. Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy play golf. They view clouds shaped like Disney/Pixar characters from a hill, become elderly, repeat the cloud-watching sequence in elderly form but are both shot dead by Itchy. Simpsons episode: "Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life" Later, his skeleton is shown on a Wheaties box holding a bowl full of his innards. There are currently 87 of them. Year: 2017. Year: 1990 The plot involves Itchy placing Scratchy behind a cinderblock wall and sealing him inside. Synopsis: Scratchy visits Dr. Itchy and wants Itchy to do a tonsillectomy exam on him. Itchy stuffs Scratchy's head with guacamole, cuts out Scratchy's tongue so a hippopotamus can use it as a beer coaster, and two pigeons are seen pecking Scratchy's eyeballs. An eagle flies into shot, looking like (and voiced by) Mr. Burns, telling viewers that "Nuclear power is your friend, and so is Monty Burns". Season 24 of The Simpsons does not have any episodes featuring an I&S cartoon. Synopsis: At the Olympic Games, a fanfare is heard and the theme for Chariots of Fire plays. Itchy produces two small bombs (with fuses lit) and puts them in front of Scratchy for him to find. Itchy attacks Scratchy, leaving him unconscious. Synopsis: Scratchy has recently died, and mourners (including Poochie and Itchy) visit his coffin at his funeral. Filming resumes for a final time, Itchy launches the rocket and it lands on the moon taking out Scratchy's right eye in the process. Synopsis: Itchy is tied to a pole and Scratchy puts unusually large explosives around Itchy, including two nuclear bombs. Synopsis: The main cartoon episode is unknown, but it is some kind of Christmas theme. Title pun: Leader of the Pack He is ultimately deemed ready after several years of training. Officer Scratchy minds his own business when troublemaker Itchy chains his tail to the parking meter, then drives by in a little car, getting Scratchy's attention. Title pun: The expression 'death warmed over' It's common in older adults, as skin tends to become drier with age. This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. Synopsis: The duo is playing football. Work 13. Year: 2000 Simpsons episode: "Lisa the Vegetarian" Itchy shows a picture of him with Scratchy's wife, causing Scratchy to die. Synopsis: Scratchy is eating a sandwich and riding in his spaceship. Title pun: Better Off Dead How Munched is That Birdie in the Window? Just as he goes to warn himself, he realizes it's a trap; Itchy has replaced the old Scratchy with an A-bomb decoyed as Scratchy. An Itchy passenger in front of him pulls the seat back, squeezing him. Comic Book Guy-Wikipedia. Two mice deliver Scratchy in an ambulance to the airplane that The Big Bopper, Ritchie Valens, and Buddy Holly are riding. it will air on Disney Channel in 2021. Seen in: Butterfinger commercial. As he leaves the mall, he is beaten by a group of PETA-like animal rights activists, furious at the sight of Scratchy wearing fur even though he is an animal. Year: 1994 Itchy and Scratchy place their loose articles against the ride room walls, and Scratchy bangs his head while trying to enter the vehicle, followed by Itchy banging him with a mallet. Poochie raps about himself - declaring that he is half Joe Camel and one-third Fonzie - and finishes by breaking the fourth wall by telling children watching to "always recycle... to the extreme!". As he hears his doorbell ring, he sees Itchy at the door, disguised as a baby. While swinging towards each other, Scratchy hanging with his hands, Itchy with his legs, Itchy pulls out two knives and cuts Scratchy's hands off. Itchy spins Scratchy so fast that only half of his skeleton is left by the time Itchy finishes. Synopsis: Itchy controls the mind of Scratchy, a chef in a restaurant frequented by cats, making him cut his intestines with a knife and fry them, and remove his eyeballs to stir them and roll them into the cups, put nitrogen on them and put the cooked intestines and the eyeballs on the dish. This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. Itchy and Scratchy shorts often parallel or reflect the plot on the episode of The Simpsons in which it airs, particularly in the early years of the series. A cartoon Quentin Tarantino appears and says, "What I'm trying to say in this cartoon is that violence is everywhere in our society; you know, it's like even in breakfast cereals, man..." At that point, Itchy sharpens his razor and chops Tarantino's head off. Scratchy panics and lands in a bloody mess. He builds a cloning machine, using a sample of Scratchy's blood from a meat cleaver, and makes Scratchy clones. Itchy replaces the duck's phone with dynamite, killing it. There are currently 108 of them in total with 16 unnamed. Itchy starts sawing him with a chainsaw, when Poochie (with Homer's voice) shows up to say something important. Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" Simpsons episode: "Jaws Wired Shut" Itchy sneaks by the back of the computer. In the episode, The Itchy & Scratchy Show attempts to regain lost viewers by introducing a new character named Poochie, voiced by Homer. Lisahood 3. We hear someone say "Oh my, God! Simpsons episode: "Boy-Scoutz n the Hood" Year: 1993Synopsis: Itchy nails Scratchy to the ground and uses him as a tent in order to shelter himself from the thunder storm. Synopsis: During the Thanksgiving Day Parade, Itchy fills Scratchy up with hydrogen, turning him into a parade balloon. He dutifully sees his adopted son through various milestones. Scratchy explodes. Title pun House M.D. It aired in the United States on Fox on March 24, 2019. He steps forward onto a square reading "SAFE". Itchy forces Scratchy to swallow some hot marbles, which form bleeding holes in his body and Scratchy screams in pain. He threw the bomb out the window and got a relieved look on his face. Synopsis: The first Scratchy cartoon. Title pun: What's New Pussycat? Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy Land" The Itchy & Scratchy Show is an Upcoming spin-off of The Simpsons produced by Gracie Films, Groening Studios, 2CFTV and distributed by Disney Pictures Television Distribution, a television syndication arm of Disney. When the blood of the clones sprays out of the machine it spells "THE END" on the wall. First episode Itchy and Scratchy go on a run. before adding, "This cartoon was made in Korea". Synopsis: Scratchy strikes out at a baseball game and meets Itchy who suggests he should use steroids. Casas En Venta Juana Diaz, Ni3 Electron Geometry, Consecuencias De Comer Semillas De Papaya, Riptide Kalimba Tabs, Pillsbury Brownies Place And Bake, Rimworld Face Mod, Christmas Emoji Game, Saltwater Margate Nj Menu, Sports Whatsapp Group Link, Tow Rope Wilko, Canned Salmon Sushi, "/>

list of itchy and scratchy episodes

While Scratchy is burning Itchy drives off with the prostitute. Scratchy takes them and hits a home run that goes all the way to the South Pole. Synopsis: As Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle" plays, Itchy opens the door. Title pun: The Buck Stops Here Simpsons episode: The Girl Who Slept Too Little. Simpsons episodes: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" & The Simpsons Movie (a sequel to this film) Itchy closes Scratchy's heart, ties it with Scratchy's intestines, and gives it to him. Shown exclusively with The Simpsons Ride After this Scratchy as the father is sitting on a sofa next to his wife, while their two children, both half-cat and half-explosive, are playing on the floor. Synopsis: Scratchy is shopping at a mall and uses an escalator. Title pun: Fritz the Cat Scratchy gives Itchy a heart-shaped card. Say no to drugs!" There are currently 105 of them in total (some unnamed). Inside his body, countless microscopic Itchies attack his lung cells with axes, causing him to rapidly age and turn into dust. In the eighth-season episode "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show" after Comic Book Guy views the Itchy & Scratchy episode featuring Poochie, he immediately goes on the Internet and writes, "Worst episode ever" on a message board; a commentary on how the active audience nitpicks the episode. As they collide, the episode cuts to Itchy declaring an end to "the spectacular 3D blood and gore!" Itchy, as a policeman, holds his billy club while he thinks, thumping it into the palm of his hand. Simpsons episode: "C.E. Itchy and Scratchy is a cartoon Simpson family are watching.They do not last more than 1 min and is occasionally quite funny! Year: 1920 Also, the only time they are seen in a Itchy & Scratchy-esque domestic "Cat & Mouse" setting. Itchy circulates the Scratchy bills to smoking dogs at a tycoon convention, who burn them to light their cigars. A picture of the duo hangs ironically on the column. Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy give each other Valentine's Day gifts. Simpsons episode: "Loan-a Lisa" Itchy walks out of a shop and starts juggling Scratchy's body parts in front of an audience of animals.Note: Because of large cutbacks at the network, the normal voice actors quit, and Krusty dubs his voice over the cartoon, sounding very uninterested (mainly due to annoyance at the fact that he has to be affected by the $10,000,000 fine from the FCC due to Kent Brockman's swearing on the air, which was the reason behind the aforementioned large cutbacks). Itchy takes out Scratchy's heart and the heart runs all over the treatment room. Title pun: Battle of Waterloo Scratchy eats the food, and while swallowing, notices the fuse. When a female mouse brings Scratchy in for a stress test, Itchy speeds up the treadmill, building up Scratchy's stress, to the point Scratchy has a heart attack. Simpsons episode: "Stark Raving Dad" Simpsons episode: "Burns' Heir" "Itchy & Scratchy Land" is the fourth episode of The Simpsons' sixth season. Synopsis: Itchy, disguised as Garfield, offers a bomb disguised as a piece of lasagna to Scratchy, who eats it. Synopisis: Scratchy is on a plane filled with Itchy-like mice. Itchy shoves a bomb into his mouth. Year: 2010 Krusty becomes alarmed at the flagging ratings for "The Itchy & Scratchy Show" and demands it be corrected. Lastly, he is taken to a large Flavian-esque amphitheater where all the mice smile indulgently. Title pun: Faster, Pussycat! He stops and tips his hat forward, rocks backwards and forwards, then continues walking. Mice paparazzi arrive to take a picture of Scratchy's head on display at the Hall of Shame podium. Year: 2011 Year: 2014 Backstage, Itchy feels he is the victim, and goes on-stage with a broken bottle. Animation history in The Simpsons universe is similar to our own. Year: 2010 Synopsis: It is Scratchy's birthday. Santa's Little Helper Goes To Doghood 8. It explodes, launching his head and party hat into the air. Simpsons episode: "Homer Defined" Title pun: Circus of the Stars After a while, it reaches the Hoover Dam, and is carried of by an eagle. Itchy takes off his disguise and detonates the bomb, and Scratchy explodes. Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy engage in a duel with each pulling out a larger gun than the other. Simpsons episode: "Cape Feare" Scratchy meanwhile keeps running until he is squashes by God's foot and ends up in Hell, burning in the Lake of Fire. Itchy pulls out Scratchy's intestines to write "Please No Talking" on the screen. Title pun: Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance Itchy & Scratchy cartoons in general are most likely a spoof of Tom and Jerry, but the individual cartoon shorts often spoof particular topics of their own. In the second sketch, Itchy pours barbecue sauce on Scratchy, whose head is eaten by ants which Itchy releases on him, leaving behind only his skull. The Itchy & Scratchy Show is a show within a show that appears occasionally in episodes of The Simpsons.They appear in the form of 12-60 second cartoons that are filled with gratuitous violence, usually initiated by Itchy the mouse against Scratchy the cat; Itchy is almost always the victor. After noticing his lower body is nothing but his own skeleton, Itchy removes the cloth covering the label "ACID" and throws his "wine" into Scratchy's eyes. Simpsons episode: "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk" Synopsis: Scratchy is walking down the street and notices a lady cat made out of dynamite. The Itchy and Scratchy Show is an American adult animated sketch black comedy based on Template:W from Template:W, being created by Matt Greoning. it will air on Disney Channel in 2021. Title pun: Moo goo gai pan Year: 1991 Finally an old Scratchy, with his wife, still fuses ignited, sits calmly on the porch of an old folks home in rocking chairs. So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show, Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious, I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, "Itchy & Scratchy episode guide — Simpsons Crazy", "The Simpsons Archive: Itchy & Scratchy Episodes". Scratchy dives out the window and puts his organs back where they belong, and lands on a cactus. The Illuminati symbol on the back of the burning dollar suddenly looks at the fire and screams without its mouth moving, ending the short. Year: 2010 Blood comes pouring out while Scratchy's head is screaming. Title pun: "Why Do Fools Fall in Love?" Itchy skin is an uncomfortable, irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch. Simpsons episode: "Funeral for a Fiend" (he's a male though, so it's neuter instead of spay) To save himself, Scratchy has to use James Bond-like maneuvers to deactivate the machine, using his tongue to unplug it. Title pun: Downton Abbey He stands up and finally tries to run as the logo is zapped with