>, Banner from Aperture Science It is really a different game with a stick. Also the plugins that come with them. These make text much more readable without ruining NPC portraits (since there's only one GUI color palette, so it needs to be optimized accordingly, i. e. "avatar friendly"). Smooth playback all the way to docking. Did you update SteamVR, Windows or drivers recently? Windows Speech Recognition has a "microphone setup" part that sets gain for you. If you don't see a difference, either you're changing the wrong value (compositor instead of game resolution?) Self promotion isn't tolerated when it does not fit the nature of the subreddit or is seen as low-effort, low-quality, low-transparency, high frequency or repetitive. I'll jump back in! [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (8 children). 1 Guide 2 Background 3 Guides 4 Videos 5 References Check the official Virtual Reality sub-forum for tips and guides. This is probably one of the questions i answer the most in /r/vive and /r/elitedangerous. HOTAS is more realistic but SC is a close second imho, also because its very convenient. I tried to get into ED awhile ago. lol . The pilot's arms and hands are a bit thinner than mine in both headsets, but I attribute that to 3303's space diets and fitness programs. And after I quit it Steam thinks its still running and won't open anything else till I restart. So glad you threw that into your already great guide. I did have the issue with it opening up steam VR even without the headset on. I got started with ED using my DK2, too, but haven't used the Oculus HMD since I got my Vive last year. Either I'm one of those not affected, I simply can't perceive any scale difference (which means it must be very minor, if it exists at all), others have different perceptions, or the problem has been already fixed in ED or SteamVR. In all sincerity, thanks so much for your help and replies. [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). Now everything is set to low/off, SS1 and its a puke inducing blurry/stuttery mess. I couldn't see a perceivable difference between DK2's and Vive's scale, neither inside the cockpit, nor looking outside. Buddies and I are going to try the multi-crew thing. TIP: Don't post steam keys in public as plain text as bots steal them ! Such as with the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Excited to get in there once i figure all this out! This works so well for me with my GTX 980 Ti that I didn't have to raise ED's HMD Quality at all. ;)). Did you do other changes in-game? Actually it's one of my most memorable moments in ED: I was still very new to the game (and didn't know about the Fuel Rats yet), jumping around from system to system until I realized I didn't have enough fuel for another jump, and was lost in an unknown system. Thanks for the detailed reply! Thanks so much for this. When playing in VR you want to supersample for readability but the mentioned HMD quality is a lot better than the supersampling option as it's more native to the HMD systems. Except for supercruise, where there's no reverse speed, real and virtual throttle will then match. HCS Voice Packs posted a link to this on FB and I'm very glad that they did. 2 weeks ago. Note that Render Scale greatly reduces performance, so if you have noticeable FPS drop in the game reduce Render Scale a bit. Also make sure only ED is affected. Still. HP Reverb G2 and Elite Dangerous (VR) Close. Do not abuse the report button. All the information I can provide on how to get the best VR experience (with HTC Vive) for Elite Dangerous: First and foremost, make sure that you know how to put on the headset properly! [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 7 points8 points9 points 3 years ago (6 children). The bottom hat is special since it's programmed with macros that mirror the joystick's bottom hat for power management, but push each direction four times. Also the plugins that come with them. [–]STK-AizenSousuke 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]Kwantum17new user|low karma account 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). lol you think wrong my friend. Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me :), [–]mrbrianxyz 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). I've uninstalled SteamVR and will resinstall it and test again. And what about in-game SS vs steamvr SS? [–]Orisi 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). You haven't really played Elite until you try dual sticks. Also, it seems to me that your pedal setup is approaching the holy grail of vr work-out. Enjoy yourself and fly safely, Commander! Giveaways are not the purpose of this subreddit and further limits may apply at moderator discretion. Hmm, I think there's more going on. update: ok there's a major difference between the HCS voice profile and adding the sound files yourself to your existing profile. First and foremost, make sure that you know how to put on the headset properly! My friends started playing it again the past couple months so I went out and bought a $50 HOTAS and it's easily the best experience i've had in VR so far. [–]Niadain 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). - you will end up