what is the overall texture of this excerpt?

What is the vocal range of the first voice that sings in this excerpt? Which of the following are present at the beginning of the middle section of the movement, heard in this excerpt? Which best describes the relationship between the voices (the texture)? Example B (player 3:59), A multi-movement instrumental work based on rhythms of popular dances. (player 2:33). :24, The following excerpt is most likely from a: d typical choir was all male. 0:37. triple. improvising. The quick, repeated notes in the piano are meant to convey the image of a galloping horse. His name is: Changes in tempo were rarely found in music of the Romantic period, in keeping with Classical period values. It might be made up of rhythm only, or of a melody . chorus with orchestra Which voice is singing a melody with longer notes in this excerpt? Which best describes the tempo of this excerpt? 0:16, the pizzicato section from the third movement. The next instrument heard after the pause is the trumpet. Which of the choices below describe this music? The earliest surviving operathen called dramma per musicawas written by a member of the Florentine Camerata named: When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? My third part three times only Which one of the following excerpts may be classified as chamber music? In the Baroque period, music for keyboard, Was created mainly for use in instrumental genres such as sonatas, suites, and concertos, The following excerpt is most likely from a/an: Listen to the following two examples from a piece in rondo form presented in the text. Martin Luther and John Calvin believed After the chorus repeats the opening music first sung by the soloist, the chorus continues with new music. The most prominent feature of the accompaniment in this excerpt is best described as arpeggios. Have a listen to this performance of Debussys Syrinx for solo flute. What word or phrase best describes the excerpt heard here? 6. What Are Musical Textures? (Breaking Down The 4 Different Types) Prima practica emphasized equality of voices whereas seconda practica emphasized a hierarchy of voices. The soloist plays a theme not heard in the orchestral exposition. According to Monteverdi, what is the difference between prima practica and seconda practica? Create three research questions that would be appropriate for a historical analysis essay, keeping in mind the characteristics of a critical r, Carbon Cycle Simulation and Exploration Virtual Gizmos - 3208158, 1.1 Functions and Continuity full solutions. This work is a four-voice fugue. Which of the following is not a composer from the Romantic period? In the first movement of Beethovens Moonlight Sonata, the melody is most often accompanied by arpeggiated chords. Which best describes the music in the next section of the third movement? Polyphonic. The recapitulation begins with the first theme. How would you describe the change in dynamics heard during this excerpt? (play 6:30), This is an example of a musical genre known as d Dame in Paris. What is the form of this chorale? Est tenere vraiement. A 0.12 kg. Which best describes the form of the first movement of Beethovens Moonlight Sonata? A feature of this example suggests it is from the early part of the Medieval period. 0:46, sudden shifts in volume wide leaps between high and low pitches a quick pace of the beat. :40, Listen to this music example and answer the following question: What would be the typical expectation regarding the rest of the movements of this particular type of work? Which best describes the third movement of Mozarts Eine kleine Nachtmusik? Modulation occurs. 1 (Military) LG 30_ MUSIC 120 - Musi, CH 37 LISTENING QUIZ_ Schumann_ In the Lovely Month of May, from Dichterliebe LG 28_ MUSIC 120 - Mus, CH 40 LISTENING QUIZ_ Hensel_ September_ At the River, from The Year (Das Jahr) LG 31_ MUL1010.pdf, CH 38 LISTENING QUIZ_ Foster_ Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair LG 29_ MUSIC 120 - Music Appreciation, CH 26 LISTENING QUIZ_ Handel_ Water Music, Suite in D Major, Alla hornpipe LG 16_ MUSIC 120 - Music, CH 31 LISTENING QUIZ_ Mozart_ Eine kleine Nachtmusik (A Little Night Music), K. 525, I and III LG 21, CH 30 LISTENING QUIZ_ Haydn_ Symphony No. Renaissance artists didnt really care very much if their works appealed to the public at large; they were more concerned about the "purity" of their music. The following excerpt represents homophonic texture. (:22), The following excerpt is consonant. Identify this composer. a. The music repeats these ideas at different pitch levels and in different keys. In the variations on theme 1 we find examples of faster rhythms, changes in instrumentation, and even the use of minor mode. Which best describes the relationship between the instrumental voices in the trio? When you describe the texture of a piece of music, you are describing the relationship of melodic and (sometimes) harmonic elements with each other. When studying vocal music, it is important to look at the text first. 