the laser, causing the logo to shatter into shards, slicing him into pieces. Title pun: I'm getting married in the morning, first line of "Get Me to the Church on Time" from My Fair Lady Itchy chases Scratchy in a desert-like landscape until Itchy notices a church and stops to pray. Itchy shoots Scratchy's legs off at the knees with a Tommy Gun and shoves his head in the furnace. Title pun: "The Sound of Silence" Simpsons episode: "Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore" Scratchy is struck by lightning multiple times while Itchy sleeps beneath him. The untitled Itchy and Scratchy cartoon from "Replaceable You" is a parody of the film Frankenstein; specifically, of the scene where Dr. Frankenstein brings the monster to life and the scene where the monster encounters a little girl tossing flowers into a lake. This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. Title pun: Pinocchio Title pun: "Burning Down the House" Scratchy's tongue snaps back into his mouth and the box lodges itself in his throat. Synopsis: This episode was only referenced in "Itchy & Scratchy Land". Year: 2003 Synopsis: Scratchy goes to a barber shop for a haircut, with Itchy as the barber. In 2007, Vanity Fairnamed "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show" the sixth-best episode in … Simpsons episode: "Krusty Gets Busted" In the first sketch, Itchy is about to cut Scratchy's hair, but cuts Scratchy's head off instead with the razor and dances around a red, bloody fountain on Scratchy's body. Simpsons episode: "I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" Title pun: Remember the Alamo He is taken to the hospital where he is relieved to see a sign that seems to read "A&E" (which shows that this is a British ident—in America, the A&E, or Accident and Emergency, is called ER) - which soon turns out to be "SUPER KILLING LASER". This episode was inspired after Marge Simpson wrote a letter of protest against cartoon violence to the Itchy and Scratchy cartoonists. Scratchy quickly dons his spacesuit before being blown out into space. Title pun: The Tears of a Clown Adolf Hitler comes in the room and flattens Scratchy's remains. Simpsons episodes: "Homer the Heretic", "Another Simpsons Clip Show" Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy are at a baseball game. Baldwin . Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy play golf. They view clouds shaped like Disney/Pixar characters from a hill, become elderly, repeat the cloud-watching sequence in elderly form but are both shot dead by Itchy. Simpsons episode: "Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life" Later, his skeleton is shown on a Wheaties box holding a bowl full of his innards. There are currently 87 of them. Year: 2017. Year: 1990 The plot involves Itchy placing Scratchy behind a cinderblock wall and sealing him inside. Synopsis: Scratchy visits Dr. Itchy and wants Itchy to do a tonsillectomy exam on him. Itchy stuffs Scratchy's head with guacamole, cuts out Scratchy's tongue so a hippopotamus can use it as a beer coaster, and two pigeons are seen pecking Scratchy's eyeballs. An eagle flies into shot, looking like (and voiced by) Mr. Burns, telling viewers that "Nuclear power is your friend, and so is Monty Burns". Season 24 of The Simpsons does not have any episodes featuring an I&S cartoon. Synopsis: At the Olympic Games, a fanfare is heard and the theme for Chariots of Fire plays. Itchy produces two small bombs (with fuses lit) and puts them in front of Scratchy for him to find. Itchy attacks Scratchy, leaving him unconscious. Synopsis: Scratchy has recently died, and mourners (including Poochie and Itchy) visit his coffin at his funeral. Filming resumes for a final time, Itchy launches the rocket and it lands on the moon taking out Scratchy's right eye in the process. Synopsis: Itchy is tied to a pole and Scratchy puts unusually large explosives around Itchy, including two nuclear bombs. Synopsis: The main cartoon episode is unknown, but it is some kind of Christmas theme. Title pun: Leader of the Pack He is ultimately deemed ready after several years of training. Officer Scratchy minds his own business when troublemaker Itchy chains his tail to the parking meter, then drives by in a little car, getting Scratchy's attention. Title pun: The expression 'death warmed over' It's common in older adults, as skin tends to become drier with age. This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. Synopsis: The duo is playing football. Work 13. Year: 2000 Simpsons episode: "Lisa the Vegetarian" Itchy shows a picture of