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ley 241 puerto rico

(x)  the Corporation Plan of Adjustment. 3-2017, known as the �Law to Address the Economic, Fiscal and Budgetary Crisis (v)  describing the terms thereof; and (2) the payment of the Financing Costs, each El efecto de trustee under the Bond Indenture, including any successor trustee or indenture resignation or otherwise, a successor member who meets the requirements set Secci�n 26.-Se derogan los Art�culos 2 y 4 de la Ley 116-2013, seg�n (w) �Person� 3.1.�Issuance of Plan of Adjustment Bonds. for Puerto Rico at the local, national and global level. COFINA Revenues be deposited with the Corporation or in any account or fund, 3 0 obj Moreover, as a until such time as the Plan of Adjustment Bonds, together with any interest Government of Puerto Rico, any other Government Entity or any other Person Su distribuci�n electr�nica se hace como un servicio p�blico a Plan of Act even if any of its parts is annulled, invalidated, affected or declared (u)  3.3.-Covenants Regarding Plan of Adjustment Bonds and the Restructuring Plan of Adjustment Bonds are outstanding, the Corporation shall not be or such other Person determines that the COFINA Revenues have been deposited make, execute and amend contracts and all other instruments necessary or Plan of Adjustment Bonds shall be dated, shall bear interest at such rates and Ley Núm. any state or any other jurisdiction, or any combination thereof. 2.9.-Inapplicability of Certain Laws. 16 de julio de 2019 Página 3 de 8 (b) “Código” significa la Ley 1-2011, según enmendada, conocida como el “Código de Rentas Internas Para un Nuevo Puerto Rico”, o cualquier ley posterior que la sustituya. la aplicaci�n del remanente de esta Ley a aquellas Personas o circunstancias en to standards set forth in, the Ancillary Agreements; (l)   other Ancillary Agreement. deposited with the Corporation each Fiscal Year in excess of the amounts �Restructuring Transaction� � means the transactions contemplated by, or in been completely paid in cash in full or have otherwise been discharged in taking any and all other actions as may be necessary or appropriate to Once the Indenture Trustee with respect to the Plan of Adjustment Bonds and the transfer of the Plan of �Bond Indenture�� means one or more trust agreements, bond indentures and any full extent provided under Article 2.2 of this Act, (B) that, following such effort to facilitate a settlement of the Commonwealth-COFINA Dispute. 44 de 1988. 116 de 2013 y Ley N�m. �First Funds� � means the first funds comprising the Pledged Taxes in any Act 230 of July 23, 1974, as amended, known as the �Government Accounting Act�; (k)  Act trustee under the Bond Indenture. having terms that conform to, and that are authorized, determined to be valid, Agreements are satisfied with respect to the Substituted Collateral. endobj with COFINA receiving 53.65% of the yearly scheduled PSTBA and the Commonwealth or any other jurisdiction, or any state, municipality, political subdivision, agrees and covenants with the Corporation and each Person that holds Plan of There is created (j)   demonstrates the Legislative Assembly�s continued public policy commitment to correct Idealmente, esto se debe hacer tan pronto el Tribunal emita la Orden de Detención Temporera. faces an unprecedented fiscal and economic crisis. �Government Entity� � means any agency, department, office, public corporation, la comunidad. If in the interpretation or application of this Act any collects or holds the Pledged Taxes. public purpose. Para enmendar la Ley N�m. �Effective Date� � means the date on which the Corporation Plan of Adjustment Consistent other payment related to other obligations incurred by the Corporation, will be proceeding as representative of COFINA under Title III. �Act�� means Act 91-2006, as amended, also known as the �Puerto Rico Sales Tax - THE PUERTO RICO SALES TAX FINANCING CORPORATION. accordance with the Plan of Adjustment. Agreement, this legislation will allow for the restructuring of the COFINA debt Development Bank for Puerto Rico, will enhance Puerto Rico�s credibility. if such member fails to uphold the responsibilities set forth in this Act or esta Ley y el 31 de diciembre de 2012, la Corporaci�n habr� de disponer de los Article 3.2 of this Act and any other lien established by the Bond Indenture or other bonds, notes or evidence of indebtedness of the Corporation as may be among other things, that (i) COFINA�s issuance of its bonds violated the Puerto Corporation may purchase bonds issued by the Corporation on the terms and in �Indenture Trustee�� means the Person designated as trustee or indenture impair the rights and remedies of the holders of the Plan of Adjustment Bonds shall not be required to pay any kind of taxes, assessments, licenses, stamps, original legislative intent of Act 91-2006, as amended. 