0:20, Listen to the excerpt. Gaude Maria virgo has some distinctive features of polyphonic texture. This section develops, modifies, changes, or manipulates one, some, or all of the themes introduced in the exposition. Example A (Player :20) The dates given in the course for the Baroque Period place it between: The composer of the following music example could likely be Who composed La favola dOrfeo, a work that marks the beginning of opera as a major art form? Hildegard von Bingen and Guillaume de Machaut. In this excerpt, the word "ain't" in the lyrics is sung to a, In this excerpt, you hear the A and B sections. 10 points What happens when Leporello begins his aria? The first two lines ("Ma fin" and "Et mon") are reused to end the poem. The overall harmony in this work is best described as. Which of the following is not an overture by Beethoven: Which of the following were important composers of the Classical period? the four voices play two or more melodies sim. 10 points, d the words more understandable The tempo is fast and the rhythm is largely built on a four-note motive: short-short-short-long. Most of the notated music that survives from the Medieval period is secular in nature. a. a cappella forte to fortissimo, followed by a decrescend What best describes Machauts Ma fin est mon commencement (My end is my beginning)? Which best describes the form of the second movement of Beethovens Symphony No. Group II NAWM 64a, Victoria, O magnum mysterium Wednesday, October 28. 1:54, performed by chorus with orchestral accompaniment in a slow tempo and at a loud dynamic (forte). (afternoon of a farm), chromatic This music sounds different than it did in the exposition. Understanding Music Chapter 3 Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following is not part of the Ordinary of the Catholic Mass? Listen to the excerpt. :40, Wide dynamic range and repetition in the melody to express deep feelings, Which statement does NOT apply to the following music example? Listen to the excerpt. The following excerpt is from Chopins Revolutionary tude. 1. 0:53. (player 2:06), The following musical excerpt represents strophic form. Mozart writes such music for this moment in Leporellos aria in order to, emphasize that spain is where Giovannis has slept with the greatest number of women, How does the music in the second half of Leporellos aria sound different from the music in the first half? 1:54, Which of the following correctly describe the eighth and final verse of the Dies irae from Mozarts Requiem? Which best describes the speed of the aria? The chorus sings three large sections of music. Categorize each of the following statements as correct or incorrect regarding the Gloria from Palestrinas Pope Marcellus Mass. VARIATION 2, Listen to the excerpt, then fill in the blank in the sentence below. [player :40]. Which of the following important events took place during the Baroque period? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Listen to the following excerpts of the A and B sections at the beginning of Ma fin est mon commencement. The name of the composer pictured above, who wrote more than 600 art songs (lieder), is: During the Romantic period, most composers were: Independent business persons, earning their living by performing music, writing music for specific occasions and commissions, and collecting royalties on published music. Her contrasting B section features prominent use of minor harmonies and dotted rhythms. How does Hildegard highlight this text in the melody? Which of the following choices is the defining characteristic of polyphony? :39, The following excerpt is most likely from a(n) b MUSI3405: Final exam listening samples Flashcards | Chegg.com Et mon commencement ma fin. true M2 - Professor: James Kahl - Which term best describes the texture of :25, Which of the following excerpts exhibits Baroque rhythmic characteristics? First-movement concerto form begins with the orchestra playing several themes that you will hear later in the movement. :21, What is the name of the technique used in the following excerpt? Listen to the statements of the subject and answer from the beginning of this fugue again. It is in a major key. Listen to the audio clip. (afternoon of a full refrainhalf versehalf refrainfull versefull refrain. 1. 