with a complete new voice attack profile Any attempt to raise SS or HMD quality just makes it worse. [–]newbieguyvr 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]htid__ 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (1 child), I know this post is a little old now but I just wanted to say thank you for this write up. Giveaways and competitions should remain within the bounds of our subreddit and limited to digital codes exchanged over private message. Note: The early alpha has only been tested on the Valve Index with Index controllers and the Vive with the Vive wands. But you can add a language pack so English spoken commands are understood: https://voiceattack.com/SMF/index.php?topic=45.0. Yes, I'm using the emulator. This is so incredibly useful that I set it up like that breaking my golden rule of "if the in-game hands execute an action, I want to use my real hands to do the same" - i. e. push the physical control in the same spot as the virtual one.). Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Systematic off-topic edits or mass deletions of comments or submissions is considered spam and a negative contribution to the subreddit. The middle hat is where the magic happens - it's actually four shift keys. Going through your guide step-by-step brought me to the happiest experience I've had so far inside the Vive. I was not very happy with the performance when I first tested with vive, but with this guide HOLY SHIT was this game the best VR experience I've had. Cool cheers, I'll give them a look and see how they compare to what I have. Was quite happy that the x52 pretty much worked out of the box. I have Horizons and have done planetary landings and SRV missions. If it's still not working, put some tape or cloth over the microphone inside the headset. I think that corresponds with aboutt 1.33 in the HMD-quality settings. This way you don't have to turn on your Vive wands at all when playing ED. About This Game Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions. This is something I haven't done yet myself, but I read it helped others. I wont go into too much detail, but lets just say I am an idiot and leave it at that. If you can't find out what went wrong, use Windows Explorer and go to %localappdata%\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Graphics. The DK2 was way ahead of its time. You can see that even in the menus. That's weird. When I understand correctly, using steam VR super sampling does about the same as "hmd quality" in game? Going for HCS voice pack and Voice Attack. Or play multicrew and join any SLF-equipped ship. I was tempted to get the £200ish Alpha but my fanboy status doesn't extend to that value. I was so close someone could have thrown me a rope. I have bound pretty much all important actions on the HOTAS, thanks to Elite's built-in shift-button support (i. e. binding button combinations). Otherwise I really wouldn't recommend that throttle, especially as the standalone option. [–]smallshinyant 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child). Nah, I'm using a mouse, and just as good. Elite VR Cockpit (Alpha) Elite VR Cockpit is a SteamVR overlay for Elite Dangerous. It created more richer black levels which were a bit washed out and were noticeable in the spaceports. Rendered by PID 13226 on r2-app-0455a2cc00fe93812 at 2021-02-18 10:18:51.621108+00:00 running 095aa3a country code: US. The daily sticky thread allows for more casual conversation and is the place for individual updates and individual experiences whether they are routine or just not worth a separate submission. Especially if you fly a ship with a panoramic canopy, e. g. Keelback or Asp (get one ASAP), or something intimate like a ship-launched fighter. The official one doesn't merely respond by voice, it also acts in game, such as automating certain steps (e.g. maybe not what you want to hear but if you can go get your self a cheep flight stick or the best you can afford. And starting it by clicking "Play in VR"? Coupled with a HOTAS setup … Hey there! DK2's tracking sucks. The buttons on the side of the T-Flight throttle are excellent for that. That way I have no need to use a keyboard for anything except chat or galaxy search. Doesn't look good? I only built this pc a couple of weeks ago so it wasnt much trouble to reinstall Steam. So just experiment a bit and find the values that work best for your setup. Refuel every time you dock, and you'll be fine. And gaming is a great motivation to keep working out. Take control of your own starship in a cutthroat galaxy. Did you set up SteamVR's audio settings so the mike is active? When I switch between the two headsets the difference is stark and I've tried all the supposed fixes like changing the screen distance, IPD wheel, playing in the standing room only playspace etc. Set Deadzone to 0.10 (10 steps from the left). Settings depend on your PC, though, most of all on its graphics card. Even my setup is still changing, improving all the time, I guess that's part of the fun for me. this should help a lot! I just bought the vive and I am working on configuring it right now. But hey, keep up the great work, your voice packs are so much more than just audio files by now and the advanced stuff