xenos => hostile <=> enemies. Not sure that it is important that we know what the spheres or "man of gold" is. Well I’d love to continue! I think the plot of Astartes is, at its base, quite simple that the more complex stuff can be ignored when you reduce it to its base components. 0.11 different angle again, missing eye dude appears to be holding a baton in his left arm, so is missing his right arm. That looked like taking damage from potentially a shurikan cannon. If this guy and Richard Boyland (Helsreach creator) were given a decent budget, This and Erasmus Brosdau's The Lord Inquisitor are infinitely better than any official. The Battlefleet Gothic Space Marine fleet list literally had Cobras in it. 4:53 and 4:54, if the sphere is an Abominable Intelligence, as i suspect, the squad is inserting corrupt data discs to destroy it, which failed, the golden man is just junk in the enemy vaults that they feel has value, clearly the space marine do not. the princesses and one unicorn watch the shenanigans of the 40k universe in the hit youtube parody made by Bruva Alfabusa. No idea what this is or where it came from. Part 2 An Intro to the Dark Millennium. The brain belonged to the large golden body? We have all failed." Note we have no location info for where inquisition psyker is based yet. https://external-preview.redd.it/bGl37cnfcV_c8_eVcz8LT9lzGc_lE-lUfWGXtcw8ViQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=e7934bc0b14a1dbbc4fdfaf21fbdb221abd2924a. All t while being treated as enemies. 6.49 backdrop - all I can see is copies of the corpse god on his throne everywhere rather than necrons. (follow-up; further instruction. Well I'd love to continue! 2.33 whispering very briefly along with pulse. shoot, im usually good at finding anything online. Occult Blue Eyes: The psykers' eyes shine bright blue when they're channeling their powers. "You must return." I can forgive bad fake Latin since it's like 40k years into the future. Choose from 500 different sets of parts of speech chapter 5 flashcards on Quizlet. 0.02 we see our psyker bros. One is missing left arm and one is missing right arm. I hope it was, because that's such an obscure chapter to depict. The defenders are human and seem to be very zealous in their defence (shown by the fact they stand and fight Astartes and when they cut down their own men with the emplacement as they retreat). Part 5. delving into the barrel of incompetence. The latin is atrocious even by GW standards. https://i.imgur.com/PRIMcRN.png - 17 or 18 tall dudes with no arms. T attention to detail - just wow!). Because they (the squad) do not know him, and their captain does not know where they and will not be able to save them from fate. ), Inquisiton Psyker: “It knows that I'm listening!” veteran SM gives order, Orb1s: "We must..." (whole Orb1s lights up in blue while blue electrical sparks travel from it and into Psyker AND in t same instant t cylindrical psychic-interfaces blow with yellow sparks, I'd guess Orb1s TRANSFERS itself or part of itself or a message into Psyker, a last-ditch suicide action, maybe sacrificing itself in order to communicate visions, possibly breaking its "shield" in t process, but getting killed most certainly, Psyker strugglingly retains some control for a short time, visions and quite a lot of incomprehensible mumbling follow, "... it is taking me, it is taking us over" he's warning the captain loses control, lit up from t inside - blam (I wonder who gets to see t visions. "), Orb1s: "You must" (reiteration, countering response. What does this mean? Did anyone else notice there was a third orb chained up to the right and in the background of the chained orb that the =][= psyker/Inquisitor was connected to on the Astartes Ship? 5.44 hero SM gets his right arm blown off which I thought maybe linked to the "man of gold" or one of the psyker bros, but his left visor got cracked, not his right one so maybe its just a red herring to confuse us. Looks like someone flipped a switch to make it unavailable to the general public. By braveheart on April 3, 2020 Part Five of Astartes, a Warhammer 40,000 fan film project. at 0.17 you see a SM looking at a red dot in planetary orbit. Part 3. delving into the 40K world. Inquisitor 101; do not lose your gak around Astartes, even for a second! Not entirely sure what happened, but I still feel that this guy captures what Astartes are better than any other third party (or indeed most of the. That's better than anything I've seen from supposedly mainstream and fully professionally funded IPs like Star Trek and Star