5. red-coda orange-theme 2 blue-recapitulation. [player :34]. Abstract. b cappella. The Renaissance madrigal was a sacred music form used to convey the meanings behind the poems on which they were based. During the Romantic period, choral music enjoyed its highest popularity since the Renaissance period. In this broadened definition of homophony, most contemporary pop songs that have a melody and accompaniment could be considered to be homophonic. (:19), Does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? What is the meter of this piece? Which of the following statements correctly describe Brittens Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra? Which of the following Italian tempo terms best applies to this selection? What best describes the main theme of this movement? :08, Beethoven is sometimes referred to as "The Father of the Symphony.". The opening melody of a fugue is called the subject. What best describes the music heard at the beginning of the third section in the first movement of Beethovens Moonlight Sonata? dancelike, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Which term best describes the texture of this excerpt? There may be other movements, some of which may introduce soloists. What is the vocal range of the first voice that sings in this excerpt? The top and middle voices are palindromes of each other. In what other line do you see the first line from the poem ("Ma fin")? :40, The dynamics in this example is best described as: Musical Texture refers to how different layers of a piece of music are combined to produce the overall sound. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? This is immediately followed by repetition of that melody, called an answer, which is in a different voice and begins on a different pitch but retains the same contour, or shape, of the subject melody. Which phrase best describes the key relationships in this excerpt? Which best describes the texture of the following excerpt? (:14), Listen to the following selection. Which of the following terms does not refer to a basic musical texture? The use of this motivic rhythm across all four movements makes this a cyclic symphony. How would you describe the narrator's values? a short part taken from a speech, book, film, etc. The energetic and sprightly hornpipe features Scotch snaps and is in triple meter. b. Quickly and professionally. 100 is characterized by regular duple meter, homophonic texture, and a ternary structure. The text often determines the musical form of a piece, and its meaning may guide composers decisions. Most of this Gloria is in homorhythmic texture, so Palestrina often adds something new to give the music a feeling of forward motion and to prevent the same texture from sounding static. Which of the following characteristics apply to the second section and the opening orchestral introduction? The father sings lower pitches than the son. It is in duple meter. [player :24]. Read More. Which best describes the seventh line of Machauts song? :40, The dynamics in this example is best described as: Which characteristics below correctly describe this recitative? Which of the following best describes the meter in the Choral fantasia? The instrumental section that opens the movement and returns throughout it is called a ritornello. It is in a major key. This is the second movement of the Mass Ordinary as set by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. 0:33. The low strings play twice as fast as in the first variation. After the silence, the soloist plays the cadenza, which features bits and pieces from themes blended into virtuosic passages. Heterophony is a less common musical texture, but it is useful to understand it. What best describes the melody Donna Elvira sings with the second stanza of lyrics? There are four music textures that you need to understand: In this lesson we will look at definitions and explanations for each musical texture in turn. A 214.3 kg satellite is in a circular orbit of 26,273 miles (42,300,000 m) in radius. The short-short-short-long rhythm appears in theme 2, the development, and the coda. You can get your paper edited to read like this. 1:34, Before the development ends, the music then shifts to a quieter dynamic and you hear this: b. Quickly and professionally. CH 40 LISTENING QUIZ_ Hensel_ September_ At the River, from The Year (:03), The following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. . 