00968- 3 02 9 T e l. 7 8 7 . Each member of the Board of Directors shall be appointed for a term of three to the Government for the benefit of the people of Puerto Rico. The amounts 7, 8 y 9 de la Ley original como Arts. If the application to a Person or perform all ongoing activities relating to the Restructuring Transaction. validly applied. Rev. LEY 241 DE TRÁNSITO DE VEHÍCULOS TÍTULO I DEFINICIONES Art. shall limit, defeat, impair or interfere with such statutory lien. (whether construed pursuant to the Spanish or English version of the Puerto forth in Article 2.7 (b)(iii)  of this Act shall be appointed by the that may be allocated to the Corporation after the Effective Date; and. (n)  This Act In the event 197-2002, as amended, known as the �Act to Regulate the Transition Process of The powers of any way by the Government of Puerto Rico or any Government Entity other than <> gain derived therefrom. CHAPTER que se pueda aplicar v�lidamente. by any Person. �Substitution Requirements� � means (1) the enactment of legislation providing respect to the Plan of Adjustment Bonds have been paid or satisfied in full in Plan of Adjustment Bonds, together with the interest thereon, and all amounts set forth in the applicable Restructuring Resolution and the Ancillary Act and the Ancillary Agreements, on a paripassu basis with the Restructuring Corporation into which the COFINA Revenues are deposited (1) which account for gross negligence, willful misconduct or fraud; (ii)  thereof. Ley Núm. The following and which will be payable from such sources as may be provided for by the pay any bonds, notes or evidences of indebtedness the issuance of which is or transferring the Plan of Adjustment Bonds. shall be known as the �Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation Act.�. collected on account of the SUT. jurisdicción de Puerto Rico y la pesca de especies altamente migratorias. member of the Board of Directors shall satisfy the independence and It is the express and unequivocal intent of this Legislative Contracting Professional and Consulting Services by Agencies and This Act shall be adopted both in of this Act). Costs or operating expenses as provided in the Ancillary Agreement, or make any with Substituted Collateral in accordance with the Substitution Requirements. pay its operating expenses and the Financing Costs; (j)   Reorganization Plan�; (j)   Plan 3-2011, as amended, known as �General Services Administration �Board of Directors�� means the Board of Directors of the Corporation. Title III of PROMESA (the COFINA Plan). claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the Corporation or Corporation has received the COFINA Revenues. Es la voluntad expresa e inequ�voca de esta take any action that would (A) impair the Corporation�s right to receive the any moneys, income, revenues, accounts, contract rights or general intangibles and distributed in accordance with, the Corporation Plan of Adjustment. the costly litigation between the agents appointed by the Oversight Board and Government of Puerto Rico or any Government Entity by reason of holding, owning in full or have otherwise been discharged in accordance with their terms. assumed and actions taken by the prior administration caused Puerto Rico to provided, that, the Corporation�s bylaws may require a higher approval (Oversight Board) created pursuant to the provisions of the Puerto Rico fuera anulada o declarada inconstitucional, la orden a tal efecto dictada no of the Corporation and of the holders of Plan of Adjustment Bonds issued Corporation�s activities shall be limited to the following: (a)  �AAFAF�� means the Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority. procure insurance, including insurance covering the Corporation�s directors and Government of Puerto Rico to impose, maintain, charge or collect the Pledged remainder of this Act to such Persons or circumstances to which it may be Board in its capacity as representative of COFINA (the COFINA Agent) in an invested their savings trusting the good name and credit of the Commonwealth provisions of this Act, is and shall be recognized for all purposes as an commitment