Wars in the same time frame. I think I've finally hit on my reason and feeling for why I prefer Astartes over Death of Hope, amongst many things: The final shot is the most Realms of Chaos thing to ever exist in 3D. join us as the girls watch If the emperor had a text-to-speech device! There is no indication at all that it is the emperor,. This is a very sad and thereof also a very grim-dark story. The Space Marines or Adeptus Astartes are foremost amongst the defenders of Humanity, the greatest of the Emperor of Mankind's warriors. "We, Yu'Vath, must not. meaning behind it remains a mystery though!) Break shell is being open/naked to t warp? The Astartes use some technology of sorts to help an Inquisitor get his consciousness into the orb's as well as one they have already have captive. HUMA?" Part 5. delving into the barrel of incompetence. This dude has 2 eyes and is standing in front of the spherical vault marked "02". It seems that the Inquisitor was in possession of two of those orbs, and that they were attempting to secure a third. the princesses and one unicorn watch the shenanigans of the 40k universe in the hit youtube parody made by Bruva Alfabusa. Nothing is lit up on it anyway. I never got too much into necrons, but dont they hate warp stuff? Latest posts for the thread "Astartes part five OUT NOW!" I found the vid hidden in a cached segment of reddit. One thing I noticed, having recently played Battlefleet Gothic Armada again, is that the ship shown at the beginning is not a Space Marine Vessel, but rather an Imperial Navy Domintor or Tyrant class cruiser, Space marines vessels generally have a very different look. Tweet . We dont see the damage from the shot. Very reminiscent of a Zdzislaw Beksinski painting. or: speaking in terms applying to their race in general, as in "we as a species die if breaking shield"), Orb1s: "You must" long pause "Take them" A: (if long pause suggests separate sentences, then this "must" refers to t previous "surviving", O1 telling O2 to survive? (new instruction, based on analysis. fits shell-theory above. To be fair it's 40k. It looks like a Man of gold was disassembled. The echo is because this is coming from the second sphere in the background which is far away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bko5GgK5v8. Here we see the asteroid belt in orbit of the planet linking back to the radar picture from 0.17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfGPMJ8A0QY. Royals watch Text-To-Speech. Orb2b sacrifices itself to do this? So you think the inquisition dude is not a psyker but hears a conversation between the spheres and gets possessed? Thanks for the recaps as I didn't catch the speech myself when watching and was wondering and/or filling in the blanks with my imagination. It is so impressive it has drawn the attention of people outside the community with its technical skill, exciting content … I personally take it t orbs know about something terrible coming and were acting on that knowledge. I made a short gif of the orc encounter that lasts 2.5 seconds at normal speed, but i s.owed it down to 50% to show the brutality two ork craniums endure from a spaz marinez fist. 1.19 one eye psyker bro makes an interception. I cannot say these are SM for sure. The Emperor protects. Loved that final scene. The parts of speech are things like nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. A part of him, the most self-indulgent part, longed for it. Made me think a lot of Sphere by Michael Crichton. That defenetly was some DAT remnants. Great catch. Astartes Part Five - Reaction - Duration: 11:45. The Orb in return takes a point blank plasma pistol shot (that blows off its wielder's arm), and is completely unharmed. "Impossible" with an echo, "you will never survive" also with an echo. Bearing this in mind, let us examine Astartes a fan-film produced by one Syama Pedersen of New Zealand. the pacing is excellent, you don't need any foreknowledge of the setting to enjoy it(showed it to wife and she dug it), & can take it all at face value. "If you never slow down, and look deeper, with an open mind - from your views, conflict may follow - from your actions, suffering may follow.". Yeah, Astartes frigging rocks. Yeah, l can't get to it now. (responds to having psychic presence taken to Orb2b), Orb2b: "I have failed, Brother. Awesome as always. 