takes ED to a whole new level! ED is a dark game (the universe is a pretty dark place), and the UI brightness makes text glow in the dark (even when bloom/fx quality are off), which reduces readability. $599: 3.5mm TRRS jack: 2160x1200--Pimax 4k. [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (2 children). Elite: Dangerous is an immersive, beautiful, and entirely engaging spaceship simulator that's improved in every single way with the implementation of VR. Yep, but the Geforce Experience entry didn't work at all for me, it wouldn't optimise and when I clicked play it tried to launch Tomb Raider. No requests for only pms or to leave comments on youtube, twitter in lieu of the subreddit. It's such a different (and infinitely better) experience playing in VR. SteamVR launching when it shouldn't is known, under investigation: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/318888-SteamVR-Launches-Automatically-When-It-Should-Not. Also ensure that the window has focus (click on it to catch the cursor!) Best VR headsets for Elite Dangerous Price Ports Display Resolution--HTC Vive. Wheel Scroll Up and Down are bound to mouse scrolling by default. And if anyone is interested in it, I could even post the actual config files. Give multicrew a try, though. Got my e-mail update notifications today and am downloading the updates packs right now. Both ED's and a DSLR's multitude of controls and settings will be very daunting when trying to learn how to use it. And if you (or anyone else) wants a tour or some shared playtime, let me know (PM). I really like the X52 hardware (at least the joystick), but the software sucks, at least the way it comes out of the box. They do require some setup as well, though, but again that investment is worth it for easier play and more immersion thanks to being able to talk to your ship. After booting up The Witcher 3 at 4K last week and Titanfall 2 before that, we continue to put our Large Pixel Collider through its paces with Elite Dangerous on the HTC Vive, our first VR game. But that all seems like a logical explanation. They only work in conjunction with the other buttons on the joystick, which have different actions bound based on the shift key I use: Engines/Flight + Launch (the crosshair button under the flip-up safety) = Frameshift Drive. [–]nedandnelda 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (1 child). When I tried it, it still complained that I was launching a 2d app while in VR mode as I already had SteamVR running, but I went ahead anyway and it worked. The TWCS doesn't have an indent in the center for you to easily be able to apply zero thrust, which is super annoying because there's lots of times you want exactly zero thrust. An easy test would be to compare HMD quality with supersampling and see if there are any noticeable differences. I'm wondering if it's possible that that supersampling setting could be lingering somewhere on my system? I know this comment is a few months old, but this is EXACTLY what I was looking for (not to mention your original post as well). It's not my creation, that's why I can't upload and share it. I just turn it and keep it set at the value I want. While the Oculus version boots straight into the Oculus Rift headset, you'll need to manually enable virtual reality support through the Steam version of the game. This seems more like a project. exercise bike that works as a game controller. Are you dropping frames? There you'll find the graphics config files of the game, you could try deleting them and have the game redetect its settings (don't worry, keybindings won't be affected, it's only the graphical configuration). If necessary, you can compensate by raising Gamma a little in ED's graphics options. the only thing's is if you get frustrated at trying to set up the game with your game pad then this game wont have a chance at weather you like it or not. hi i just use the xbox controller that came with my rift and i never had to do any thing. And next thing I purchased was a fuel scoop for my ship. Especially that last one makes a huge difference in how comfortable planetary driving feels in VR. A CH HOTAS (stick/throttle/pedals) and a Subpac strapped to my Flight Seat give me amazing immersion. ED is great, but it's not as exhausting because of frequent stops at stations and hyperspace jumps not requiring pedaling. And whenever I see someone struggling with ED on Vive, I'm referring them here. Systems/Misc. Emails will be sent out so don't worry, you'll get a notification. I hope it wasn't a mistake. [–]TakeyaSaito 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child). Half the time I just play on my monitor because I'm just too tired to deal with the added complication of vr. Takes time, but as with all good things, it's worth it. and I wait for the reply "Yes Commander" Then I know I am ready to go. Elite Dangerous has a known issue of having problems with text readability. Right-click POV 1 and switch to 4 Way (so you don't accidentially hit diagonals, triggering two functions at once). I'd leave in-game SS at 1.0 and only raise HMD Quality/renderTargetMultiplier to achieve the sharpness you want while keeping the performance you need. Weapons/Combat + B = Previous