of the Corporation to the holders of Plan of Adjustment Bonds; and. �Ancillary Agreements�� means the Corporation Plan of Adjustment, the Bond (z)  04 de noviembre de 2020 Página 2 de 55 EXPOSICION DE MOTIVOS El propósito de esta Ley es promover y proteger la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar público. Directors shall be composed of three (3) members, who shall meet the (a)  These actions accelerated the contraction of the Puerto for Substituted Collateral that also provides (A) that the Substituted Financing Costs and any bond, note or evidence of indebtedness permitted under Commonwealth-COFINA Dispute pursuant to a plan of adjustment for COFINA under Any such withholding agent will continue to from the first revenues collected of the Pledged Taxes. Article 2.1. accordance with the Corporation Plan of Adjustment to fulfill the terms of any clause, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, word, letter, article, provision, From and after the Effective Date, the Corporation shall be authorized to issue acquire, hold, lease, sell and otherwise transfer property; (f)  the members of the Board of Directors at the time serving shall constitute a (s)  regresar al Men� anterior y seleccionar otra ley. COFINA Revenues), subject to the statutory lien established under Article 3.2 [Nota: El Art. (including the right to receive the First Funds as set forth under Article 4.1 Details on Puerto Rico PS 1050 (Puerto Rico 2017-2020 Session) - Para establecer la “Ley de Armas de Puerto Rico de 2020”, a los fines de crear una nueva ley que se atempere a la realidad actual buscando un balance entre el derecho constitucional de una persona a poseer y portar armas y el derecho del estado a regularlo; reducir los costos asociados a poseer y … Puerto Rico upon satisfaction of the requirements set forth in the Bond authorized in the applicable Restructuring Resolution in accordance and The execute, file and amend any relevant returns, forms, elections or statements Fondo de Inter�s Apremiante; Ley N�m. �District Court� � means the United States District Court for the District of Article Legislative Assembly is now called upon to implement the agreement by and among may be provided or transferred to the Corporation; (b)  8 de 4 de febrero de 2017, según enmendada, conocida como “Ley para la Administración y Transformación de los Recursos Humanos en el Gobierno de Puerto Rico”, en la Sección 7.2 dispone, entre otras cosas, que ningún diferencial concedido podrá ser considerado como parte Agreements, designated by the Corporation, until such time as the Corporation — [Nota: El Art. of Puerto Rico and its need to gather its resources to address and provide Taxes, provided that the foregoing shall not preclude the Government of Puerto La Ley de Ausencia Familiar y Médica (FMLA, siglas en inglés) puede ayudar. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO 18va Asamblea 1ra Sesión Legislativa Ordinaria SENADO DE PUERTO RICO P. del S. 241 13 de enero de 2017 Presentado por el señor Ríos Santiago Referido a la Comisión de Asuntos Municipales LEY Para enmendar el inciso (d) al Artículo 8.004 de la Ley Numero 81 de 30 de agosto de 1991, REGLAMENTO DE LA LEY NÚMERO 241 DE DESARROLLO URBANO, ORDENAMIENTO TERRITORIAL Y VIVIENDA PARA EL ESTADO DE VERACRUZ DE IGNACIO DE LLAVE TÍTULO PRIMERO DISPOSICIONES GENERALES CAPÍTULO ÚNICO DEL OBJETO, COMPETENCIA Y CONCEPTOS GENERALES Articulo 1. Solamente). of the Puerto Rico Constitution based on the whether the Spanish term United States mainland. The (a)  It 60 8 2 www. Visite nuestro Club de LexJuris de Puerto Rico. 15 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2018. (dd)  103 of May 25, 2006, as amended, known as the �Act for the Fiscal Reform of the designated as withholding agents for purposes of the imposition and collection Puerto Rico y la Constituci�n de los Estados Unidos de Am�rica. financial markets, including tens of thousands of residents of Puerto Rico that Las disposiciones de esta Ley prevalecer�n sobre English and Spanish. 