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grafton monster sightings

The next thing that happened I’ll never forget. The local authorities, understandably unhappy with this potential disaster, did everything possible to dampen the monster mania. This time our hillbilly hunters pursue the Headless Monster of Grafton County, West Virginia, and discover his revolting culinary habits. The new game has a host of monsters and mutants derived from West Virginian folklore, and most importantly, it has the Grafton Monster. The following is an Athens Messenger newspaper article from Sunday, July 2nd 1967 entitled "Writer Attends UFO Conclave." Tags bigfoot Bunny Man Chessie Giant Birds Snallygaster Teratorn Virginia werewolf The newspaper reports are real–you can find them on microfilm. This hulking abomination then moved, and Cockrell stepped on the gas to go speeding away in fright, not really able to process what he had just seen. To be exact, the first sighting came on June 16th, 1964. One such report came from a witness who said: I saw the monster near the river early in the morning. The Grafton Monster is described as resembling Bigfoot or Skunk Ape. Sighted several times in 1964. It’s more a question of poor posture, apparently…, They talk to a rather scared eye witness…, Both Trapper and Buck get the chance to try out some of the local goo…. But many cryptids actually existed before the Great War, and both the United States Armed Forces and United States Intelligence (like the Sugar Grove Sigint) kept records on any cryptid encounters up until the Great War. What happened out there in Grafton? ↑ Cryptid Sightings: Grafton Monster 9/27, Snallygaster 10/4, and Wendigo 10/25 ↑ Fallout 76 loading screen hints : In 2031, Vault-Tec re-branded Morgantown's local college as Vault-Tec University, and some of their top executives and scientists either taught or graduated from there. At approximately 10 p.m., it was reported that cars were almost bumper-to-bumper along the river drive and a large number of cars were pulled off the road to permit joining in the area’s most popular event in recent years, “monster hunting.” Some 20 reports from persons allegedly seeing the “monster” have been quoted since Tuesday night when the “all white, creature without a discernible head,” was reported seen near the city rock quarry. Once a booming, prosperous railroad and coal mining town, Grafton is said to be the birthplace of Mother’s Day, and possesses much historical architecture from the era, which along with its rural, forested setting makes it a charming little spot. The town was gripped in a sort of hysteria at the time, with police going around trying to disperse the crowds. A newspaper reporter rounded the bend coming on to Riverside Drive and saw a huge white, living Thing on the grass by the river. The witness sped away, but returned later with two friends and found nothing but grass matted down by the river bank. team, a band of six native West Virginian hunters and trappers, as they research and track unidentified creatures in the … Minerva, incidentally, is in eastern Ohio where many Bigfoot encounters have been reported. Pleasant’s “Mothman”, it seems like a not altogether awful thing to try to preserve and record whatever information can still be gleened about Grafton’s weirdest visitor. As I got near my truck and began opening the door I heard a whooshing sound and a bright light appear above the tree line. No one really knows, and it remains an intriguing and enigmatic case that joins the worlds of cryptozoology and the paranormal. My Dad pulled both hammers back and stood in front of me, told me to be ready. Large Humanoid Seen In New Hampshire - I recently got in a report of a large bipedal sighting, that fits the description of a bigfoot with one exception. The manlike beast is said to be akin to a Bigfoot or Skunk Ape. Several sightings followed, and so, the Mothman myth was born. Cockrell would sit on his sighting for a few days wondering if he should tell anyone before finally writing it up in a short article in his newspaper. Here is the team…….. Wednesday night about 30 teenagers engaged in a “monster hunt,” but by Thursday night the number of teenagers had doubled and a number of adults joined in the action. The original witness continued to investigate, however, and found about twenty other witnesses whole described seeing something almost identical to what he saw. It stopped about 50-55 yards from us in the tree’s and went quiet. Up next: Washington. Forest near Grafton, West Virginia, out of which the Grafton Monster allegedly appeared. If this thing was even real then what was it? There are a lot of questions raised here. This unpublished article and the sudden recant have led the whole tale further into the bizarre by sparking theories that the two had been intimidated into brushing it all away in an effort to erase the incident from history. Some