0.40 Hero SM makes his move. If you were building a robot, you would do it layer by layer or piece by piece, not top down. (fits as follow-up; further instruction. I think he has very sensibly avoided explication. This results in the need of another part of speech concept postposition, which plays the same role as preposition, but has a different word order requirement.. the inquisitor is searching for the missing squad, by hacking it with his mind, before being possessed and executed. #reactions It seems the teaser was a patreon exclusive which was posted without the author's authorization. At 0.24 we can see glove of Astartes armor in same painting as other Retributors marines. 3.16 stabbing of the sphere. Old Man Reacts 5,113 views. So this clearly sets us in 40k territory, and not anything else like 30k or DaoT. For the best viewing experience, as well as events we recommend using old reddit version - https://old.reddit.com/r/40kLore/, Press J to jump to the feed. 0.15 we see 2 ships we havent seen before. Second SM goes YEEET and psyker bros are dispatched. The parts of speech are a relatively small number … Wow only just seen this - most impressive in all respects! It might be bad latin, but it seems like perfectly fine High Gothic. It's clearly Heresy and needs to be dealt with as such. Part 4. This is a Sub for the series 'Astartes' by Syama Pederson. I like your take on it. maybe t point was to show all of them: "look! B: (if pause is irrelevant, then "must" refers to "taking them" which is obviously referring to t SMs - which Orb2b later does. 0.18 SM bolters go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT instead of pew pew because psykers. !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bko5GgK5v8&list=PLDNCCj46C34AgW7314tDcizn8qFcoENLOHere I, … Also there is nice detail which is red indication light on bolter which appears to indicate synchronization process with marine power armour. One happened to be on t chill side, another happened to be a bit hungrier/playfuler? Royals watch Text-To-Speech. I don't even really care or need an explanation as to what the hell that thing is. No worries. Talk about striking whilst the iron is hot: That's cool. ), Orb2b: "We must not. by Deadmanx513 with 4,539 reads. Comments: 43 Kudos: 347 Bookmarks: 27 Hits: 12989 We'll never survive." No idea what this is for. Remember, this is on the generic looking imperium ship. A List of the Basic Skills That Are Tested in the ACT English Test. #Astartes #Reaction #ReviewWATCH THE ORIGINAL VIDEOS FIRST! at 0.14 you see space marines walking in the hallway, looks like they are ready to go into their boarding ship. 5.01 fade to black and transition back to hero SM and crew. This was the problem with Death of Hope to me, there's just too much introduced too fast, making it hard to understand, for me anyway. Why would SM have these? warp?) You may see this black smoke later in the video... 4.27 cut back into the room, and the inqusition psyker looks to his right which alerts bald SM that something is up. Cleaves very close to what Dan Abnett once said about writing Space Marines: They deal in absolutes, no hesitation, zero tolerance, nothing. I don't necessarily assume t orbs to be ill-intentioned or hostile, it may be t case they are trying to warn about what they have come to know. For those who have missed out or want to catch up.. https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/787014.page, https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer/comments/jmdwhr/astartes/, https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2020/11/01/new-astartes-teaser-trailer/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BNJ7N7HpgI, the sphere reminds me of Tuchulcha from the dark angels books in horus heresy and also the gav thorpe books, there is only one sphere in this video. u/SirKristopher "The Psyker says "Recall them immediately!" Ohh is that Eldar in the little post-story clip? (situational analysis. Part Five of Astartes, a Warhammer 40,000 fan film project. ), Orb2b: "We must not. It clearly has strong psychic powers; I believe it was able to take control of the rebels, but the Astartes are able to resist them. why "we" though? and 3 orks can take down one Marine.. well, 5 Orks.. minus 2 that the Marine took out.. Not working for me, something about privacy. Not sure. Vote. Especially since it seems the creator is going to move onto new series in the universe? Thanks for the recaps as I didn't catch the speech myself when watching and was wondering and/or filling in the blanks with my imagination. Some 40 standard years before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Cadia was a world inhabited by a primitive race of violet-eyed humans who worshipped the four Chaos