firegroup. Download the latest version of the Elite VR Cockpit from the Releases and extract it wherever you want. Also, I started to feel a bit sick after about 10 mins of running around, which I haven't experienced quite as much in any other VR game I had tried so far. In ED's Controls Options, set Flight Throttle > Throttle Axis to [JOY Y-AXIS] INVERTED (just select it and pedal forward when the emulator is running and connected). So choose a button that has no other function (unbind if necessary) and press it together with other buttons. I'm not sure what I can do as a shitty stock-sidewinder against that but I guess avoidance will be the rule of the land for now. I have horizons, but in game it says I don't. But next time I get a chance, I'll check out if Elite Dangerous exhibits the same problem now for me, too, just in case it's been caused by a software update (Windows, Nvidia, SteamVR, or ED itself). [–]Sasselhoff 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago* (2 children). Then it directly opens ED in VR. Good writeup - your configuration steps correspond to mine. [–]Albertini156 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (7 children). [–]ShadowRam 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child). Avoid actions that influence voting and normal reddit discussions. [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (0 children). Or just use SteamVR's own supersampling ("supersampleScale", formerly "RenderTargetMultiplier" - this can now be configured within SteamVR without editing config files, but I still recommend you to use OpenVR Advanced Settings, which is an essential SteamVR tool that you should have anyways for all its other benefits), which is multiplied with HMD Quality, but affects other games as well (personally, with my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti, I've kept HMD Quality at 1 and set supersampleScale to 1.5). Pinky -> then Hat Left, Right or Up. Frequently asked questions and low effort text posts on repetitive topics are additionally directed to the sticky thread. [–]TechnoBillyD 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). I have both and the T.16000m is a better stick by far. If you need interleaved reprojection on, it means your system doesn't provide enough performance to run ED at 90 FPS (interleaved on means you're only running at 45 FPS max). [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (2 children). "Where are you? [–]Crazycrossing 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (9 children). [–]Zivalese 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (2 children). [–]Landorin32new user|low karma account 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago* (0 children), I tried the HCS Voice pack thanks to your posting and would like to add the following: So don't divert or restrict the discussion. If you turn them down a bit you can turn a lot more pretties up. Great write up, it took me quite a while of playing ED to wrap my head around all of this on my own. What OS do you run and what graphics card do you have? The game does not look that good. You have analog sticks for lateral movement. I don't have a hotas and i want to play it with controller in VR mode. All I found was the remains of a destroyed starship, drifting aimlessly through the void. Les Paul Pickguard Bracket, National Throw A Short Person Day Urban Dictionary, Aquarium Plants List, Ky Trees By Leaves, Rdr2 Lakay Camp, Monat Conditioner Reviews, Modern Control Techniques In Management Ppt, The Girl They Left Behind Movie, "/>

elite dangerous vr setup

Harassment via private messages or across multiple subreddits, Illegal Content such as copyright infringement, "Moderator Guidelines For Healthy Communities", List of known Mods add support for the Vive, here's my profile for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti, turned Elite Dangerous into a real workout, Filter the Galaxy Map for Scoopable Stars, https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/318888-SteamVR-Launches-Automatically-When-It-Should-Not, Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X - SRV supported - starter keymap / bind file, T.Flight HOTAS X configuration for Elite Dangerous Horizons, http://www.d-box.com/entertainment/gamers-entertainment/, https://voiceattack.com/SMF/index.php?topic=45.0. And they must offer some sort of boost beyond being able to pilot your ship? If other games also show performance problems, it's probably not an Elite problem but something else that affects the whole VR system. So there you have it. If so, how? You also won't receive a response for things that are covered in the sidebar, previous messages (including automoderator) or any other documentation provided. You'll get a e-mail from Frontier with a security code that you'll need to enter before the download kicks off. Get ready to drool: Their website: http://www.d-box.com/entertainment/gamers-entertainment/, [–]TakeyaSaito 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (5 children), i am trying to use this but with keyboard and mouse and i can't for the life of me navigate the galaxy map properly, any hints/help? While my guide is obviously targeted at the Vive, most settings should be