suggest that this creature is simply a polar bear, but others question how a polar bear would have found itself in Grafton, W. Va. The Flatwoods Monster has not hissed at boys in the little village of Flatwoods, West Virginia, since Sept. 12, 1952. Any actual witnesses out there? Get the MegaPack collection now for this great price. There have been plenty of Grafton Monster sightings throughout Tygart Valley. We stood there and listened, something was walking, getting closer. As they investigated the scene, however, a strange whistling sound seemed to follow them about. It did not move. The Grafton monster, once a cryptid associated with West Virginia was made flesh by West Tek's experiments at their Huntersville facility. After obtaining a video of a strange and gigantic creature, AIMS travels east to Grafton, W.V., to investigate the Grafton Monster. As featured in a recent episode of Mountain Monsters (S2/Ep02), the Grafton Monster of Grafton, West Virginia is a large, powerful, and elusive cryptid standing seven to eight feet tall and weighing in excess of 1,000 pounds. Support this … This sea monster is described as a dark, snake-like creature about thirty feet long that seems to watch people working or playing in the bay. Eyewitnesses say it is nine feet tall with pale skin like a seal. Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. I was fishing at the time and left all my gear there and started to run away. I’ve just finished watching another episode of “Mountain Monsters”. My Dad told me to get the gun from the cab (He carried a double barrel 10 gauge with 00 buckshot). However, it is also an unassuming, peaceful place not known for making headlines, but in 1964 this would change, when a strange monster quite like nothing else would seemingly step from out of the shadows and from beyond known reality to terrorize this hamlet. Tagged as Animal Planet, Appalachian Mountains, cattle farmer, creature, cryptid, cryptozooology, Grafton County, Grafton Monster, Headless Horror, Headless Monster, hillbilly, hunter, hunting, marine, Monster, mountain monsters, outdoorsmen, reality TV, sasquatch, tracker, trap, TV, West Virginia. Last week … Most sightings of this creature occurred in the 1970s and 1980s. The Monster was described as having slick skin like a seal’s and no apparent head. A week earlier a man in Morgantown had seen an identical beast in the Mon (sic). Tags Bizarre cryptid Cryptozoology modern mysteries strange creature strange encounters UFO phenomena unexplained phenomena unsolved mystery. A newspaper reporter rounded the bend coming on to Riverside Drive and saw a huge white, living Thing on the grass by the river. I spotted him on the opposite bank and I got the hell out of the area. He has investigated the most infamous monsters that lurk in the deepest darkest forests of West Virginia, to include the mothman, the flatwoods monster , the grafton monster, the white thing, the snarly yow, large flying creatures, dogmen, bigfoot, the wampus cat, the bat boy, the lizard man, giant serpents,mysterious giant skeletons and more. We had finished and we’re loading the truck, when our two dogs started barking. Lying out in the north-central region of West Virginia is the town of Grafton, which is a quaint, quiet town just like many others dotting the area. My 2nd encounter was about 2 months later at night, fishing alone.”, The Headless Horror is not always quite as headless as he is portrayed. The last big sighting was in 1997. The beast’s name comes from the town of Grafton, West Virginia. So, anybody remember hearing about the Grafton Monster? Check out this list of mythical creatures, including mythical beasts, magical animals, and mythological monsters. The first sighting of the Grafton Monster occurred on June 16, 1964. Whatever it was had picked up its pace and continued toward us. My 2nd encounter was about 2 months later at night, fishing alone. Kurt McCoy, from Morgantown, West Virginia, wrote…, “I recently ran across reports of “monster sightings” in the Grafton area, back in June of 1965. SPECIAL 0x5 Behind the Hunt: Headless Horror In 1978 a family living near Minerva, Ohio, witnessed a 7-foot, hairy monster outside their home. That was my first sighting of the beast and I’ll never forget it. Cryptids were largely assumed to be superstition by the majority of the populace, with cryptozoologists, like Shelby O'Rourke, being taken as seriously as a child in a lab coat. Darkness falls in a forest in northern West Virginia, out of which the Grafton Monster allegedly appeared. The Flatwoods monster (also known as the Braxton County Monster or Phantom of Flatwoods) in West Virginia folklore, is an entity reported to have been sighted in the town of Flatwoods in Braxton County, West Virginia, United States, on September 12, 1952, following the appearance of a bright object crossing the night sky. In the meantime, Cockrell went about interviewing