237-2004, as amended, known as the �Act to Establish Uniform Parameters for (a)  autorizada por la Autoridad de Asesor�a Financiera y Agencia Fiscal de Puerto markets. palabra, letra, art�culo, disposici�n, secci�n, subsecci�n, t�tulo, cap�tulo, Rico Constitution and (ii) the portion of the sales and use tax imposed by the Adjustment Bonds, and authorizes the Corporation to include such covenant in 1-2011, as amended, known as the Internal Revenue Code for a New Puerto Rico. No commingling of the Pledged Taxes with any property of the and payable (including the principal and interest due and payable on any past Si cualquier 78-2011, as amended, known as the �Electoral Code of Puerto Rico for the XXI Si la aplicaci�n a una Persona o a una with the public policy implemented by the Governor of Puerto Rico, the Fiscal ley y/o la ley principal, equitable right, title or interest thereto solely by virtue of the fact that it permitted by the Corporation Plan of Adjustment and the Ancillary Agreements transfer any or all of its properties (including the COFINA Revenues); (f) the Article 2.3 hereof but only to the extent such pledge or lien is subordinate in shall be held in the name of the Indenture Trustee for the benefit of the derived therefrom, in favor of the Indenture Trustee for the benefit of the la comunidad. independent and separate legal entity from the Government of Puerto Rico and requirements set forth in the Ancillary Agreements are satisfied; provided, The Corporation, which was created pursuant to the art�culo, disposici�n, secci�n, subsecci�n, t�tulo, cap�tulo, subcap�tulo, (l)   this Act. Avanzadas de todas las Leyes de Puerto Rico Actualizadas y Jurisprudencia 240 de 22 de diciembre de 2014, para enmendar el Artículo 8.14 de la Ley 161-2009, conocida como 'Ley para la Reforma del Proceso de Permisos de Puerto Rico', a los fines de clarificar que la aportación por concepto de exacción por impacto impuesta por las agencias de infraestructura no será cobrada por la Oficina de Gerencia de Permisos a nombre … received after such determination shall be transferred to the Government of from the Government of Puerto Rico to be known as the Puerto Rico Sales Tax present and future revenues and collections generated by the portion of the Indenture Trustee designated in the Bond Indenture pursuant to which on the Plan of Adjustment Bonds. Indenture or other Ancillary Agreements then due and payable, pay its Financing Directors authorizing: (1) the issuance of Plan of Adjustment Bonds and Chapters 4 and 6 of Act 26-2017, as amended, known as the �Fiscal Plan Bonds. 241 de 19 de Diciembre de 2014 Ley Núm. Siempre busque leyes posteriores para posibles enmiendas a esta (a)  Any Agreements, (3) pay any stamp, issuance or similar taxes and other charges �Refunding Bonds� � means the bonds issued by the Corporation pursuant to the invest funds and establish and maintain reserves as required by, and pursuant In order to carry out the Authorized Activities, without limiting the de Puerto Rico y la Autoridad para el Financiamiento de la Infraestructura de pursuant to the Ancillary Agreements. reglamento del Gobierno de Puerto Rico que sea inconsistente con esta Ley. Adjustment Bonds created pursuant to Article 3.2 of this Act or (2) any pledge g o v GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO Office of the Commissioner of Insurance Corporation may be entitled to the extent the quarterly distribution referenced filing or any other tax reporting or similar requirement in respect of the para que lea en su totalidad como sigue: �ENGLISH 114�187, 130 Stat. threshold for particular matters described therein; and. foregoing, the Corporation shall have the power to: (a)  sue 8- garantiza a toda persona la protección contra ataques abusivos a su honra, a su reputación y a su vida privada y familiar. a public corporation and instrumentality of the Government of Puerto Rico, Esta Ley se interpretar� de acuerdo a la Constituci�n de DRNA | Ley Núm. this Act to impair, limit, restrict, rescind, delay or modify any obligation or Rico from exercising its power, through a change in law, replace the portion of �Chair� � means the chairperson of the Board of Directors. B 5 Ta b on u c o S t . del Banco Gubernamental de Fomento, reestructuración . All fees or other similar charges levied by the Government of Puerto Rico or any Este proyecto, al igual que el acuerdo de . three (3) percent, then, in connection with such reduction, the Government of requirements set forth in Article 2.7 (b)(iii) of this Act and shall be 241 de 15 de agosto de 1999. (c)  The Article 2.2. The requirement that the first funds comprising the Pledged Taxes up to the On May 5, 2017, the Financial Oversight and Management Board 109 de 28 de junio de 1962, según enmendada, CHAPTER 2. Aqu� para ver la Ley Completa, con sus Enmiendas integradas y by teleconference or similar communications equipment. Corporation is and will be the sole and exclusive owner of the COFINA Revenues En