antagonism into chemistry. Venus rules all things pleasurable, harmonious and nice. But nice does not always mean good. This is a great time to double down on your grounding and self-soothing practices. This trilogy reveals no aspects to the traditional planets. What a way to go out. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, also makes a conjunction to Pluto. Solar themes of agency and sovereignty might be extra potent during this time — do you feel in control of your own life? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Hi friends and happy New Year! The Astrology Of January 2021 – Full Steam Ahead. In what type of project would you like to attract this type of energy? After SIX MONTHS of being in Aries, Mars finally enters Taurus. It's always messy, complicated and deep. The asteroid was named after a courtier in the court of Dionysius II of Syracuse, a 4th-century BC ruler of Syracuse, Sicily. <3 <3 <3, Head-shots by Sara CrattAll other photos by Davis Carr, Sliding scale for QTBPOCMy teachers & lineage Terms of ServiceSubscribe to my newsletter. The astrology of Inauguration January 2021 presents a certain set of challenges. You might feel impatient or stagnant during this time, like you're trying to run with lead boots. Try to harness this energy and be strategic about it. On January 10th, 2021, Mercury is conjunct Saturn at 2° Aquarius, and two days later, on January 12th, 2021, Mercury also conjuncts Jupiter at 5° Aquarius. There is a New Moon in Capricorn on 13 th January and a Full Moon in Leo on 28 th January. Conversely, it could also give you the courage you need to stand up for yourself and speak up about something you've been too anxious to share. And even though Mars doesn't traditionally love to be in Taurus, it will be nice to have a shift of emphasis away from the part of our charts that contain Aries. 5 min read This week’s astrological weather will be quite a whirlwind, so get ready for the new year to start off with a bang ! Whatever the agenda of Jupiter square Uranus is, we will get acquainted with it quickly. Mars in Taurus is one of the major themes of January and February 2021. Pluto takes us into deep, internal places — the dark places we often don't like to spend time. Mercury conjunct Pluto transit adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. Notice what this Full Moon is bringing up for you and reflect on what you're learning about the themes mentioned above, especially as they pertain to power and control: how much you have, how much you desire, and how hard you're willing to fight to be right. This is the 2nd most important transits of the year, after Saturn square Uranus. 8: Mercury into Aquarius … But change is NEVER straight forward, fast or easy. New Moon just after midnight tonight, in Capricorn, and CONJUNCT PLUTO. Jupiter is the planet of law, religion, philosophy and justice, so watch out for events in your life or in the news that bring these themes for the forefront. This is NOT an energy to be messed with. Just like a Phoenix birth, we will witness a total rebirth. JANUARY 12-13: New Moon at 23 Capricorn conjunct Pluto at 24 Capricorn (Perigee occurs on the 9th JANUARY 13-14: Uranus turns Direct at 6 Taurus JANUARY 19: Sun enters Aquarius JANUARY 28: Full Moon at 9 Leo opposing Jupiter in Aquarius JANUARY 30: Mercury turns Retrograde at 26 Aquarius GOOD DATES/PERIODS for JANUARY 2021 – All times are ET In 2020 Mercury has turned retrograde in Water signs, so it has been influencing us at an emotional level. Since Saturn and Jupiter have departed Capricorn, we can now “do the Pluto work” without distractions. Watch out for Solar themes running into difficulty: this could be leaders, such as the head of a country or the head of a company; it could be a religious figure; or it could even be a father figure, depending on how your personal chart is configured to this transit. - Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on January 5th. These are some pretty intense, deep energies to move through. Happy birthday, Aquarius babes! So if you have a planet or point between 3 and 9 degrees Taurus, you'll likely feel this bad boy. In 2021 Mercury will go retrograde in Air signs, so it will influence us at a mental level. The day is incredibly successful in order to work in an archive or library, surf the Internet in search of the necessary information, and work with reference books. You may find yourself obsessing over something, either by yourself or in an attempt to convey something to another. Even if January 1st is the 1st day of the new year, we may still linger over some