others who claimed to have seen the creature. Speeding along Riverside Drive, he rounded a wide curve, and suddenly slowed down as his headlights hit “a huge white obstruction on the right side of the road standing between the road and the riverbank on a cleared-off section of grass.” Upon realizing that the white obstruction was a living creature, he quickly accelerated down the road u… He found that not only had various people been seeing this creature since before Cockrell had had his encounter, but that many of the sightings that came in also mentioned UFO phenomena in close proximity to the incident. He didn’t think anyone would really pay attention at best, and laugh it off at worst, but what he didn’t expect was that all hell was about to break loose. The legend of the Grafton Monster has endured since the 1960s when sightings were at their peak. Personally, I wish that they had captured the Headless Horror’s Hat…. The Athens Messenger Sunday, July 2nd 1967 (Pt Pleasant WV) Editors Note: Mary Hyre, Point Pleasant correspondent for The Messenger, has written many stories in the past eight months about UFO sightings in the Mason County area. As I ran, and turned I saw that it, too, turned away and started running off. The webpage is entitled “The Grafton Monster sightings of 1965”. It was absolute chaos, and many of these frenzied would-be monster hunters would report seeing the thing for themselves, some of them even firing wildly out into the night at it. Police would launch their own investigation and find no evidence at all of such a beast, eventually writing it off as overactive imaginations and pranks, even going so far as to say the whole thing had been sparked by the misidentification of nothing more than a person pushing a handcart piled high with boxes. A video of a strange and gigantic creature brings the AIMS team to Grafton, W.V., in hopes of capturing the monster locals refer to as the "Headless Horror." While considered to be hoaxes and superstition, cryptids still played a large … The original witness had no intention of reporting the incident for fear of ridicule, but word leaked out from the two friends and, grudgingly, a brief report of the sighting was published in the local newspaper (The Statesman? The Grafton Monster is certainly a bizarre creature. One of the first people to see the monster was Robert Cockrell, a reporter for the Grafton Sentinel, who claimed to have seen the monster while driving on the night of June 16, 1964. GRAFTON—Grafton native, Brendan Gallagher, is making sure that the town is ready for the release of the game Fallout 76. The next thing that happened I’ll never forget. The mutant was sedated and transported … My first encounter I was with my Father cutting wood. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, our heroes are left with no physical evidence of their huge adversary. In charge is Trapper, with Jeff as researcher, Willy as trap builder, Buck is the rookie, Huckleberry is the security expert, and the absolute star of the show is Wild Bill. When word of the incident got out, there was a deluge of people coming in from all over the region to look for “The Grafton Monster,” mostly groups of rowdy, armed young men, but people of all ages went traipsing around the town’s surrounding woodlands armed with everything from rifles and pistols, to knives, crowbars, baseball bats, and even pitchforks. Cockrell was baffled because he travelled down that road all of the time and knew there was no boulder there, and it took him a few confused moments before he realized it was some sort of massive living creature. At this location Grafton Sentinel reporter Robert Cockrell made one of the first – and by far the best known – sightings of the alleged West Virginia cryptid known as the “Grafton Monster” or “Beast of Grafton.” Cockrell made the sighting on June 16, 1964 while driving home from work after 11 PM on Riverside Drive along the Tygart River, describing what he encountered as … One witness would tell Cockrell that he had seen the monster on more than one occasion, and would say: I have seen the creature called ‘The Grafton Monster’ several times when I was a young man and it is very real. They went out to the spot armed and ready to encounter the creature, but they found only crushed grass and no other sign of it, not even footprints. The newspaper printed a follow up story maintaining that the whole thing was just a misidentification of someone pushing a pile of white boxes on a hand cart. All we knew for sure was, it was big and wasn’t scared of us, the dogs or the chainsaws .It stopped about 50-55 yards from us in the tree’s and went quiet. My Dad pulled both hammers back and stood in front of me, told me to be ready. My first encounter I was with my Father cutting wood. If so, let’s hear about it!”, “The original Grafton Monster sighting was on June 16th, 1964. Was it an undiscovered creature, alien, demon, interdimensional