Gods, probably a remnant of Mankind that had turned to the Ruinous Powers during the hardships of the Age of Strife. I vaguely recall reading in an interview or something somewhere that Gothic resembles Latin but is not Latin, which is just a lore justification for "we're not going to put a great deal of effort into ensuring it's a correct Latin translation, we just want cool Latin-y looking language". I believe it's a Enslaver, and it pulled the squad into the warp. There is no fire on the armour, only the flesh burns so I suspect warp fuckery. A: Add an –s or –es to the end of it! Bald SM sends the other SM running before anything could be said anyway. On screen, they see the sperical cault marked "02" and the inquisition psyker who gets possessed. i think the dark mist is the psyker since its the same colour as the stuff around his hands. They've already hired one fan to make a film for them (Angels of Death), I could definitely see them picking up this guy for more works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoCcpMW8fSs. I have many 40k stories I’d like to tell and I already know where I want to take things next if the support is there. Latest messages posted in the thread "Astartes part five OUT NOW!" https://i.imgur.com/31pOi7N.png - 4 dudes on a hand. Astartes - Part 5. Prompted by the so-called Pilgrimage of the Primarch Lorgar of the Word Bearers Legion to discover wheth… Fanfiction. Retributer Astartes now assist the hunt for fleeing leaders of the rebellion". I like that the creator of this series is creating his own slice of the. T black clouds just random typical warp inhabitants/natives? Then we see some imagery. With 2-3 new short films as part of it. What happens if you play it backwards? Great part about playing Deathwatch, I can add a few without needing a whole force of them. 3.56 now we get a first person perspective from the inquisition psyker as seen from the way the hands are held. return to WHERE though? At first I thought this was just part of their pre-combat ritual where they bless the weapons, but after having seen all 5 episodes, its weird that a member of the inquisition is blessing weapons. https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ecclesiarchy_Quotes, https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Sacred_Incense - " Sacred Incense is a piece of Daemonhunters wargear and is carried in a brazier taken from the censers surrounding the Golden Throne itself. Thanks for the recaps as I didn't catch the speech myself when watching and was wondering and/or filling in the blanks with my imagination. Maybe the author has a synopsis? It's like Ian Miller started working in Maya. Battle fleet gothic guys let me know if you have corrections. Just straight to business, no hesitation. Part Four of Astartes, a Warhammer 40,000 fan film project.Apologies for the wait on this one. 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astartes part 5 speech

T primary objective likely not possible due to Orb1s being in "lockdown-sleep" and "radio silence" presumably precisely due to being captive and attempted to have mind be "read"/probed. T key to understanding everything about t plot is in and around t Orbs-conversation! Learn parts of speech chapter 5 with free interactive flashcards. The Inquisitor warns the Astartes something's wrong then he gets found out and either possessed (which is my interpretation) or something else and the Space Marines slaughter him. I have many 40k stories I'd like to tell and I already know where I want to take things next if the support is there. 6.36 I think there is a transition in hero SM eyes, but not 100% sure if this is to denote some sort of taint/possesion or determination. I am suiciding which would be completely irrational unless I am trying to tell you something that you're missing - think!" "482 M39 - The Argosa uprisings have been checked. We'll never survive." Some people have said this is saying "this is not yours" but I just cant hear that in the whispering having tried about 100 times. I mean, pointing to a bad execution of a concept and pretending that single example is actually representative of the concept itself is certainly a way to sound like you've won an argument, but it's also completely disingenuous nonsense. There are edited versions on YouTube stitching them all together. "man of gold" is made of same material as psyker bros face. (instruction based on analysis. Old Man Reacts 5,734 views. ... We see the Strike Cruiser of the Retributors in Part 5. This marks the end of this chapter of the Astartes project. IDK. Anyone know latin? Helped immensely from fantastic transcription by Frost 993 in t video: Astartes Part Five - What The Spheres Are Saying... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y-lIcja_F0, T audio dialog does seem to synch/match up with t animations of t Orbs lighting up and/or taking center screen, and logically this should be t case. This brazier produces a minor holy region around the bearer, causing foes of the Emperor to check their advance towards it ". Gives the Astartes series a more complete ending. Share . is it already known that this chapter is a successor chapter of the imperial fists? Its awesome but not integral to understanding part 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMGRa4_UjE4. if anyone does have audacity and can link some cleaned up audio samples, I am sure the subreddit would love you. It appears to be in an asteroid field, so think we can reasonably assume the red dot is the target ship. 5.10 the sphere says something but I cant make it out at all. Those are some awesome details! (moodbreaking sidecomment: Also, an as amazingly impressive as fast-flashed detail to add, Part Four at 1:03; Sinister-psyker sends his shockwave-attack - it can be seen traveling along t floor AND deflecting, completely redirecting traveling bolter projectiles! And precisely, among t audience there may be two groups: one who just observes with with t typical assumption of good/bad -guys, and one who takes t time to dig deeper trying to unravel/understand everything! Astartes – Part Five. T empire is very narrow/tunnel -sighted and rigid in beliefs and thereby actions, thereof: orbs <=> xenos => hostile <=> enemies. Not sure that it is important that we know what the spheres or "man of gold" is. Well I’d love to continue! I think the plot of Astartes is, at its base, quite simple that the more complex stuff can be ignored when you reduce it to its base components. 0.11 different angle again, missing eye dude appears to be holding a baton in his left arm, so is missing his right arm. That looked like taking damage from potentially a shurikan cannon. If this guy and Richard Boyland (Helsreach creator) were given a decent budget, This and Erasmus Brosdau's The Lord Inquisitor are infinitely better than any official. The Battlefleet Gothic Space Marine fleet list literally had Cobras in it. 4:53 and 4:54, if the sphere is an Abominable Intelligence, as i suspect, the squad is inserting corrupt data discs to destroy it, which failed, the golden man is just junk in the enemy vaults that they feel has value, clearly the space marine do not. the princesses and one unicorn watch the shenanigans of the 40k universe in the hit youtube parody made by Bruva Alfabusa. No idea what this is or where it came from. Part 2 An Intro to the Dark Millennium. The brain belonged to the large golden body? We have all failed." Note we have no location info for where inquisition psyker is based yet. https://external-preview.redd.it/bGl37cnfcV_c8_eVcz8LT9lzGc_lE-lUfWGXtcw8ViQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=e7934bc0b14a1dbbc4fdfaf21fbdb221abd2924a. All t while being treated as enemies. 6.49 backdrop - all I can see is copies of the corpse god on his throne everywhere rather than necrons. (follow-up; further instruction. Well I'd love to continue! 2.33 whispering very briefly along with pulse. shoot, im usually good at finding anything online. Occult Blue Eyes: The psykers' eyes shine bright blue when they're channeling their powers. "You must return." I can forgive bad fake Latin since it's like 40k years into the future. Choose from 500 different sets of parts of speech chapter 5 flashcards on Quizlet. 0.02 we see our psyker bros. One is missing left arm and one is missing right arm. I hope it was, because that's such an obscure chapter to depict. The defenders are human and seem to be very zealous in their defence (shown by the fact they stand and fight Astartes and when they cut down their own men with the emplacement as they retreat). Part 5. delving into the barrel of incompetence. The latin is atrocious even by GW standards. https://i.imgur.com/PRIMcRN.png - 17 or 18 tall dudes with no arms. T attention to detail - just wow!). Because they (the squad) do not know him, and their captain does not know where they and will not be able to save them from fate. ), Inquisiton Psyker: “It knows that I'm listening!” veteran SM gives order, Orb1s: "We must..." (whole Orb1s lights up in blue while blue electrical sparks travel from it and into Psyker AND in t same instant t