very similar for a Rift, especially if it uses SteamVR (it does, doesn't it?). Moderators will monitor posts for being on-topic and move to curb disruption and noise. I like the TWCS Throttle best because the number and placement of its buttons is great. Then I suppose you don't have those Pinkie shiftstates, either. And if you only see the quality presets, not individual settings, you need to expand the option. Half Life Alyx, Low Fi, BladeRunner and other memorable VR games with outstanding bathrooms, DLSS for VR in latest unreal engine DLSS 2.0 patch, Live interview with HTC China's President Alvin Graylin - 2/18/21 445pm (ask your burning questions), Playing Hitman in VR isn't for everyone I guess, Playing Every "New And Trending" VR Title On Steam, Vive Cosmos Elite - Multiple Errors - At my wits end. Elite Dangerous is without a doubt the most impressive game to make use of the Oculus Rift, it’s truly immersive and gives the player a real advantage in combat. project cars with everything turned to minimum won't run smoothly without interleaved reprojection on. Now the most important thing, and why I undertook this experiment: Scale... Well, as hard as I tried, I couldn't see a difference! Reddiquette offers further ideas. This allows me to aim the turret precisely with the joystick while still being able to drive around. It is left to the voting to decide on interest and quality. [–]lasvideo 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago* (0 children), Im running ED on a Vive/Falcon Tiki/ 1080 system. From my holo-me avatar (which is exactly my size, if not a little taller), to the joystick (X52 Pro, same look and size as in-game), to the cockpit (I walk around, stand next to my chair, everything looks perfect)... Or do you have scale issues outside of your ship? To make a page simply navigate to /r/Vive/wiki/<>, Banner from Aperture Science It is really a different game with a stick. Also the plugins that come with them. These make text much more readable without ruining NPC portraits (since there's only one GUI color palette, so it needs to be optimized accordingly, i. e. "avatar friendly"). Smooth playback all the way to docking. Did you update SteamVR, Windows or drivers recently? Windows Speech Recognition has a "microphone setup" part that sets gain for you. If you don't see a difference, either you're changing the wrong value (compositor instead of game resolution?) Self promotion isn't tolerated when it does not fit the nature of the subreddit or is seen as low-effort, low-quality, low-transparency, high frequency or repetitive. I'll jump back in! [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (8 children). 1 Guide 2 Background 3 Guides 4 Videos 5 References Check the official Virtual Reality sub-forum for tips and guides. This is probably one of the questions i answer the most in /r/vive and /r/elitedangerous. HOTAS is more realistic but SC is a close second imho, also because its very convenient. I tried to get into ED awhile ago. lol . The pilot's arms and hands are a bit thinner than mine in both headsets, but I attribute that to 3303's space diets and fitness programs. And after I quit it Steam thinks its still running and won't open anything else till I restart. So glad you threw that into your already great guide. I did have the issue with it opening up steam VR even without the headset on. I got started with ED using my DK2, too, but haven't used the Oculus HMD since I got my Vive last year. Either I'm one of those not affected, I simply can't perceive any scale difference (which means it must be very minor, if it exists at all), others have different perceptions, or the problem has been already fixed in ED or SteamVR. In all sincerity, thanks so much for your help and replies. [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). Now everything is set to low/off, SS1 and its a puke inducing blurry/stuttery mess. I couldn't see a perceivable difference between DK2's and Vive's scale, neither inside the cockpit, nor looking outside. Buddies and I are going to try the multi-crew thing. TIP: Don't post steam keys in public as plain text as bots steal them ! Such as with the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Excited to get in there once i figure all this out! This works so well for me with my GTX 980 Ti that I didn't have to raise ED's HMD Quality at all. ;)). Did you do other changes in-game? Actually it's one of my most memorable moments in ED: I was still very new to the game (and didn't know about the Fuel Rats yet), jumping around from system to system until I realized I didn't have enough fuel for another jump, and was lost in an unknown system. Thanks for the detailed reply! Thanks so much for this. When playing in VR you want to supersample for readability but the mentioned HMD quality is a lot better than the supersampling option as it's more native to the HMD systems. Except for supercruise, where there's no reverse speed, real and virtual throttle will then match. HCS Voice Packs posted a link to this on FB and I'm very glad that they did. 2 weeks ago. Note that Render Scale greatly reduces performance, so if you have noticeable FPS drop in the game reduce Render Scale a bit. Also make sure only ED is affected. Still. HP Reverb G2 and Elite Dangerous (VR) Close. Do not abuse the report button. All the information I can provide on how to get the best VR experience (with HTC Vive) for Elite Dangerous: First and foremost, make sure that you know how to put on the headset properly! [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 7 points8 points9 points 3 years ago (6 children). The bottom hat is special since it's programmed with macros that mirror the joystick's bottom hat for power management, but push each direction four times. Also the plugins that come with them. [–]STK-AizenSousuke 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]Kwantum17new user|low karma account 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). lol you think wrong my friend. Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me :), [–]mrbrianxyz 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). I've uninstalled SteamVR and will resinstall it and test again. And what about in-game SS vs steamvr SS? [–]Orisi 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). You haven't really played Elite until you try dual sticks. Also, it seems to me that your pedal setup is approaching the holy grail of vr work-out. Enjoy yourself and fly safely, Commander! Giveaways are not the purpose of this subreddit and further limits may apply at moderator discretion. Hmm, I think there's more going on. update: ok there's a major difference between the HCS voice profile and adding the sound files yourself to your existing profile. First and foremost, make sure that you know how to put on the headset properly! My friends started playing it again the past couple months so I went out and bought a $50 HOTAS and it's easily the best experience i've had in VR so far. [–]Niadain 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). - you will end up with a complete new voice attack profile Any attempt to raise SS or HMD quality just makes it worse. [–]newbieguyvr 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]htid__ 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (1 child), I know this post is a little old now but I just wanted to say thank you for this write up. Giveaways and competitions should remain within the bounds of our subreddit and limited to digital codes exchanged over private message. Note: The early alpha has only been tested on the Valve Index with Index controllers and the Vive with the Vive wands. But you can add a language pack so English spoken commands are understood: https://voiceattack.com/SMF/index.php?topic=45.0. Yes, I'm using the emulator. This is so incredibly useful that I set it up like that breaking my golden rule of "if the in-game hands execute an action, I want to use my real hands to do the same" - i. e. push the physical control in the same spot as the virtual one.). Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Systematic off-topic edits or mass deletions of comments or submissions is considered spam and a negative contribution to the subreddit. The middle hat is where the magic happens - it's actually four shift keys. Going through your guide step-by-step brought me to the happiest experience I've had so far inside the Vive. I was not very happy with the performance when I first tested with vive, but with this guide HOLY SHIT was this game the best VR experience I've had. Cool cheers, I'll give them a look and see how they compare to what I have. Was quite happy that the x52 pretty much worked out of the box. I have Horizons and have done planetary landings and SRV missions. If it's still not working, put some tape or cloth over the microphone inside the headset. I think that corresponds with aboutt 1.33 in the HMD-quality settings. This way you don't have to turn on your Vive wands at all when playing ED. About This Game Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions. This is something I haven't done yet myself, but I read it helped others. I wont go into too much detail, but lets just say I am an idiot and leave it at that. If you can't find out what went wrong, use Windows Explorer and go to %localappdata%\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Graphics. The DK2 was way ahead of its time. You can see that even in the menus. That's weird. When I understand correctly, using steam VR super sampling does about the same as "hmd quality" in game? Going for HCS voice pack and Voice Attack. Or play multicrew and join any SLF-equipped ship. I was tempted to get the £200ish Alpha but my fanboy status doesn't extend to that value. I was so close someone could have thrown me a rope. I have bound pretty much all important actions on the HOTAS, thanks to Elite's built-in shift-button support (i. e. binding button combinations). Otherwise I really wouldn't recommend that throttle, especially as the standalone option. [–]smallshinyant 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child). Nah, I'm using a mouse, and just as good. Elite VR Cockpit (Alpha) Elite VR Cockpit is a SteamVR overlay for Elite Dangerous. It created more richer black levels which were a bit washed out and were noticeable in the spaceports. Rendered by PID 13226 on r2-app-0455a2cc00fe93812 at 2021-02-18 10:18:51.621108+00:00 running 095aa3a country