interloper, or something else? The hysteria died down and the whole thing was soon forgotten. The Monster was described as having slick skin like a seal’s and no apparent head. The Bizarre Case of the Grafton Monster Brent Swancer December 3, 2020 Lying out in the north-central region of West Virginia is the town of Grafton, which is a quaint, quiet town just like many others dotting the area. My Dad told me to get the gun from the cab (He carried a double barrel 10 gauge with 00 buckshot).Whatever it was had picked up it’s pace and continued toward us. The legend of the Grafton Monster has endured since the 1960s, when sightings were at their peak. That was my first sighting of the beast and I’ll never forget it. One teenager said that the youths on Wednesday night were searching for a creature “nine feet tall and about four feet wide.” Check out the most mysterious monster sightings ever reported! “The original Grafton Monster sighting was on June 16th, 1964. The Headless Horror of Grafton County, West Virginia, In the Footsteps of the Valiant (Volume Three). In a possible conflict of interest, Cockrell published the story of his sighting, followed by numerous other articles and interviews detailing other sightings that same summer. I have copied and pasted the best contributions to save you the trouble of looking for them, and because they are just so interesting. The “monster” was described as being between seven and nine feet tall with white or light gray skin, “slick like a seal’s”. When he got home he excitedly called some friends and told them what he had just seen, and they said they should go out there and look for it. An article in the The Grafton Sentinel on June 19th, 1964 would say of the surreal scene: Grafton’s alleged “monster,” reportedly the personification of the active imaginations of a number of teenagers, couldn’t have shown up in the Riverside drive area if it wanted to on Thursday night, too many teenagers and adults were roaming that section of the city. They would later claim that the spooky whistle seemed to be following them around as they tried to determine its source, and it was enough to creep them out into leaving. Image: MuggleMacen. Around 11pm on June 16th, 1964 a reporter for the Grafton Sentinelnewspaper named Robert Cockrell was driving home from the office. The Monster was described as having … Was there a link to the UFO phenomena? Later in … Based off the snallygaster strain, researchers tweaked the genome, producing a giant that shattered the containment unit, but was otherwise stable (excepting the absence of a discernible head). have to check the notes on that). It saw me and instantly froze. Mountain Monsters is an American cryptozoology-themed reality television series airing on Travel Channel.It originally premiered on June 22, 2013 on Destination America.The series follows the Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (A.I.M.S.) This makes me wonder if it could have been an older individual or possibly one with some kind of disease. The family notified the local sheriff, and the legend of the Minerva monster was born. Using the FEVS-006458 strain on October 23, 2077, scientists created a stable - if horrifying mutation. The incident was real, whether or not the Monster was.”, Woodsman, of Saint Joseph, Missouri, wrote…, “I have seen the creature called “The Grafton Monster” several times when I was a young man and it is very real. I drove off and got my gear two days later. The description of the alleged Grafton “monster” sounds suspiciously like that of the recent reports of a “monster” in Michigan, except that Grafton’s seems to be a bit bigger in every respect. 11. Anything is possible for an ex-Marine. We had finished and we’re loading the truck, when our two dogs started barking. Unlike the Snallygaster, which had its roots in tales told by 18th century German settlers, the first tales of the Grafton Monster didn’t emerge until the 1960s. On June 16, 1964, hell broke loose in Grafton, West Virginia, a sleepy town on the Tygart Valley River. We stood there and listened, something was walking, getting closer. The appropriately named "Grafton Monster", was allegedly first sighted in 1964 by Grafton Sentinel reporter Robert Cockrell. At around 11 PM on June 16th, 1964, Robert Cockrell, a reporter for the Grafton Sentinel, was driving home from the office down Riverside Dr. like he did every day, but as he passed around a bend there would be quite the odd and inexplicable sight awaiting him on that dark stretch of road. Sometimes called The Headless Horror because its head drops to its shoulders and is accordingly invisible from some angles, sightings… Any relative, friends, or neighbors who saw it? Almost immediately there was a wild “monster craze” with bumper to bumper traffic along Riverside drive and dozens of people roaming about the town armed with shotguns, crowbars, baseball bats