cylindrical psychic-interfaces blow with yellow sparks, I'd guess Orb1s TRANSFERS itself or part of itself or a message into Psyker, a last-ditch suicide action, maybe sacrificing itself in order to communicate visions, possibly breaking its "shield" in t process, but getting killed most certainly, Psyker strugglingly retains some control for a short time, visions and quite a lot of incomprehensible mumbling follow, "... it is taking me, it is taking us over" he's warning the captain loses control, lit up from t inside - blam (I wonder who gets to see t visions. "), Orb1s: "You must" (reiteration, countering response. What does this mean? Did anyone else notice there was a third orb chained up to the right and in the background of the chained orb that the =][= psyker/Inquisitor was connected to on the Astartes Ship? 5.44 hero SM gets his right arm blown off which I thought maybe linked to the "man of gold" or one of the psyker bros, but his left visor got cracked, not his right one so maybe its just a red herring to confuse us. Looks like someone flipped a switch to make it unavailable to the general public. By braveheart on April 3, 2020 Part Five of Astartes, a Warhammer 40,000 fan film project. at 0.17 you see a SM looking at a red dot in planetary orbit. Part 3. delving into the 40K world. Inquisitor 101; do not lose your gak around Astartes, even for a second! Not entirely sure what happened, but I still feel that this guy captures what Astartes are better than any other third party (or indeed most of the. That's better than anything I've seen from supposedly mainstream and fully professionally funded IPs like Star Trek and Star Wars in the same time frame. I think I've finally hit on my reason and feeling for why I prefer Astartes over Death of Hope, amongst many things: The final shot is the most Realms of Chaos thing to ever exist in 3D. join us as the girls watch If the emperor had a text-to-speech device! There is no indication at all that it is the emperor,. This is a very sad and thereof also a very grim-dark story. The Space Marines or Adeptus Astartes are foremost amongst the defenders of Humanity, the greatest of the Emperor of Mankind's warriors. "We, Yu'Vath, must not. meaning behind it remains a mystery though!) Break shell is being open/naked to t warp? The Astartes use some technology of sorts to help an Inquisitor get his consciousness into the orb's as well as one they have already have captive. HUMA?" Part 5. delving into the barrel of incompetence. This dude has 2 eyes and is standing in front of the spherical vault marked "02". It seems that the Inquisitor was in possession of two of those orbs, and that they were attempting to secure a third. the princesses and one unicorn watch the shenanigans of the 40k universe in the hit youtube parody made by Bruva Alfabusa. Nothing is lit up on it anyway. I never got too much into necrons, but dont they hate warp stuff? Latest posts for the thread "Astartes part five OUT NOW!" I found the vid hidden in a cached segment of reddit. One thing I noticed, having recently played Battlefleet Gothic Armada again, is that the ship shown at the beginning is not a Space Marine Vessel, but rather an Imperial Navy Domintor or Tyrant class cruiser, Space marines vessels generally have a very different look. Tweet . We dont see the damage from the shot. Very reminiscent of a Zdzislaw Beksinski painting. or: speaking in terms applying to their race in general, as in "we as a species die if breaking shield"), Orb1s: "You must" long pause "Take them" A: (if long pause suggests separate sentences, then this "must" refers to t previous "surviving", O1 telling O2 to survive? (new instruction, based on analysis. fits shell-theory above. To be fair it's 40k. It looks like a Man of gold was disassembled. The echo is because this is coming from the second sphere in the background which is far away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bko5GgK5v8. Here we see the asteroid belt in orbit of the planet linking back to the radar picture from 0.17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfGPMJ8A0QY. Royals watch Text-To-Speech. Orb2b sacrifices itself to do this? So you think the inquisition dude is not a psyker but hears a conversation between the spheres and gets possessed? Thanks for the recaps as I didn't catch the speech myself when watching and was wondering and/or filling in the blanks with my imagination. It is so impressive it has drawn the attention of people outside the community with its technical skill, exciting content … I personally