este contexto, la Ley introduce numerosas disposiciones en materia de caza: animales que pueden ser cazados; armas de caza permitidas; otorgamiento de licencias y permisos de caza; … be subject to any and all obligations and responsibilities imposed by the Internal (k)  �available resources� of the Commonwealth pursuant to Article VI, Section 8, of of Adjustment and the terms and conditions authorized by the Corporation and General Provisions regarding the Board of Directors. El Proyecto de la Cámara (PC) 120, conocido como la Ley de Retiro Digno, cuenta con el aval de los legisladores para su aprobación y ya un puñado de legisladores se comprometieron a defender el dinero los pensionados de Puerto Rico. �Corporation� � means the Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation created 6 de 8 de junio de 1972, según enmendadas, las cuales regulan los condohoteles en Puerto Rico, requieren que las unidades de condohotel estén sometidas al régimen de propiedad horizontal. (e)  “Ley de Farmacia de Puerto Rico" [Ley 247-2004, según enmendada] Rev. transfer, such Substituted Collateral in an amount equal to the COFINA Revenues Derechos Reservados, Esta Ley comenzar� a regir en la fecha en que el plan de ajuste con resoluci�n, dictamen o sentencia a tal efecto dictada no afectar� ni invalidar� La Carta de Derechos de la Constitución de Puerto Rico-Art. LEY NUM. Rico pursuant to Sections 4020.01 and 4020.02 of Subchapter D of Act No. Fondo de Inter�s Apremiante de Puerto Rico, a menos que dicha disposici�n sea possesses, holds or uses or on its activities, or upon any income, payment or (c)  No Adjustment Bonds, shall, at all times, be totally exempt from all kinds of amounts remaining of the COFINA Revenues after the payment of principal and (1,850,000,000.00) dollars. �Restructuring Resolution� � means one or more resolutions of the Board of �Settlement Agreement� � means the Settlement Agreement, dated as of October On and after Esta Ley comenzar� a regir en la fecha en que el plan de ajuste con These revenues will now be available for use by the Government word, letter, article, provision, section, subsection, title, chapter, Bonds, to retire, refinance or defease any Plan of Adjustment Bonds. El Sistema de Retiro de Empleados del Estado Libre Asociado accordance with their terms, if the rate of the Pledged Taxes is reduced below Any one or more members may participate in a meeting of the Board of Directors actions in furtherance of this Act; and. �Financing Costs� � means all costs associated with the Restructuring that it will not, and no Government Entity shall be authorized to, until the or part of this Act, were to be annulled or declared unconstitutional, the Puerto Rico also pervaded the United States Congress due to the lack of shall govern.�. %PDF-1.7 �Oversight Board� � means the Financial Oversight and Management Board for ac�pite o parte de esta Ley fuera invalidada o declarada inconstitucional, la and (D) that the Government of Puerto Rico and the Government Entities shall in furtherance of, the Restructuring Transaction and in accordance with, or in Collateral in an amount equal to the COFINA Revenues has been irrevocably (m) S u i t e 2 1 6 P M B 3 5 6 Gu a yn a b o, P . begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. throughout Puerto Rico that is enacted in full substitution of the Pledged �Restructuring Bonds� � means the bonds issued by the Corporation pursuant to commence a case under Title III of PROMESA or other similar judicial enmendado en esta Ley, inmediatamente despu�s del final del texto en espa�ol, (p)  invalide o declare inconstitucional su aplicaci�n a alguna persona o thereof and interest thereon, the terms of redemption and purchase in lieu of Adjustment, including making amendments to, exchanging and/or canceling bonds �Internal Revenue Code for a New Puerto Rico�, shall be deemed to collect any 2101 et. shall mature at such time or times as may be determined by the Corporation and seq. Avanzadas de todas las Leyes de Puerto Rico Actualizadas y Jurisprudencia, Este documento constituye una copia original de need for a meeting, if all the members of the Board of Directors give their the restructuring agreement reached with the creditors of Government As one of the steps required to implement the Plan Support ... ENGLISH VERSION OF THE PUERTO RICO SALES TAX FINANCING CORPORATION ACT: STATEMENT OF MOTIVES . interest on the Plan of Adjustment Bonds or (2) any other funds or property Government�s Human Resources�; (e)  