unfinished business of the past. Photo by Vincent Chan on … Mars’ anger can turn into rage (Lilith) and Uranus can easily blow things out of proportion. ☿ MERCURY CONJUNCT PLUTO IN CAPRICORN [JANUARY 4, 2021] Emily Klintworth January 4, 2021 *CAPRICORN SEASON* #entrepreneur #executive #authority #advisor #disciplined. Major Aspects & Transits for January 2021 - Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces on January 1st. Mercury, the planet of intellect, will help us understand what the agenda of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius is. 15-Jan-21 Mercury enters shadow zone Pay attention to the thoughts and conversations that come up at this time. Inner awakening. This is a great time for long-term planning and visioning for your future. You may have a mental and spiritual breakthrough. Planet of perception, mindset, communication.⁣ ⁣ Pluto ::: The Lord of the Underworld. At 26°04′ Aquarius, asteroid Damocles (5335) is conjunct Mercury retrograde January 2021 by 0°25′. JANUARY OVERVIEW LUNATIONS. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, the theme of the 2020 New Moon in Capricorn was “Resilience”. Generally speaking, outer planet retrogrades aren't a huge deal. Mars has spent a record time in his home sign Aries (6 months!). On January 9th, 2021, Mercury enters Aquarius and Venus enters Capricorn. Do you know someone who has very progressive ideas but they’re really conservative deep inside? Sun is our identity and Jupiter is our beliefs and higher truth. This transit can tend to make us want EVERYTHING TO CHANGE, ALL AT ONCE. You might be firing on all cylinders and getting yourself worked up. For more information on this great conjunction, see this video. Everyone wants things their way. Today is a great time to formulate or bring your bigger-than-life vision to life. Next up, Mercury bumps into Jupiter at 4 degrees of Aquarius. This transit can bring Plutonian themes up to the surface... which may or may not be great for your mental health, depending on how you're doing right now. For one thing, it will be a major transition in the White House with Trump exiting stage right. Triple conjunctions are very powerful, especially since Jupiter and Saturn have just moved in Aquarius, and we’re just beginning to tap into this new energy. Pluto takes us into deep, internal places — the dark places we often don't like to spend time. We are planting seeds of rebellion, of questioning power, of Promethean-like desire for liberation. In January 2021, Jupiter and Saturn transit the first grades of Aquarius. Think of a bull fighting a matador. This is a great transit for innovative thinking, jolts of inspiration, and visions of the future. Mercury retrogrades are by far the most common retrograde. How do you stay grounded when the ground beneath you is breaking open? offering to you — monthly astrological forecasts! Get stoned, watch a bunch of movies, drink lots of water. Astrological forecasts are the same idea, only instead of rain, it's the movement of the planets and the interaction of their archetypal energies. Mercury's square to Uranus is the first in a series of transits to Uranus that are some of the big signatures of the 2021 astro-weather. When Mercury is conjunct Pluto, we will have a tendency to go DEEP and DOWN. Leave a comment & let me know how these transits affect you. Structures are being called into question. There is friction between the old and the new. And no matter how good Mars normally feels in Aries, I guess we can all agree that what’s enough it’s enough. Look at the part of your chart that contains Capricorn, Aquarius and Taurus to learn more about what seeds are being planted for you right now. Uranus’ direct station is the divine go-ahead to do what we must do. This is a great transit to do intellect-intensive types of work, as well as to have truthful conversations aimed to develop better trust with those around you. At the end of the month, on March 30, the Mercury-Neptune conjunction is perfected, which creates a very high psychic receptivity. Not at the beginning. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You can uncover secrets through study and research, or through probing and questioning others. Both copper and silver are natural disinfectants so the charms could’ve been used to keep their water fresh too. We're still pretty close to Saturn and Mercury is about to square Uranus, so you might not feel this transit too … Mercury will conjunct with Pluto, which is in your solar house of rebirth, so something amazing could change for you in your life. Whenever we have inner planets changing signs it brings a change in energy and tone. Here are some notes I have gathered for the Year Ahead, 2021, covering the month of January, 2021, then some other highlights throughout the year. Thank you for watching!! Sun conjunct Jupiter is an excellent time to examine – and update – our beliefs and what holds true for us. We start the year off with a subtly, dreamy transit of Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. Ancient travellers would often wear a lucky charm to protect them on their long and often perilous journeys. When Mercury is conjunct Pluto, we will have a tendency to go DEEP and DOWN. This really turns the "aggro" level up on this Full Moon. In other words, this is a great day to nurse your hang over, take it easy, and do whatever cozy, chill activities make you happy. You are that person who pulls everything and everyone together and gets the job done. Phenomena such as telepathy, meditation, connection to various sources of artistic inspiration capture our attention. On January 5th, 2021 Mercury is conjunct Pluto at 24° Capricorn. So if you want to build something great, you want to tap into Saturn’s energy today. Don't forget to check yourself. Webinar — The Astrology of 2021, January 23 at 2 pm EST Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake Mars in Taurus: Sign by Sign Newsletter — The Astrology of January 11-17, 2021 January 2021 Video Horoscopes Subscribe to My Mailing List Shop Astrology Videos. Mercury interacting with this conjunction makes the themes of this great … That part of your life will be under major review throughout the rest of 2021, so it's worth while to take some time to reflect and journal about where you are currently at with regards to those themes. The Capricorn new moon on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, is conjunct Pluto. A deepening of one’s sense of purpose. But the Sun in Aquarius is the ‘official’ start of the Aquarius season. Our mind can be sharp and incisive as we consider our long-term goals for the year, prioritize our activities, and concentrate on the specifics that will lead to the successful realization of our plans. Act from your higher self and ask “What would the better, wiser part of me do?”. Any Mercury retrograde will point to what needs to be reviewed, reassessed, and reinvented, in your life. Of course, like with any transit, we can channel this raw energy into something constructive. Transcript: 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. January 5th, 2021 – Mercury Conjunct Pluto. With Biden’s chart, his 8 th h, is lit up like a Christmas tree, with Uranus/Mars square his 8 th house natal Pluto, along with that aspect is Jupiter/Mercury, square Uranus square his natal Pluto, as well as but not limited to on January 12 th, 2021, a new moon in his 2 nd h, one degree from conjunct transiting Pluto, so will take on the flavor of Pluto opposite his natal 8 th house natal … Geminis are communicators, and they make great middle-people. MERCURY CONJUNCT PLUTO⁣ in Capricorn / January 4th, 2021 ⁣ Mercury ::: The Messenger archetype. Mars' fiery and aggressive nature is at odds with the Venus-ruled Fixed Earth sign. Are your 2020 beliefs still valid? In the coming weeks, our thoughts and communication will become more ‘Aquarius’, and our feelings more ‘Capricorn’. 6: Mars into Taurus till March 4 th – practical earthy, relentlessly determined, stubborn, slow to anger, possessive. These days are going to feel pretty busy and loud, but when the smoke clears, we are going to be in a very different energetic waters than we were before. As the Biden Administration steps forward, it offers fresh winds of change from the arduous previous four years and especially of the last twelve months. SPONSOR Here are a selection of hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind jewellery pieces to wear on your 2021 trip. Neptune has a tendency to make us overly zealous and committed to a vision that might not be grounded in reality. January 2021 is also one of the most intense months of 2021. But be careful not to get swept away with what you're scheming — this is the beginning of a very long process. Generally speaking, sextiles are harmonious aspects that require us to exert a little bit of effort in order to fully access them. On January 15th, 2021 the Sun and Pluto merge at 24° Capricorn. On February 1st, 2021, Venus will ingress into Aquarius. January 10, 2021. We're still pretty close to Saturn and Mercury is about to square Uranus, so you might not feel this transit too much.

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