take it t orbs know about something terrible coming and were acting on that knowledge. I made a short gif of the orc encounter that lasts 2.5 seconds at normal speed, but i s.owed it down to 50% to show the brutality two ork craniums endure from a spaz marinez fist. 1.19 one eye psyker bro makes an interception. I cannot say these are SM for sure. The Emperor protects. Loved that final scene. The parts of speech are things like nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. A part of him, the most self-indulgent part, longed for it. Made me think a lot of Sphere by Michael Crichton. That defenetly was some DAT remnants. Great catch. Astartes Part Five - Reaction - Duration: 11:45. The Orb in return takes a point blank plasma pistol shot (that blows off its wielder's arm), and is completely unharmed. "Impossible" with an echo, "you will never survive" also with an echo. Bearing this in mind, let us examine Astartes a fan-film produced by one Syama Pedersen of New Zealand. the pacing is excellent, you don't need any foreknowledge of the setting to enjoy it(showed it to wife and she dug it), & can take it all at face value. "If you never slow down, and look deeper, with an open mind - from your views, conflict may follow - from your actions, suffering may follow.". Yeah, Astartes frigging rocks. Yeah, l can't get to it now. (responds to having psychic presence taken to Orb2b), Orb2b: "I have failed, Brother. Awesome as always. 0.40 Hero SM makes his move. If you were building a robot, you would do it layer by layer or piece by piece, not top down. (fits as follow-up; further instruction. I think he has very sensibly avoided explication. This results in the need of another part of speech concept postposition, which plays the same role as preposition, but has a different word order requirement.. the inquisitor is searching for the missing squad, by hacking it with his mind, before being possessed and executed. #reactions It seems the teaser was a patreon exclusive which was posted without the author's authorization. At 0.24 we can see glove of Astartes armor in same painting as other Retributors marines. 3.16 stabbing of the sphere. Old Man Reacts 5,113 views. So this clearly sets us in 40k territory, and not anything else like 30k or DaoT. For the best viewing experience, as well as events we recommend using old reddit version - https://old.reddit.com/r/40kLore/, Press J to jump to the feed. 0.15 we see 2 ships we havent seen before. Second SM goes YEEET and psyker bros are dispatched. The parts of speech are a relatively small number … Wow only just seen this - most impressive in all respects! It might be bad latin, but it seems like perfectly fine High Gothic. It's clearly Heresy and needs to be dealt with as such. Part 4. This is a Sub for the series 'Astartes' by Syama Pederson. I like your take on it. maybe t point was to show all of them: "look! B: (if pause is irrelevant, then "must" refers to "taking them" which is obviously referring to t SMs - which Orb2b later does. 0.18 SM bolters go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT instead of pew pew because psykers. !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bko5GgK5v8&list=PLDNCCj46C34AgW7314tDcizn8qFcoENLOHere I, … Also there is nice detail which is red indication light on bolter which appears to indicate synchronization process with marine power armour. One happened to be on t chill side, another happened to be a bit hungrier/playfuler? Royals watch Text-To-Speech. I don't even really care or need an explanation as to what the hell that thing is. No worries. Talk about striking whilst the iron is hot: That's cool. ), Orb2b: "We must not. by Deadmanx513 with 4,539 reads. Comments: 43 Kudos: 347 Bookmarks: 27 Hits: 12989 We'll never survive." No idea what this is for. Remember, this is on the generic looking imperium ship. A List of the Basic Skills That Are Tested in the ACT English Test. #Astartes #Reaction #ReviewWATCH THE ORIGINAL VIDEOS FIRST! at 0.14 you see space marines walking in the hallway, looks like they are ready to go into their boarding ship. 5.01 fade to black and transition back to hero SM and crew. This was the problem with Death of Hope to me, there's just too much introduced too fast, making it hard to understand, for me anyway. Why would SM have these? warp?) You may see this black smoke later in the video... 