code: US. The daily sticky thread allows for more casual conversation and is the place for individual updates and individual experiences whether they are routine or just not worth a separate submission. Especially if you fly a ship with a panoramic canopy, e. g. Keelback or Asp (get one ASAP), or something intimate like a ship-launched fighter. The official one doesn't merely respond by voice, it also acts in game, such as automating certain steps (e.g. maybe not what you want to hear but if you can go get your self a cheep flight stick or the best you can afford. And starting it by clicking "Play in VR"? Coupled with a HOTAS setup … Hey there! DK2's tracking sucks. The buttons on the side of the T-Flight throttle are excellent for that. That way I have no need to use a keyboard for anything except chat or galaxy search. Doesn't look good? I only built this pc a couple of weeks ago so it wasnt much trouble to reinstall Steam. So just experiment a bit and find the values that work best for your setup. Refuel every time you dock, and you'll be fine. And gaming is a great motivation to keep working out. Take control of your own starship in a cutthroat galaxy. Did you set up SteamVR's audio settings so the mike is active? When I switch between the two headsets the difference is stark and I've tried all the supposed fixes like changing the screen distance, IPD wheel, playing in the standing room only playspace etc. Set Deadzone to 0.10 (10 steps from the left). Settings depend on your PC, though, most of all on its graphics card. Even my setup is still changing, improving all the time, I guess that's part of the fun for me. this should help a lot! I just bought the vive and I am working on configuring it right now. But hey, keep up the great work, your voice packs are so much more than just audio files by now and the advanced stuff takes ED to a whole new level! ED is a dark game (the universe is a pretty dark place), and the UI brightness makes text glow in the dark (even when bloom/fx quality are off), which reduces readability. $599: 3.5mm TRRS jack: 2160x1200--Pimax 4k. [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (2 children). Elite: Dangerous is an immersive, beautiful, and entirely engaging spaceship simulator that's improved in every single way with the implementation of VR. Yep, but the Geforce Experience entry didn't work at all for me, it wouldn't optimise and when I clicked play it tried to launch Tomb Raider. No requests for only pms or to leave comments on youtube, twitter in lieu of the subreddit. It's such a different (and infinitely better) experience playing in VR. SteamVR launching when it shouldn't is known, under investigation: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/318888-SteamVR-Launches-Automatically-When-It-Should-Not. Also ensure that the window has focus (click on it to catch the cursor!) Best VR headsets for Elite Dangerous Price Ports Display Resolution--HTC Vive. Wheel Scroll Up and Down are bound to mouse scrolling by default. And if anyone is interested in it, I could even post the actual config files. Give multicrew a try, though. Got my e-mail update notifications today and am downloading the updates packs right now. Both ED's and a DSLR's multitude of controls and settings will be very daunting when trying to learn how to use it. And if you (or anyone else) wants a tour or some shared playtime, let me know (PM). I really like the X52 hardware (at least the joystick), but the software sucks, at least the way it comes out of the box. They do require some setup as well, though, but again that investment is worth it for easier play and more immersion thanks to being able to talk to your ship. After booting up The Witcher 3 at 4K last week and Titanfall 2 before that, we continue to put our Large Pixel Collider through its paces with Elite Dangerous on the HTC Vive, our first VR game. But that all seems like a logical explanation. They only work in conjunction with the other buttons on the joystick, which have different actions bound based on the shift key I use: Engines/Flight + Launch (the crosshair button under the flip-up safety) = Frameshift Drive. [–]nedandnelda 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (1 child). When I tried it, it still complained that I was launching a 2d app while in VR mode as I already had SteamVR running, but I went ahead anyway and it worked. The TWCS doesn't have an indent in the center for you to easily be able to apply zero thrust, which is super annoying because there's lots of times you want exactly zero thrust. An easy test would be to compare HMD quality with supersampling and see if there are any noticeable differences. I'm wondering if it's possible that that supersampling setting could be lingering somewhere on my system? I know this comment is a few months old, but this is EXACTLY what I was looking for (not to mention your original post as well). It's not my creation, that's why I can't upload and share it. I just turn it and keep it set at the value I want. While the Oculus version boots straight into the Oculus Rift headset, you'll need to manually enable virtual reality support through the Steam version of the game. This seems more like a project. exercise bike