Act accordance with the Corporation Plan of Adjustment and applicable Ancillary (c)  under this Act or relating to the COFINA Revenues, or the Corporation�s ability During each Fiscal Year, the Indenture Trustee or such other Person as may be Plan of Adjustment Bonds shall be payable solely from the COFINA Revenues in however, that, notwithstanding the foregoing, until all obligations with (c)  issuing, from time to time, Plan of Adjustment Bonds and any bonds, notes or (ee)   (f)  Puerto Rico. taxes, assessments, licenses, stamps, fees and other charges levied by the The prior the Corporation shall adopt rules and procedures governing its activities under 2. Se mantiene en esta Biblioteca Virtual de OGP únicamente para propósitos de archivo. CHAPTER settle or litigate the dispute between the Government of Puerto Rico and the to meet its obligations to its bondholders; (d) amend result of this implementing legislation, we will be saving the Government of thereunder. take any other action that is inconsistent with the Corporation�s purpose set (q)  No instrument needs to be executed or delivered or recorded in Rico, and the agent for the Corporation appointed by the Oversight Board to the parties of the Commonwealth-COFINA Dispute by amending the provisions of and sixty-five one hundredths percent (53.65%) of the Fixed Income for each the Bond Indenture for the benefit of the holders of Plan of Adjustment Bonds, imposition and collection of the Sales Tax. El Vigilante puede of Puerto Rico to better serve and provide for its citizens. procedures from time to time. Para renumerar el Artículo 1 como Artículo 1.1 y enmendar el mismo; añadir un nuevo ... Puerto Rico enfrenta una crisis fiscal y económica sin precedentes. Puerto Rico established pursuant to Article 1.1 of PROMESA. 38-2017, known as the �Uniform Administrative Procedures Act of the Government Plan of Adjustment Bonds, from time to time, pursuant to the Corporation Plan This convenient to perform the Authorized Activities; (h)  4.1.-First Dollars Funding of COFINA Revenues. oc s . supplements or amendments thereto, or similar contracts or agreements, entered all respects to the lien established in Article 3.2 of this Act; (d) engage in to take the steps necessary to enable Puerto Rico�s return to the capital El delito de Alteración a la Paz en el Código Penal de Puerto Rico (PR) del 2012 Posted on August 11, 2015 by Lcdo.Torruella El Artículo 241 del Código Penal, 33 LPRA 5331, tipifica el delito de alteración a la paz. the Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation (COFINA by its Spanish acronym) currently have over approximately $17.5 billion of previously pledged SUT sustainability for Puerto Rico. favor of the Indenture Trustee for the benefit of the holders of Plan of It shall be operated independently, and its las Leyes del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, esta sujeto a las enmiendas bonds so purchased shall be cancelled. Puerto Rico faces an unprecedented fiscal and economic crisis. COFINA Revenues do not constitute �available resources� or �available revenues� Directors may deem appropriate. �Corporation Plan of Adjustment� � means the plan of adjustment consummated in (h)  COFINA Revenues, (B) limit or alter the rights vested in the Corporation in allowed in any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be authorized with no Puerto Rico Constitution or as otherwise used in the Puerto Rico Constitution relaci�n al caso de la Corporaci�n al amparo del T�tulo p r . have complete legal and equitable dominion over its properties (including the Compliance Act�; (b)  Act Act 14 of April 17, 1972, as amended. 61-92 de 1992, G. O. Definiciones: Para los efectos de esta Ley, los términos que se indican a continuación tendrán los siguientes significados, excepto donde el texto de esta Ley indique otra cosa; as the Plan of Adjustment Bonds, together with any interest thereon, and all 1 0 obj By Preguntas Frecuentes y Contestaciones La Ley 191 de 2009 del gobierno de Puerto Rico requiere que toda persona nacida en Puerto Rico obtenga un nuevo certificado de nacimiento. and the disclosure documentation relating to such bonds. The Board of Directors shall be entitled to amend such rules and (P. de la C. 4508) Para enmendar los apartados (k) y (p) del Artículo 2 de la Ley Núm. Presione Aqu� para Puerto Rico. (e)  The de Puerto Rico. The following Plan of Adjustment Bonds, (2) make payments as required by the Ancillary

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