and other potentially harmful toys. It stepped out, looked at us, took 3 strides in our direction, turned and walked back into the tree line. Also odd is that years later Cockrell himself would suddenly and inexplicably recant his entire original report, despite the fact that he had until then always remained adamant that it was all true and that he knew what he had seen. Pictures of the creature have it depicted as headless, while also being the predator. Copyright © Mysterious Universe. The Grafton Monster is a Sasquatch like-creature from Taylor County, West Virginia. “Mountain Monsters” is on Animal Planet Channel every Thursday at 10.00 p.m. (Sky 523). All of them described the same thing, saying it was 8 to 10 feet tall, broad-shouldered, covered with slick hairless skin that was white or light grey in color, and the head either being nonexistent or very small and tucked into the body. The manlike beast is said to be akin to a Bigfoot or Skunk Ape. Now, since it’s roughly 50 years since those sightings, and given the popularity, and tourist/commercial value that has been given to other better known West Virginia “monsters” (like the Flatwoods “Green Monster” and Pt. These are the coolest mythical creatures ever. Witnesses tell the story of their sightings of the Grafton Monster but even better are photographs and a footprint by those living in Grafton. Eventually the ridicule and official resistance proved too much and the reporter dropped his investigation–and refuses to talk about it to this very day. That exception is that the being had rather thin hair. Robert Cockrell apparently wrote two articles for the Sentinel about the sightings, one of which was his own. A newspaper reporter rounded the bend coming on to Riverside Drive and saw a huge white, living Thing on the grass by the river. Barker became convinced that the creature and UFOs were linked, and would excitedly write up an article on it all that mysteriously would never see the light of day in print. It is said that a … The Grafton Monster In West Virginia, in a town called Grafton, there is a famous ape creature that is pal in color, but has slick seal-like skin. This tiny town, once an epicenter of early American railroad transit, has been terrorized since the 1960s by a horrifying creature known to the locals as “The Headless Horror.” The Minerva Monster and Other Sightings. The legend of the Grafton Monster has been retold since 1960, when there were reportedly several sightings. All we knew for sure was, it was big and wasn’t scared of us, the dogs or the chainsaws. There in the illumination of his headlights was what he at first took to be a huge boulder somewhat obstructing the right side of the road and partially on a clearing of grass. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. What did Cockrell see and if is was a delusion then why did so many others see it? Cockrell slowed down to peer out the window at it, and could see that whatever it was stood an estimated 7 to 9 feet tall, was very wide and muscular, and did not appear to have any noticeable head, the whole of it covered in pale smooth skin that looked slick like that of a seal. The reporter exchanged letters with Gray Barker about the incident (those letters are in the Gray Barker Collection in Clarksburg). After speaking with Cockrell and investigating the area himself, Barker came to the conclusion that Cockrell was not only telling the truth, but that it was all even stranger than it already seemed. However, Cockrell insisted that his story was true, and he reached out to UFO researcher Gray Barker. They started fanning out and jabbing at the night with their flashlights in search of it, when suddenly there was an eerie whistling sound that pervaded the air. “The original Grafton Monster sighting was on June 16th, 1964. Mysterious Universe is a property of 8th Kind Pty Ltd, Bigfoot Gone, Giant Fish Arrives, Robot Threatens and More Mysterious News Briefly — February 18, 2021, The Mythical Creatures We Wish Really Existed, The Mysterious and Macabre Museum of Death, The Stranger Side of the Most Famous Monster: Bigfoot, The Sinister Case of the Vampire Clan Murders, The Phantom Flying Dutchman and a Series of Bizarre Letters, Monkey Hive Mind, Killer Squirrels and Chicken Kiss of Death. It stepped out, looked at us, took 3 strides in our direction, turned and walked back into the tree line. Maybe it was some other cryptid, I really don't know. Reports from the Grafton … It didn’t take very much googling to find some original reports from way back in the day. Afterwards, there follows a reasonable post-match examination of events, although I would have liked more attention to have been paid to what appeared to be excellent thermal images from the special camera. There were several sightings, but not much publicity and the events have been all but completely forgotten.

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