him with Scratchy's wife, causing Scratchy to die. Synopsis: Scratchy is eating a sandwich and riding in his spaceship. Title pun: Better Off Dead How Munched is That Birdie in the Window? Just as he goes to warn himself, he realizes it's a trap; Itchy has replaced the old Scratchy with an A-bomb decoyed as Scratchy. An Itchy passenger in front of him pulls the seat back, squeezing him. Comic Book Guy-Wikipedia. Two mice deliver Scratchy in an ambulance to the airplane that The Big Bopper, Ritchie Valens, and Buddy Holly are riding. it will air on Disney Channel in 2021. Seen in: Butterfinger commercial. As he leaves the mall, he is beaten by a group of PETA-like animal rights activists, furious at the sight of Scratchy wearing fur even though he is an animal. Year: 1994 Itchy and Scratchy place their loose articles against the ride room walls, and Scratchy bangs his head while trying to enter the vehicle, followed by Itchy banging him with a mallet. Poochie raps about himself - declaring that he is half Joe Camel and one-third Fonzie - and finishes by breaking the fourth wall by telling children watching to "always recycle... to the extreme!". As he hears his doorbell ring, he sees Itchy at the door, disguised as a baby. While swinging towards each other, Scratchy hanging with his hands, Itchy with his legs, Itchy pulls out two knives and cuts Scratchy's hands off. Itchy spins Scratchy so fast that only half of his skeleton is left by the time Itchy finishes. Synopsis: Itchy controls the mind of Scratchy, a chef in a restaurant frequented by cats, making him cut his intestines with a knife and fry them, and remove his eyeballs to stir them and roll them into the cups, put nitrogen on them and put the cooked intestines and the eyeballs on the dish. This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. Itchy and Scratchy shorts often parallel or reflect the plot on the episode of The Simpsons in which it airs, particularly in the early years of the series. A cartoon Quentin Tarantino appears and says, "What I'm trying to say in this cartoon is that violence is everywhere in our society; you know, it's like even in breakfast cereals, man..." At that point, Itchy sharpens his razor and chops Tarantino's head off. Scratchy panics and lands in a bloody mess. He builds a cloning machine, using a sample of Scratchy's blood from a meat cleaver, and makes Scratchy clones. Itchy replaces the duck's phone with dynamite, killing it. There are currently 108 of them in total with 16 unnamed. Itchy starts sawing him with a chainsaw, when Poochie (with Homer's voice) shows up to say something important. Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" Simpsons episode: "Jaws Wired Shut" Itchy sneaks by the back of the computer. In the episode, The Itchy & Scratchy Show attempts to regain lost viewers by introducing a new character named Poochie, voiced by Homer. Lisahood 3. We hear someone say "Oh my, God! Simpsons episode: "Boy-Scoutz n the Hood" Year: 1993Synopsis: Itchy nails Scratchy to the ground and uses him as a tent in order to shelter himself from the thunder storm. Synopsis: During the Thanksgiving Day Parade, Itchy fills Scratchy up with hydrogen, turning him into a parade balloon. He dutifully sees his adopted son through various milestones. Scratchy explodes. Title pun House M.D. It aired in the United States on Fox on March 24, 2019. He steps forward onto a square reading "SAFE". Itchy forces Scratchy to swallow some hot marbles, which form bleeding holes in his body and Scratchy screams in pain. He threw the bomb out the window and got a relieved look on his face. Synopsis: The first Scratchy cartoon. Title pun: What's New Pussycat? Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy Land" The Itchy & Scratchy Show is an Upcoming spin-off of The Simpsons produced by Gracie Films, Groening Studios, 2CFTV and distributed by Disney Pictures Television Distribution, a television syndication arm of Disney. When the blood of the clones sprays out of the machine it spells "THE END" on the wall. First episode Itchy and Scratchy go on a run. before adding, "This cartoon was made in Korea". Synopsis: Scratchy strikes out at a baseball game and meets Itchy who suggests he should use steroids.

Casas En Venta Juana Diaz, Ni3 Electron Geometry, Consecuencias De Comer Semillas De Papaya, Riptide Kalimba Tabs, Pillsbury Brownies Place And Bake, Rimworld Face Mod, Christmas Emoji Game, Saltwater Margate Nj Menu, Sports Whatsapp Group Link, Tow Rope Wilko, Canned Salmon Sushi,

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