2:52, What section of Act I, scene 2 of Mozarts Don Giovanni is this example? b. 3. and true tenor. Mes tiers chans trois fois seulement 6. textureFrequent changes in the density of voices Correct label: Frequent changes in the density of voices meterSlow duple Correct label: Slow duple textMass Ordinary Correct label: Mass Ordinary. He sings a catchy tune. Gave full expression to a wide range of feelings, dreams, and the heroic human potential. a slow tempo and weak pulse. :21. Suppose you are listening to the first movement of a symphony written in the Classical period. He yells out to his father three times ("Mein Vater, mein Vater"). Which best describes the form of the Dies irae from Mozarts Requiem? Which excerpt represents the Theme? During the Baroque period, the musical feature that lent harmonic support to the main melodic line of a composition was called: The musical features of the following example suggest that it comes from a/an: 1:54, Which best describes the pace of the music and its volume in this excerpt from the eighth and final verse of the Dies irae from Mozarts Requiem? c instruments on the low voices and women on the upper voices Which of the following is a distinguishing characteristic of sacred music from the Medieval period? After the soloist plays the theme, the orchestra enters to close the exposition with music played loudly and decisively: The exposition is followed by the development, a section in which the soloist explores various keys with virtuosic material and one or more themes from the exposition: The development is followed by the recapitulation, or restatement, of material from the exposition. Which instruments comprise the orchestra in the aria (song)? The melody for the second variation, heard in this excerpt, is played by which instrument(s)? What members of the brass family are featured playing solos in this excerpt? [player :15]. Which describes this section? When all four voices enter in succession, this constitutes the exposition. Which best describes the tempo and key of this scene? 2.a Calvin THIS MUSIC ALTERNATES BETWEEN CHORUS &SOLOIST. How many times do you hear the rhythm of the opening four notes (short-short-short-long) in the recapitulation of the first movement? a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. The form follows that of the original chorale tune: A-A-B, which is known as bar form. Listen to the excerpts, then complete the . Identify whether each of the statements about the first movement of Beethovens Fifth Symphony is true or false. :13, Clear pulse and meter with regular, dance-like rhythms. 0:38. :40. Which time period is generally considered the Renaissance period? In the opening recitative, which best describes the accompaniment? 1:01, THE ORCHESTRA BEGINS THE FOURTH MOVEMENT WITHOUT PAUSE, The last movement begins with the entire orchestra, including piccolo, trombones, and contrabassoon. Soil texture refers to the relative proportion of sand, silt, and clay particles in the soil. This work is sung in German. (:18). word painting 0:52, Which best describes the pace of the music from the third verse of the Dies irae from Mozarts Requiem, heard in this excerpt? it is a back-and-fourth conversation between don Giovanni and don Elvira with side comments by leporello. When the scherzo returns after the contrasting section, how does it sound different from the first time you heard it? (5:59), Which combination of beat and tempo is present in this excerpt? There are several false entries in the middle section including at least one instance of overlapping statements of the fugue subject and answer, a compositional technique known as stretto. What instrument first introduces this languid melody? Composers and arrangers can introduce some elements of variation in a piece of music without altering its basic form. What is the form of Schubert's song Erlking?through-composed. In this example, is the answer higher or lower than the subject? In this movement, the sopranos sing the hymn tune; altos, tenors, and basses sing other melodic material; and several instruments play unique melodies. Which best describes the music you hear after the first statement of the trio theme? a cappella. Which best describes the lyrics for this section of Donna Elviras aria? It is in a minor key. 8. Which of the following is a salient characteristic of secular music from the Medieval period? In this excerpt, you will hear the music that leads up to the beginning of the recapitulation. The overall dynamics of this excerpt are best described as:(fortissimo requiem), What is the texture of this excerpt? Which of the following is NOT heard in this excerpt? Et mon commencement ma fin 3. A 1000 kg aircraft slows from 100 m/s to 50 m/s over a distance of 200 m during landing on a flat runway. This next excerpt occurs immediately after the choir finishes singing their first section of music. 0:31. The overall dynamics of this . :25, Which of the following excerpts exhibits Baroque rhythmic characteristics? and more. (play :30), This excerpt is an example of :20. A multi-movement sacred work for soloist and choir intended for a concert performance, A piece for solo instrument or a small group of instruments, A piece that contrasts a solo instrument with an ensemble.

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what is the overall texture of this excerpt?