that works as a game controller. Are you dropping frames? There you'll find the graphics config files of the game, you could try deleting them and have the game redetect its settings (don't worry, keybindings won't be affected, it's only the graphical configuration). If necessary, you can compensate by raising Gamma a little in ED's graphics options. the only thing's is if you get frustrated at trying to set up the game with your game pad then this game wont have a chance at weather you like it or not. hi i just use the xbox controller that came with my rift and i never had to do any thing. And next thing I purchased was a fuel scoop for my ship. Especially that last one makes a huge difference in how comfortable planetary driving feels in VR. A CH HOTAS (stick/throttle/pedals) and a Subpac strapped to my Flight Seat give me amazing immersion. ED is great, but it's not as exhausting because of frequent stops at stations and hyperspace jumps not requiring pedaling. And whenever I see someone struggling with ED on Vive, I'm referring them here. Systems/Misc. Emails will be sent out so don't worry, you'll get a notification. I hope it wasn't a mistake. [–]TakeyaSaito 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child). Half the time I just play on my monitor because I'm just too tired to deal with the added complication of vr. Takes time, but as with all good things, it's worth it. and I wait for the reply "Yes Commander" Then I know I am ready to go. Elite Dangerous has a known issue of having problems with text readability. Right-click POV 1 and switch to 4 Way (so you don't accidentially hit diagonals, triggering two functions at once). I'd leave in-game SS at 1.0 and only raise HMD Quality/renderTargetMultiplier to achieve the sharpness you want while keeping the performance you need. Weapons/Combat + B = Previous firegroup. Download the latest version of the Elite VR Cockpit from the Releases and extract it wherever you want. Also, I started to feel a bit sick after about 10 mins of running around, which I haven't experienced quite as much in any other VR game I had tried so far. In ED's Controls Options, set Flight Throttle > Throttle Axis to [JOY Y-AXIS] INVERTED (just select it and pedal forward when the emulator is running and connected). So choose a button that has no other function (unbind if necessary) and press it together with other buttons. I'm not sure what I can do as a shitty stock-sidewinder against that but I guess avoidance will be the rule of the land for now. I have horizons, but in game it says I don't. But next time I get a chance, I'll check out if Elite Dangerous exhibits the same problem now for me, too, just in case it's been caused by a software update (Windows, Nvidia, SteamVR, or ED itself). [–]Sasselhoff 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago* (2 children). Then it directly opens ED in VR. Good writeup - your configuration steps correspond to mine. [–]Albertini156 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (7 children). [–]ShadowRam 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child). Avoid actions that influence voting and normal reddit discussions. [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (0 children). Or just use SteamVR's own supersampling ("supersampleScale", formerly "RenderTargetMultiplier" - this can now be configured within SteamVR without editing config files, but I still recommend you to use OpenVR Advanced Settings, which is an essential SteamVR tool that you should have anyways for all its other benefits), which is multiplied with HMD Quality, but affects other games as well (personally, with my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti, I've kept HMD Quality at 1 and set supersampleScale to 1.5). Pinky -> then Hat Left, Right or Up. Frequently asked questions and low effort text posts on repetitive topics are additionally directed to the sticky thread. [–]TechnoBillyD 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). I have both and the T.16000m is a better stick by far. If you need interleaved reprojection on, it means your system doesn't provide enough performance to run ED at 90 FPS (interleaved on means you're only running at 45 FPS max). [–]WolframRavenwolf[S] 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (2 children). "Where are you? [–]Crazycrossing 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (9 children). [–]Zivalese 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (2 children). [–]Landorin32new user|low karma account 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago* (0 children), I tried the HCS Voice pack thanks to your posting and would like to add the following: So don't divert or restrict the discussion. If you turn them down a bit you can turn a lot more pretties up. Great write up, it took me quite a while of playing ED to wrap my head around all of this on my own. What OS do you run and what graphics card do you have? The game does not look that good. You have analog sticks for lateral movement. I don't have a hotas and i want to play it with controller in VR mode. All I found was the remains of a destroyed starship, drifting aimlessly through the void.

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