4.27 cut back into the room, and the inqusition psyker looks to his right which alerts bald SM that something is up. Cleaves very close to what Dan Abnett once said about writing Space Marines: They deal in absolutes, no hesitation, zero tolerance, nothing. I don't necessarily assume t orbs to be ill-intentioned or hostile, it may be t case they are trying to warn about what they have come to know. For those who have missed out or want to catch up.. https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/787014.page, https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer/comments/jmdwhr/astartes/, https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2020/11/01/new-astartes-teaser-trailer/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BNJ7N7HpgI, the sphere reminds me of Tuchulcha from the dark angels books in horus heresy and also the gav thorpe books, there is only one sphere in this video. u/SirKristopher "The Psyker says "Recall them immediately!" Ohh is that Eldar in the little post-story clip? (situational analysis. Part Five of Astartes, a Warhammer 40,000 fan film project. ), Orb2b: "We must not. It clearly has strong psychic powers; I believe it was able to take control of the rebels, but the Astartes are able to resist them. why "we" though? and 3 orks can take down one Marine.. well, 5 Orks.. minus 2 that the Marine took out.. Not working for me, something about privacy. Not sure. Vote. Especially since it seems the creator is going to move onto new series in the universe? Thanks for the recaps as I didn't catch the speech myself when watching and was wondering and/or filling in the blanks with my imagination. Some 40 standard years before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Cadia was a world inhabited by a primitive race of violet-eyed humans who worshipped the four Chaos Gods, probably a remnant of Mankind that had turned to the Ruinous Powers during the hardships of the Age of Strife. I vaguely recall reading in an interview or something somewhere that Gothic resembles Latin but is not Latin, which is just a lore justification for "we're not going to put a great deal of effort into ensuring it's a correct Latin translation, we just want cool Latin-y looking language". I believe it's a Enslaver, and it pulled the squad into the warp. There is no fire on the armour, only the flesh burns so I suspect warp fuckery. A: Add an –s or –es to the end of it! Bald SM sends the other SM running before anything could be said anyway. On screen, they see the sperical cault marked "02" and the inquisition psyker who gets possessed. i think the dark mist is the psyker since its the same colour as the stuff around his hands. They've already hired one fan to make a film for them (Angels of Death), I could definitely see them picking up this guy for more works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoCcpMW8fSs. I have many 40k stories I’d like to tell and I already know where I want to take things next if the support is there. Latest messages posted in the thread "Astartes part five OUT NOW!" https://i.imgur.com/31pOi7N.png - 4 dudes on a hand. Astartes - Part 5. Prompted by the so-called Pilgrimage of the Primarch Lorgar of the Word Bearers Legion to discover wheth… Fanfiction. Retributer Astartes now assist the hunt for fleeing leaders of the rebellion". I like that the creator of this series is creating his own slice of the. T black clouds just random typical warp inhabitants/natives? Then we see some imagery. With 2-3 new short films as part of it. What happens if you play it backwards? Great part about playing Deathwatch, I can add a few without needing a whole force of them. 3.56 now we get a first person perspective from the inquisition psyker as seen from the way the hands are held. return to WHERE though? At first I thought this was just part of their pre-combat ritual where they bless the weapons, but after having seen all 5 episodes, its weird that a member of the inquisition is blessing weapons. https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ecclesiarchy_Quotes, https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Sacred_Incense - " Sacred Incense is a piece of Daemonhunters wargear and is carried in a brazier taken from the censers surrounding the Golden Throne itself. Thanks for the recaps as I didn't catch the speech myself when watching and was wondering and/or filling in the blanks with my imagination. Maybe the author has a synopsis? It's like Ian Miller started working in Maya. Battle fleet gothic guys let me know if you have corrections. Just straight to business, no hesitation. Part Four of Astartes, a Warhammer 40,000 fan film project.Apologies for the wait on this one.

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